Come Crashing Down

At least that's what ryan though until zack snatched the book out of ryan's hand and began to stare at ryan furiously with his green eyes. "ryan, cut the shit, what's wrong?"

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Call ryan had ever made.


Furries University Chapter 9: a slight problem

(meanwhile with ryan) ryan began to make his way for the dorm building.

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Masked Guardian: Chapter 1

"we are one," said ryan his voice a mix of his normal tone, and a slightly deeper one. ryan's world collapsed back into darkness...

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Ransom Soul (2013)

ryan had the short straw. "you got the short straw!" shouted martin. "no way!" exclaimed ryan. "you've got to stay in the house," said luke. "that's the rules." "this sucks!"

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The Ryan Story Part VIII

Tanner simply stood in front of ryan, still looking wary. allen turned and looked at ryan with a grim expression. "i am so very sorry father. i did not know he was a dragon until yesterday," ryan said quietly. he grunted.

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Ryan's Life

"mommy ryan was out late again!" screamed ryan's little sister lilly. "ryan what did i tell you about your partying!" ryan's mother kate yelled jokingly. "i know, don't stay out past 12:00 am," replied ryan with a smirk across his face.


Artem the Feral Wolf Chap 2

ryan was able to smile at his dad's joke as he stood back up. "how's lisa? is she going to be all right?" ryan's smile left his face as he asked his dad.

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Wererabbit & Werefox TF Story

ryan says, rushing ahead, hopping extremely fast. "hey! you cheated!" shouted tony wiht a chuckle as he chased ryan.

chapter 6-Mavericks guilt

When he had finished maverick raised his eyes to look into ryan's, and ryan saw they were full of guilt.

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Moving In Ch.1

He stretched as they preceded next door, opening it and motioning for ryan to enter. ryan smiled softly to charlie before stepping in and looking around. "i like your house" ryan said, still looking about the living room.

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