CinderWereFox (Chapter 2)

A few minutes later, fully clad in his only suit, he slipped through the window too, and ran across the rooftops towards the castle, his sandals only making the faintest of scrapes on the tiled roofs, for he was light, and lighter on his paws.

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A Rough Start

Sharks, cats, swords, sandals, magic... whatever will happen in this story where the servant becomes the master? after battling writer's block for a few months, first chapter of an action/adventure, erotic series i'm planning to make.

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The Story of Legoiceking Furditore

Lego wears sandals to protect his pads since during the present he has discovered that he has a deep passion for feet. lego also loves the feel of his penis against another.

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The Guardians Shadow Ch4+5

The mother is wearing a sun dress that had a print of a sunflower on the bottom seam and she had a set of sandals on her feet. she had her hair up under an old grass sun hat and a smile on her lips.

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A Tale of Two Foxes (Book 1, part 2)

The young fox was wearing a golden sweatshirt with a red v-neck undershirt, he wore deep blue jeans and black sandals. but his face wore a different expression all of it's own, it was one of concern-- not carefree as his clothing portrayed.

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The Assassin of Souls

She took her time walking without worried expression on her face in her wooden sandals and held an oil umbrella over her head. she looked left and right, only to see trees blocking her view.

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Corruption Story: A Bloody Army

The demon smirked, using his power to reshape it into a pair of sandals, and set them upon his feet.

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To Learn a Lesson Part 3: The Great Escape

He curled up into a ball and closed his eyes, hoping it would be quick, but apparently lady luck had his back on this one, the fox goddess's sandaled foot missed him by mere inches (to him!). ryan stood up, and looked over himself.

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He was in pajamas and a tank top and sandals on the wrong feet. he looked at adrian for a moment and his expression became bleak. "what's wrong?" he looked at the doctor, "what happened?"

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The Giant of Sanmarand: Chapter 1, Arrival

His feet stuck out - as a mouse was wont to do, with larger soles - but they were garbed in sandals rather than bare.

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Anum Chaos - Party of emotions - ch. 1 and 2

She is a blue she wolf with yellow midsize hair and brown eyes which wear a green long shirt, red looking pants, sandals and a black armband on her right arm. - "oh...mrs. l - i mean - sahra. how about the stage? are we ready at all?"

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My Wave

He shook his feet a little with each step trying to keep too much of the hot sand from building up in his sandals. he passed a repurposed, old school airstream rv trailer.

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