To Learn a Lesson Part 3: The Great Escape
#3 of To Learn a Lesson
And onto part three. I hope you enjoy ^^
"Well?" asked Virgil, his lightly flushed face looking down at the lion expectantly, "I think it'll be much more comfortable with me then in a fishbowl."
Ryan's jaw dropped. This was quite the unexpected turn of events. But, perhaps it provided the perfect opportunity. "Y-you do have a point master; Of course I'll sleep with you!"
Virgil pressed Ryan's half-inch body against his chest, his reddening cheeks becoming visible through his white fur, "I knew you'd see it my way little guy." Virgil walked out of the closet and over to his bed, "Wait here a sec."
The mouse-boy stepped back from the bed and pulled his off his T-shirt. He was very skinny, with most of his ribs showing, but not so skinny that he looked sickly or anything. After tossing it into the hamper he checked to see if Ryan was watching, might as well tease him a bit. Seeing that he still was, he turned his back to him and began to slowly slide off his jeans revealing a tight pair of briefs.
Meanwhile Ryan, who was at this point trying his best to look away, was also hard at work "perfecting" his plan of escape. All he would have to do was wait until Virgil went to sleep, climb down the sheets which thankfully reached the floor, and try to make it back to his house. It wouldn't be easy, but it was his only shot.
"Ah-hem!" Ryan jumped and turned to his master, only to be face to face with his master's crotch, "I'm up here." Ryan looked up to see Virgil smirking down at him.
"Do you have to d-dress so revealing master? I a-am sleeping with you tonight a-after all."
"Don't pretend you don't like it." Virgil snickered, "You know I'm sexy." he started laughing, and to keep on his master's good side, Ryan laughed too. "All right little guy, time for bed, hope my mom won't be too mad at me for missing dinner." Virgil picked Ryan up before lying down and placing him on his chest, "Goodnight my pet."
"Goodnight Master." Virgil turned off the lamp on his end-table and went to sleep.
Two hours later, Virgil was fast asleep when Ryan decided to make his move. Virgil had placed one of his hands over him, but at his size he wouldn't need to be too careful. Ryan slid his body out from under the mouse's palm easily enough and slowly began walking across the expanse of Virgil's chest. This part wasn't too hard either, maybe this would be easier than he thought. Once at the sheets, Ryan had no trouble climbing down them, thanks to his rope-climbing record In gym, although it was tiring. Ryan hurried toward the door, which luckily was near the bed, and slipped under the crack. As he walked down the hall he remembered he was on the second floor. The only way he could think of getting down those stairs would be with the help of someone bigger than him. Thankfully, it was only a matter of time before someone would come this way, so Ryan waited.
It was a full twenty minutes before he heard the door to one of the rooms open. His heart dropped when he saw it was a mouse, but his spirit's were quickly lifted when he noticed it wasn't Virgil coming to reclaim his pet. It was Virgil's father, and he was heading for the stairs fast. Ryan, in a desperate attempt to find help, ran in front of him and started jumping up and down in an almost comical fashion.
Virgil's father, Bruce, didn't notice the half-inch lion and the unaware giant ended up kicking him on him way to the kitchen. Ryan flew up into the air and landed back on top of Bruce's loafer. Surprisingly, he was able to ignore the pain he was in and grabbed onto the rim of the shoe as Bruce continued down the stairs.
Ryan let go at once he reached the bottom and landed on the carpet with a thud. When his vision cleared he looked around. Apparently he let go too early, he was still on the second step, meaning that he would still need help to reach the bottom. "DAMN IT!"
"I'm worried about Virgil," Said Virgil's mom, Angie, who was sitting at the kitchen table staring at her son's untouched plate, "First he comes home late, then he rushes to his room, and now he's up there asleep; it's only eight-thirty!"
"I'm sure he's fine honey, maybe he's just catching up on some sleep. You know how he stays up all night."
"Still, I'm gonna go check on him."
BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! To a normal person, the vixen's steps wouldn't do much of anything, but to Ryan, they were each a mini-earthquake. Before he knew it, the lion fell off the step and landed hard on the next one. The vixen's footfalls became closer and again, Ryan fell, landing hard yet again on the floor. Ryan opened his eyes and saw a titanic fox-woman stomping toward him. He curled up into a ball and closed his eyes, hoping it would be quick, but apparently lady luck had his back on this one, the fox goddess's sandaled foot missed him by mere inches (to him!).
Ryan stood up, and looked over himself. Aside from a few bumps he was alright. "Ha!" Hope restored Ryan set off to find a way out.
"Honey? You awake?" Angie walked over to Virgil and shook him a little.
"Ok...ok, I'm... AHHHH!" Virgil looked down at his chest, immediately noticing his pet was missing.
"What is Virgil? Are you okay!?"
"Yeah...yeah. I was just having a nightmare..."
"Wanna talk about it?"
"N-no, I'm fine. Thanks mom!" Virgil got up, threw his pants on and after a quick scan of the floor, rushed out of the room.
"I swear, teenagers are getting weirder now-days..."
"This is awesome!" said the iguana-morph as he held a tiny dog speck-size dog on his scaly hand. Tim had been getting in touch with his roots by shrinking, growing, and animating everything that was in his basement/bedroom. The basic stuff was fun for awhile, he made his bed king sized, made his bookshelf talk (until it annoyed him anyway) and made it so he would never run out of soda. After a while though, he felt the need cast some spells on something living, so he called his dog down to join in the fun. The dog was actually enjoying himself; he had always liked Tim, and he loved to run around, so running around on the field-size palm of his beloved master was really a dream come true for the tiny lab. Especially since Tim had made himself able to see and interact with him perfectly even with the size difference.
"Good boy Max!" cooed Tim as he stroked his back. "Alright, time to go back to normal." Tim made a hand gesture and the dog began to glow, before simply appearing in front of Tim, at normal height. "Go play Max, I've got some more stuff to do okay?" The dog ran up the stairs and Tim sank down in his chair.
"I can do anything with this book! I wonder..." Tim stood back up and tried to remember the correct gesture. When he was fairly certain he had the right one, he preformed it and waited for something to happen. At first, there was nothing, but then...
All at once, Tim felt an immense power fill him and he began to grow, in both height and strength. His clothes began to rip as he neared his desired 'test-height' of nine feet, and at the same time his muscles began rival those of professional body-builders. By the time it was done, he was a reptilian Adonis with the body of a god, and the strength of a thousand.
"Alright! That's what I'm talkin' about!" he said as he struck a few poses. The usually meek Iguana was feeling better than he ever had in his life! "Man, I can't wait to tell Virgil!"
"Tim, I'm home!" called Tim's father as he came in the front door. Tim wasn't worried though, he simply snapped his fingers and he was back to normal with his clothes in tact. Tim leisurely strolled up his steps and greeted his father.
"Hey Dad, how was work?"
"Fine," he replied, loosening his tie, "I heard from your grandma that you had the talk."
"Yeah, the birds and the bees, the might and the magic. All that stuff."
Tim's dad excitedly threw off his jacket, "Great!"
"Yeah! That means I get to use magic again!"
"Oh, your mother didn't want you to find out yet until you were responsible enough so she wouldn't let me cast any spells until you knew."
"Cool! So are you gonna teach me the really powerful stuff now or something?"
"I will when you get a little older. I might think you're responsible enough for basic spells, but you're not ready for the advanced stuff yet." Tim's father sat down "I mean, what would happen if a spell got out of control? This is supposed to be a secret you know?"
"I guess..."
"Good, now can you bring me my spell book? I wanna see if I can get my pen to finish my drawing for me."