He Came on the Western Winds Ch.2
#2 of HCotWW
Chapter two is out. I hope you all enjoy the second chapter of My growing series. Set in the land of Tethys.
Usually to be encased in water was considered a blessing in the desert. To be drenched in a cool layer of water accompanied by a nice northern breeze whistling through your home. But Remnant did not enjoy it at all when he awoke screaming, a layer of cold sweat making his fur stick to his body. The usually lovely white and violet fur of his cheeks were now soaked a deep red as it seemed he had clawed at himself again in his sleep.
Shilana was quick to step into the back room. Something that only made Remnant feel worse. Remnant had been having these night terrors for months now, and it hurt to think that now he was inflicting their inconvionence, if not terror upon another. "Remnant my boy I swear you are the loudest dreamer I have ever met. She chuckled in her raspy aged voice and pat him on the shoulder. She took a cool cloth to his cheeks as she cleaned out the slight wounds. She looked him in the eyes, watching as he slowly came into a fuller state of consciousness.
"Do you want to talk about what you saw?" She asked, her friendly deminor taking on a more serious tone. She had been trying to get him to open up ever since he arrived, but as of yet he had not been willing to speak of what he saw in his dreams. He just looked her in the eyes, a sign that he still was not going to speak. That he was not ready too. But old mama Shilona was starting to worry of what would happen if he didn't begin to open up and let some of his pain out. She had seen men who withered away to nothing, or slowly lost their minds. One even killed someone, that pain having rotted away his soul. Pain like this was no laughing matter. "Then get some sleep child... Let yourself rest... Perhaps tomorrow you get out of the village? Go hunting." She pat him on the shoulder. "It will be great. I'll see you are put in the hunting party. Dust is going, and so is Rain... They will take care of you." Remnant was barely listening. Slowly falling back asleep the whole time. He was just too tired to keep awake. Shilona lay him back down and let him rest.
The next morning was cool and dry. The cold night would soon give way to another hot day in the sandy dunes of the desert. Remnant awoke less eventfully this time. While his first attempt at sleep was thwarted by night terrors, his second was rather uneventful and saw him sink down into a deep sleep below that of dreams.
He awoke slowly and looked around the room. The conversation he had with Mama Shilona seemed nothing more than a distant dream that morning. But when he looked up and saw the bow and a fine saber leaning against his wall he knew that the old woman had in fact signed him up to hunt.
Remnant let out a deep sigh as he heard a knock upon the door of the hut. Mama Shilona was usually out by this time of day so he got dressed and went to the door, soon hearing the familiar voice of Rain. "Come on Remnant. Mama Shilona said you were going to join us out on the hunt. He sighed and opened the door. Hoping the elderly woman had done nothing more than get him the gear. He had found some ammount of peace while he helped out around the village. But he was unsure if he was ready to take up a blade again.
Rain stood there, looking a bit annoyed. "You took forever... Why do you have us all waiting. Its gonna get hot out there real soon, we want to move while we have night air to run on." She said. "Look... I'm not sure I'm ready for this." He admits to her. She rolls her eyes, "Mama Shilona said my might say that. I'm supposed to drag you with us if I have too. You need to get out a bit. Sulking around the village isn't helping you." She grabbed him by the arm and pulled him from the hut. Outside a naga awaited them. He stood about five feet tall normally but could rise to a good seven when mad. He too had a bow slung over his back. But he carried a spear slung over the opposite shoulder. His sandy tan scales matched well with the sand. He had mostly thin scales, but over his back he was adorned with thicker plates. His horn nosed face swiveled over to Remnant. "He seems pretty worn down. You sure this is a good idea?" Dust asks. His tone was cold, yet he seemed to mean well. He was not one for taking on people ill prepared to hunt. The desert was dangerous enough without babysitting some broken warrior.
"He will be fine Dust. I am sure a warrior like him will be able to pick up on on hunting easily." She said, a bit annoyed with Dust's attitude. Though he was right in his annoyance. No one liked to risk their lives out on the hunt. And having someone as unstable as Remnant seemed to be would only make things more difficult is something came up. "Well he is dressed and ready to go I suppose...So come on... Give him a water skin and let's go." He says with an annoyed growl.
Rain gave an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry... You know Dust isn't usually like this. He is just a bit on edge about taking someone new along with us." She said. Remnant nodded. "I understand. Going hunting is hard enough now without needing to babysit some half broken mess..." Rain wanted to say something. Wanted to tell him to stop seeing himself as a broken man. But he just walked on. Feet dragging through the sand. He would have to gain that self confidence back. He would have to work for it. It would not come to him easily. Dust at least took comfort in the idea that the hunt may help bring it back. In Remnant's time here he had taken to completing small tasks around the village. Carrying water to people who requested it, helping with repairs to buildings and furniture, as well as helping cook the meals for the village. But it was clear none of that was his nature. It wasn't his way. He was clearly a hunter and a warrior. He needed to remember who he was. He had to find that pride again.
The air was calm, and the sky slowly grew lighter and lighter. The sun rising up, bringing with it heat and exhaustion. The group moved quickly when they set out, but gradually grew slower as the sun's heat began to bear down upon them. The desert sun was so different than the sun of other regions. The in shone with a light that brought life and Happiness in all other places in the world. But in the desert? In the desert the sun was a thing to be feared. A thing to be avoided. It could bring death just as easily as any blade. But a blade you knew to avoid, the sun was a trickster in that reguard.
It took them a few hours but they soon came across a small pack of snappers. These armadillo like creatures were not uncommon in this part of the world. While they had a thick armadillos hide they were a bit more lizard like than their armor wearing, warm blooded counterparts. They were also great sprinters. Up to twenty feet these beasts could raunchy themselves forward at prey. And when they caught you, their powerful jaws certainly earned their names.
Rain spotted the large, dog sized creatures from afar. "We got snappers...should make for a good meal. Especially if we can bring in the pack." Dust nodded in agreement. "Should keep us off of hunting duty for a while. Any plans? Keeping them together and away from us is not going to be easy. These bastards can be fast." Dust reminded her. He was again, right. These creatures were not to be taken lightly. They were not the most agile or cunning of creatures. But one wrong move could lose you an arm.
Remnant just looked the beasts over. He was not at all conflicted with the idea of killing the beasts before him. But he was unsure how he flet about doing the killing himself. "Remnant... You should shoot first." Said Rain. "Take your time and breathe. You going first means you won't have to worry about hitting them while they run. Just breathe... And focus. I'm sure you will do just fine." He pulled his bow from his shoulder and looked at her as if to beg for her to reconsider. But he knew that was not going to happen. He sighed and pulled an arrow from his quiver, drawing it back on the bowstring with the skill or a well practiced hunter. He let his ears feel for wind and speed while he prepared his aim. So many arrows had he fired that even after all this time he had not forgotten how to use a bow.
He took a few deep breaths, calming his nerves. Though still wishing he hadn't needed too. It only took the blink of an eye, the arrow whistling through the air before finding its mark, slipping in through the neck, and through the soft underside of the beast. Remnant watched as the beast gargled out a few final breaths as his arrow had struck a fatal blow.
Remnant was okay for the most part but Stoll had to take s few deep breaths to calm his nerves. It wasn't like he had struck down another intelligent being like him or Rain. It was just a beast, and a rather nasty one at that. He as he finished calming down he was relieved to see that hebcould at leastnhandle hunting. "Fine shot." Said Dust. He fired as well but a sudden gust saw his arrow planted at his mark's feet. "Damn.". He said as he tried to load up another arrow. But it was too late.
The beasts had seen their hunters and had begun to shriek and squeal. They were expected to charge forward but to everyone's surprise, they did not. Instead the continued to screech and yelp. Soon enough the sand around the odd creatures began to shift and rise. Some sand rose just under Rain and sheblept to the side before a spear came up. It would have easily impailed her if she had moved even a second or two later. She rolled off the sand as a large lizard like creature come from the sand. "Lizos! Guys ru-" but as she was about to call their retreat she stopped. Their path was blocked by more. It seemed they had stumbled upon a group of Shepard's of some sort. They were likely training the group's intended meal.
Rain put away her bow and drew her blade. The thin curved scimitar glistened in the light. But it was clear as both Rain and Dust drew their blades that theybhad no idea how to fight these beasts. Their scales were thick and strong. Few in this village knew how to fight these reptilian beasts. Their plated scales able to turn away most strikes.
Remnant could only watch in horror as the beasts rose up, his hand reaching for his sword but seemingly frozen. He was terrified, thinking back to his time in the war. He wasn't ready for this. He wasn't able to help. He felt so worthless, standing there frozen.
Around him both Rain and Dust were dodging and swinging at the beasts that sought to harm them. Doing their best to strike down the beasts, but they knew not how to. The scales of the beast turned away their blades, leaving them no choice but to jump away and avoid the spears coming at them. Both slowly were exhausting themselves. Unable to stop or rest under the onslaught.
Remnant could only think how right Dust had been. They should have brought someone else. Someone who could handle this. He couldn't handle this. A thought invaded Remnant's thoughts as he stood there, frozen in an odd mix of emotions he couldn't understand.
This is how they die.