Before The All-Dark
I peered out from the Burrow at a world gone chill and dim. Skeletal trees guarded the flat sky. Both suns hung low on the horizon, even this near to midday. The above-ground stretched as far as my eyes could see, full of nothing but shadows and...
Vore Night at The Painted Wolf
After all, the snake liked his prey squirming for as long as possible.
Through Hell [10]
The thought sent shivers down her spine, and in turn down into her serpent half. resigned, srida found herself looking down at herself again, playing with the tip of her tail idly through her fingers.
He Came on the Western Winds Ch.2
Usually to be encased in water was considered a blessing in the desert. To be drenched in a cool layer of water accompanied by a nice northern breeze whistling through your home. But Remnant did not enjoy it at all when he awoke screaming, a layer of...
The snake wouldn't even try to hide his hunger for her, he couldn't. fortunately, the little mouse was better at hiding her feelings than the snake.
The Walk
But to put yourself in a position to be able to do such, to 'act out nightmares' with a snake that was in-fact larger than you ever before imagined. . . . it felt insane.
A Wandering & Pondering Python (Illustrated by Korwin)
Eventually, his wander came to a close, the snake having just one thing he planned for prose.
Never seen again
Michael pushed his maw in and quickly bit down and ripped off the snakes tongue. the snake screamed and lost enough grip in his shock that michael could slip out. michael quickly grabbed the raccoon and shoved it in the screaming snake's mouth.
Stryker Duke of Snakeville Background Story
As per usual for snakeville citizens when stryker, back then known as kevin, on his fifth birthday he was summoned before the royal warlock and looked through the big book of snakes and chose the copperhead, then he wanted to change
Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 22 - A Grave Encounter
The serpent dreichoon is the shadow of a doubt. the rest are the guardians of the night." "and that should mean what, exactly?" he was irritating me on purpose. that was easy to see. "well.
Shattered Dementions
In response, vormund snaked around her body and rested his head on hers. his body was the same size as hers and could change into a small little squiggly snake so that no one could detect him.
Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 20 - Thirteen
The new chain wrapped around his torso, also managed to snake its way down his tail. i checked my blade. i had a habit of inverting the way i was supposed to hold it. it was against my back, yes.