College Bound: Chapter 1 - Moving In

Story by CodgetMage on SoFurry

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#1 of College Bound

Hi there, guys! Wow, it's been a long time. But here I am, bringing you the beginning of another series. 3 at one time, OMG!

So this story is gonna be about an arctic fox just getting to college and having to deal with the new lifestyle. Like all freshmen, he's worried about the classes and his roommates and all sorts of the typical stuff. On top of that, he'll probably discover a few things about himself that he didn't know before. What kind of things? Guess you'll just have to read to find out!

Warning: This story may contain romantic and/or sexual experiences between two males. If this is something that bothers you, feel free to leave the page at this time.

Nate let out a heavy sigh as he looked at the dorms. He was finally here; college. The Hercules Complex stood right in front of him. All that was left to do was finish moving in. The fox thought for a moment at what waited for him, so many things going on in his little head.

"Wow, this is really happening. I'm so nervous yet so excited at the same time. Classes start in two days. Am I ready? What'll the professors be like? I hope I don't have shitty roommates..."

"Hey, dude. You okay?" came a male voice.

Nate snapped out of it and looked to his right, finding his friend Cory, a brown bear, staring at him quizzically. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking."

The bear smiled. "School stuff, eh? Don't worry, we'll be fine. Right now just worry about moving things into your room and settling," he said as he grabbed the smaller male's shoulder and lightly shook him. "I told you I'd help you. And once we're done, we can go out to eat. I'll pay."

Nate rolled his eyes and smiled. "Thanks, Cory. I guess I didn't realize how scared I really am until just now. But you're right. Let's get moving."

"Grab the bag with all your foodstuffs in it and I'll bring in the mini fridge. From there I'll start doing back and forth trips while you move everything into place."

Nate tilted his head. "But what about all your stuff?"

"It's only 10 AM, Nate. We have time," Cory said with a laugh as he grabbed the dolly.

"I'm not helpless, you know. I can move some of these things by myself," Nate stated with his arms crossed.

"I know, but I'm stronger and faster than you and you know that. Plus, I know you have a knack for organizing and stuff. You know, being gay and all." The bear looked at Nate slyly after that last statement, clearly just teasing him.

"Not funny. You know I'm not gay, but you make good points. Just hurry up."


The two walked through the small courtyard that was settled between the buildings in the complex, taking in all the views. Some other furs walked by carrying things in their hands; probably moving in just like Nate was. Others dashed by on longboards or bikes and enjoying the nice, warm day. There were Student Helpers waiting on standby to assist if needed, smiling as Nate and Cory passed by.

"That's the one, right? Building 4?" Nate said and pointed in the direction.

"Yeah. Bottom floor, thank goodness. You have your key, right?"

"Yeah," the fox replied.

Approaching the door of room 4125, Nate froze and his ears twitched. There were noises coming from inside; loud ones.

"Nate, open the door," Cory said.

"But I... I hear people," Nate said back, some fear in his amethyst eyes.

"Bud, you're gonna have to meet your roommates sooner or later. You'll have a good 8 months with them. Just get it over with," Cory said with a reassuring smile.

The arctic fox grabbed his key and slowly pushed it into the keyhole, his arm trembling. With a twist and a push, the door opened to a combination small kitchen and living room. And just as Nate feared, there were other furs all gathered around the small chairs and couch; six of them to be precise, four males and two females.

"Hey, there's our other roommate!" the burly timber wolf sitting on the couch shouted.

"Great..." Nate thought as he saw the wolf stand up and approach him.

"Name's Tyler. Tyler Selend," he said as he held his closed paw in front of him.

Nate slowly returned the 'fist bump' to not be rude, but stayed quiet as he looked at the others in the room. He wasn't normally shy, but he wasn't the best at meeting new people. Not like Cory who could enter a room of a hundred people and be perfectly comfortable.

"Tyler Selend? As in the Tyler Selend? As in the football prodigy from Missouri who became one of the few freshman to become a Quarterback in UCF history?" Cory asked, his face alight with excitement.

Tyler smiled, almost humbly. "I'm not that big of a deal, am I? It's not like I'm the best football player in existence."

"Nate, you didn't tell me this was one of your roommates!"

The fox blushed a bit and rubbed the back of his head with a free paw. "I... didn't know you knew him..."

Another one of the males spoke from one of the armchairs. "Oh please. Everyone knows Tyler. He's gonna be the reason the Knights charge to victory this season."

Tyler chuckled. "That's some big shoes to fill, Will. I'm just a guy with a Business Major who likes to play football. By the way, Nate. What's your Major?"

"Photography..." he said quietly before passing by the wolf and heading down the narrow hall to his room at the end.

"Oh Tyler, I didn't know you had a gay roommate," said one of the females back in the room.

"I'm not gay," Nate growled back. "I like taking pictures."

"I'm sorry," she called. "I just assumed."

After she stopped, Nate could've sworn he heard everyone start whispering. Nate sighed and put the bag down on the bed in his room. Not even the first day of school yet and he was already getting harassed. If this was what the whole semester is gonna be like, he's not about to enjoy it. He heard Cory bring the fridge in from behind him and set it down.

"Well they seem nice," the bear said with a grin.

"Yeah, real pleasant," Nate replied sarcastically.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?! She called me gay and she doesn't even know who I am! And then they all started whispering."

Cory crossed his arms. "You're getting a little ridiculous, bud. They just went back to the conversation they were having before."

"Yeah, well..." Nate sighed. He didn't have a response and he looked down at the floor. "Why couldn't you have been one of my roommates, Cory? I wouldn't be so uncomfortable then..."

"Because your parents wanted you to become more self-reliant and asked me not to. But you know that I'm just across the hall from you. I've already told my roommates about you coming over to visit sometimes. They're okay with it. If you ever need me, you're welcome to knock at my door." Cory then went forward and hugged the little fox.

Nate couldn't help but laugh once he was set back down. "Thanks... You know, maybe you're right. I've just got so much on my mind right now. I'm overreacting."

"You should only be worried about moving things right now. Wait until we're done to make friends."


After a few hours, Nate's room had all the necessities to start his college career; desk with laptop and notebooks, clothes in the closet, food and snacks in the shelves and drawers, personal mini fridge and microwave hooked up, and a TV with his PS4 plugged in and ready to go. The fox took a look around again to make sure he didnt' forget something. Then he headed to the bathroom and glanced at himself at the mirror. There was the reflection of a white fox with some shaggy head fur slightly drooping over his purple eyes. He was relatively lean and skinny, but he obviously took care of himself. He had on a simple red shirt and a pair of khaki shorts, and black sandals under his foot paws. He ran his paw through his hair and let out a short sigh.

"Well... here I am," he said aloud to himself. "College boy Nathan Ferrei; aspiring sports photographer extraordinaire."

"That's quite the title," said a voice that caused Nate to scream and turn. In the doorway of his own bedroom stood Tyler. He was leaning with his arms crossed in front of his chest and with a typical wolf-like grin on his muzzle. He wore a black shirt that showed off his muscular chest and some rather tight-fitting jeans. "It's good that you have a goal in mind, though. Sorry I scared you."

"It's fine," Nate said, his face tinted red. "I thought all of you guys had gone out to the Student Union."

"They already headed out. I wanted to see if you and Cory wanted to come with us. There's a restaurant and bar called 'Whakadoo's' that has some pretty good food, or so I'm told."

"Really? I-I mean..." Nate paused as the timber wolf walked closer. His chest started thumping and he felt his breath cut short, unable to speak. Why couldn't he talk? Why did he feel so shy? Why was his tail swishing behind him? "Sure, I'll go. We can go next door and ask if Cory wants to go too. He did promise me some food, after all."

Tyler smiled again. "You and him are pretty close, huh?"

Nate nodded. "Yeah. He's been my best friend since 5th grade, so we've done a lot together."

"I had a friend like that back at home. Her name's Vivian. But she went to college in Texas. We still talk to each other every now and again, but it's not the same as having her around. It's good that Cory was able to come to school with you."

"Thanks..." Nate replied. Why was the wolf being so nice? Shouldn't he be a typical cocky jock who only wants to talk about himself?

"Well we better grab him and head out. The rest of the gang is probably a quarter of the way there already," Tyler said as he turned to go back into his room, probably to grab something.

"Yeah. Just let me get my camera and we can go," Nate called before running to his room.

"What for?"

"Just for fun. It is my passion, after all," he shouted.

After a few quick moments, the two met at the front door. Tyler held it open for the fox and bowed his hand in front. "After you."

"Thanks..." Nate said quietly, his face going red again.

And the scene is set! Wow, I'm really excited for this one, guys. You have no idea. So many different things could happen. Thanks for reading!