Artem the Feral Wolf Chap 2
#3 of Artem chap 1
Chapter 2- Angels Take Flight
Lisa winced at the sight of the cub's struggle. "What do I do?" Lisa asked herself as she moved back so that the injured cub couldn't see her. "I hope that he won't panic and hurt himself more."
"LISA!" a loud cry shook the forest. Looking back to the clearing Lisa saw Ryan running towards her. "Lisa, are okay? I heard a scream," Ryan was barely able to speak. His father Rikki had surprised him with a ton of extra chores that made him really late for their date. And when he heard the scream he was nearly a mile away from the clearing and ran as fast as he could.
"Ryan a wolf cub is trapped under that log," Lisa quickly explained almost forgetting the series of events that had caused this whole ordeal.
Ryan reached for the two-way radio that his father insisted that he carried whenever he was in the forest. And began to contact his father while trying to get a look at what was trapped beneath the log. Ryans eyes went wide when he saw the feral wolf that was right before him. He had been out in the forest with his father enough times to know that the feral wolf was nearly extinct.
As Ryan spoke into the radio Lisa's mind began to swim and her knees gave way, her body fading into unconsciousness. She had not realized how much blood she had lost from Artem's bite. "Please be alright little cub."
Ryan was now in a panic. When he saw Lisa collapse he reached out and caught her in his arms. He quickly saw that her shirt was covered in blood and that her forearm had a wicked gash and bleeding torrents of blood. "Dad, I need flight for life here NOW!" Ryan barely remembered to push the button on the radio.
"Give me your location son" Rikki's voice was much more controlled than what his son's was and Rikki hoped that might help to calm his frantic son.
"I'm.." Ryan struggled to recall just where he was. "I'm at the clearing with the big spruce west of the pond. It's Lisa, she's bleeding real bad ."
Rikki knew the place and it was a couple of miles from he was at. He was out on his rounds when he found a cave with poached wolfs inside, but with this emergency any investigation would have to wait. "Sit tight son I'm on my way." Rikki turned on his emergency tracker, letting rescue units know that they were needed, while he jumped on his ATV and sped to the clearing.
Every other week Rikki taught an emergency life safety class at the civic center and dragged Ryan along every chance he could. Rikki wanted his son to have a more active role during the classes. But would normally just help clean up around the center or, for the last couple of weeks, just sneak off to hang out with his new girlfriend. A month ago he actually volunteered to be the 'victim' in a first aid class. His normal assistant couldn't make it, and Rikki was glad that his son asked if could help him out.
"I hope that you just wasn't napping for that half hour," Rikki whispered to himself as he opened the ATV's throttle, small branches scrapped his crash helmet and pulled at his clothes and fur, the tall spruce was just coming into sight.
"I only volunteered for that class to get out of cleaning the backroom." Ryan silently pleaded to the blood soaked angel that was in his arms.
"Damn it!" Ryan cussed himself for not paying attention to all of those classes that HIS dad taught. Ryan suddenly began to recall pieces of the training session that he had mostly napped through. He dropped the radio and tore his leather belt from his waist breaking the buckle in the process, and wrapped it tightly above Lisa's elbow trying to make a tourniquet. He sacrificed his letterjacket next wrapping it around the wound and held it firmly with his left paw. After ensuring that his belt was still tight Ryan laid Lisa on the ground lifting her legs off the ground so that they were above her head and placed his backpack under her legs with his free paw Ryan whimpered, "Now what, now what?" And closed his eyes trying to jog his memory.
"The most important thing to remember in an emergency situation is to remain calm." Rikki's voice rang in Ryan's head so clearly that he thought his father was standing there," you will do more harm than good if you can't."
Obeying his fathers words Ryan took a deep breath. The first full one he had took since hearing that scream that made his fur stand on end.
"After removing the victim from immediate danger", his father's deep voice continued as Ryan exhaled,"check the victim's vital signs." Ryan quickly placed his ear near Lisa's muzzle, and was relieved when she lightly licked his cheek. Ryan looked up and met her soft gaze and placed his right paw under head as she began to move.
"No, don't move Lisa." Ryan held her tightly and kissed her on the cheek as she laid back down.
"Where's the wolf cub at?" Lisa asked, the throbbing in her arm subsided as Ryan lifted the wounded appendage into the air.
"The cub?" Ryan paused, he had forgotten the wolfpup when he saw Lisa faint.
"It's still under the log," he couldn't think of anything else to say. Lisa looked at the log and tried to stand again. Ryan quickly shifted his knee and pressed down on Lisa's stomach.
"Please stay still, help is coming," Ryans voice was shacky as he firmly held her to the ground. Lisa stopped trying to force her way out of her boyfriends grasp. And looked back at the log, her blue eyes now filling with tears.
"Ryan, he's just a puppy! He could be dying." Her gaze now turning back to see her now trembling boyfriend. Ryan whimpered and started to rub the back of Lisa's ears, trying his best to stay calm while he looked at the log that pinned the other victim.
"Dad please hurry," Ryan whispered to himself while he redoubled his grip on Lisa's wound. "I just can't leave her side." Ryan thought to himself, pausing to swallow some bile that was creeping up his throat. "And that cub might already be dead."
When Lisa felt Ryan grip tighten over her arm she knew that nothing could pry him from her side. Her gaze slid down and she saw just how much blood she had lost. It covered her and Ryan, and was starting to soak through the thick jacket that he had hastily wrapped around the bite.
"He just wanted the food", Lisa spoke softly as her eyelids started to feel heavy.
Ryan barely heard his beloved's words and terror gripped him as his heart sank.
"No, Lisa!" Ryan shouted, and than he begged. "Please don't fall asleep, please keeping talking." He looked around for anything that might help him, his eyes stopped on her sketch book. "Draw anything since last night?" His face snapping back to Lisa hoping for a response.
"Yes, a small fern near the tree." Her words were still soft, but her had eyes reopened for a moment while she spoke.
"Talk to me about the fern sweetheart." He wasn't sure if this was helping, but it was all he could think to do. Lisa didn't response.
"What color was it?" Ryan was now holding her in his arms and trying to blink away the tears that was welling in his eyes. She didn't respond that time either.
The sound of Rikki's ATV broke the silence that engulfed the clearing. Rikki spotted them on the far side of the clearing and sped to his son. He was holding his girlfriend Lisa in his arms and the pair was soaked in blood. Rikki leaped from the ATV just as it came to a stop. He quickly confirmed his location to the Flight for Life pilot, and had recieved a 10 minute ETA.
"Lay her down son." Rikki rushed over to the pair, First Aid Kit in hand. The kit was small, but had everything he would need.
The next 10 minutes was blur for Ryan. He held an emergency IV bag and opened his coat just long enough for his dad to empty an entire bag of blood stop powder on the wound. But his body seemed to just move at his fathers instructions, not really hearing those words, just moving. The helicopter's rescue sling and the EMT that came down with it startled Ryan, and he almost didn't move back to let the orange tabby in next to Lisa. Ryan stood and watched breathlessly as they strapped her to the strecher and hoisted her to the sky. And passed out as his blood shot eyes tried to track his angel that was now flying away from him.
Ryan's eyes popped open as Rikki waved a pack of smelling salts under his nose. A well toned middle aged German Shepard came into view as Ryan's eyes focused.
"Stay calm son and try to remember to breathe." Ryan was able to smile at his dad's joke as he stood back up.
"How's Lisa? Is she going to be all right?" Ryan's smile left his face as he asked his dad.
Rikki took his son's arm and began to check Ryan's pulse," Well the EMT said that she was in stable condition when they left. She lost a lot of blood, but you were able to respond quickly enough." Rikki paused so that his son could think about what he had said.
"What happened Ryan? How did Lisa get hurt like that?" Rikki looked directly at his son. "You know better than to wander from the trails like that."
Instead of answering Ryan moved over to the log that held the wolf cub that Lisa showed him.
"Dad there's wolf cub under this log, I think that it bite her."
"A wolf cub?" Rikki peered over the log with his son.
"Is it", Ryan paused as he looked at the animal, "alive?"
Rikki reached down and placed his paw on Artem's head and moved down to his cheek, and when Artem started to move he quickly moved his paw to grip the back of the cubs neck.
Artem let a low whine escape his muzzle as his body instinctively froze.
"Looks like it's just his leg. But we have to get this log off of him." Rikki hopped over the log knelling next to Artem. "Ryan get the Live Animal Handling Kit and bring it here."
Ryan sprinted to the back of the ATV and grabbed the blue box and ran back to the log. Rikki wasted no time and muzzled the cub and than gave him a sedative. Rikki was about to send Ryan for a handsaw when he noticed that he was already at the front of the log ready to lift.
"Ready dad?" Ryan began to take deep breaths to prepare his body.
Rikki knew that his son was strong, but this log was about 15 feet long and had to wiegh over 800 pounds. But instead of doubting his son Rikki nodded. "On three you lift, than I'll pull him out. Ready? One, two, three. "
With a great heave Ryan lifted the log a few feet into the air giving Rikki ample clearance to move the cub.
Once freed from the log Rikki carefuly inspected the cub. "Well it doesn't feel broken", Rikki looked into Artem's groggy eyes as the cub fought to remain awake. "You sure are a lucky little scrapper aren't you?"
Rikki glanced up and was stunned that as his son was still holding the log in the air, his muscles didn't even seem to strain under the tremendous weight. Rikki held Artem firmly and stepped back. "Okay Ryan you can set that stick down now."
Ryan laughed as he dropped the log, his dad could always crack a joke.
"Gather yours and Lisa's things and drive me back to the station." Rikki said as he placed the cub into a sling that was provided by the kit. "Just take it slow and easy on the trails.
Artem couldn't understand what the two tamed furs were saying as they handled him. But the older of the two males had a peaceful soul that Artem could almost reach out and speak to. The second reeked of the shewolf's blood and had a fire burning deep inside of himself. Artem felt numb all over his body and his head seemed to float in the sky above. He barely noticed the bumpy ride and his head was swimming to much for him to observe just where he was being taken to, but as he rode through the forest Artem thought that he saw shadows running along side them. Through the gaps in the trees Artem strained to discern just what was running with them.
"Lev, Zoya, Miko!" Artem cried out, the muzzle muffling his barks. He could see three of his siblings running beside him. The forest began to thin as they approached the ranger's station and the three phantom wolves' pursuit stopped at the forest's edge. "No don't leave me." Artem began to struggle, trying to break free from the sling and the domesticated dog that held him.
Rikki rubbed the back of Artem's neck as the pup began struggle and bark.
"Is he okay?" Ryan said glancing over his shoulder at his dad as he pulled the ATV up to the station.
"Its just that feral's hate being outside of their forest son, but we have to make sure that he can survive on his own before we release him." Rikki dismounted the ATV and began to walk inside the station house.
But Ryan stepped in front of him."Dad I need to go see Lisa."
Rikki looked his son over. "Clean yourself up first, than you can take the truck into town."
Ryan looked down at his clothes and fur, most of the blood had dried now.
"Of course dad", the brown dog called over his shoulder as he ran inside to use the stations shower." I'll have my cell with me also."
Rikki looked down at the pup that still hadn't given up on freeing himself. "Easy now young one, I'll take good care of you until you can take care of yourself. I just need to remember how to speak feral."
After a quick shower Ryan went to one of the stations spare rooms. He kept a change of clothes here for overnight stays and was grateful that his dad didn't tell him to repack the kits for the ATV before he left. Ryan ran down the stairs heading for the door. Stopping only to grab the keys and looking in on his father.
"Dad I'm ready to go now. I'll repack the ATV later okay?"
Rikki was busy putting a splint on the wolf cubs injured leg when Ryan ran back down the stairs. He looked up from the wolf pup to look his son over.
"Promise me that you will be careful driving, I think that enough has happened today."
Ryan nodded at his father's request."Okay dad I promise to drive safe."
"We're sorry but the number you are ...", John a tamed white wolf set the phone back down. He had been trying to get a hold of his daughter Lisa for about an hour now with little success. Only once did the phone actually ring, but he was only able to leave a voice message instructing her to call home.
"She must have gone to the National Park to be with that mutt Ryan."
He disliked using that word, but he was really upset with his daughter for sneaking off. Its not like he hated the boy or anything, but even with his impressive sports skills, he could never get a scholarship because he's a mutt. The human governor that ruled the furs in this region had set forth very strict breeding policy called the Pure Breed Act. Which denied mixed breed furs many opportunities, including a college education. As the appointed fur liaison John had spent years trying to persade the governor to repel the set of laws. But the governor was not going to budge on the subject and even forbidden him from bringing it up again.
John sighed to himself as he grabbed his coat and keys, pausing only to look at a picture of a purebreed collie playing quarterback that was on the front page of the local sports section. He had read the article earlier and it didn't even mention Ryan's name, even though he scored all six of the touchdowns during the game. The article simply applauded the collie's leadership skills for the landslide victory and announced that he was a shoe-in for a full ride scholarship at any college.
John got into his car and began to drive to the park when his cell rang. He glanced at the unfamiliar number and answered the call. John quickly changed his course as the nurse explained that his daughter was in some kind of accident and had just recovered enough to give the nurse her contact information.
When John arrived at the hospital an aging golden lab began to explain the details. That she was bitten by an animal and had lost a great deal of blood. But was now in stable condition and was conscious. John wasn't paying full attention to the docter, he was just glad that his daughter was going to be alright. His heart nearly stopped when he saw his child on the hospital bed still attached to an IV and with a large wrap on her right arm.
"Oh Lisa just what am I going to do with you ?" John whispered as he enterd the room.
Lisa looked up at her father who had just entered the room, and her ears went flat against her head.
"Dad I'm sorry... I didn't mean to .. their was a wolf cub ...its not Ryan's fault."
John raised his paw to silence his daughter and knelt beside her taking her uninjured paw in his. He looked up at his daughter as tears began to form in her eyes.
"Sweetheart I'm not angry with you, just tell me what happened."
Lisa nodded and began to unveil the story, starting with how she and Ryan arranged to meet the previous night and ending when she passed out as the helicopter flew her to the hospital. John listened in silence as his daughter recounted the happenings from the morning watching her carefully as she glanced up at him.
Lisa was worried about what her dad might do when she finished telling her father what had happened. She met his stern gaze a few times and quickly looked back down at the bedsheet.
"Its my fault dad", Lisa finally said after a short pause, "I should have let the pup run off with the bag, I shouldn't have went after him."
John interrupted Lisa before she could finish. "No Lisa its not your fault that it happened."
Lisa looked up at her father.
"Its not Ryan's fault either, you can't blame him Daddy. You just can't."
"Lisa thats enough." John's commanding voice silenced his daughter. He took a deep breathe and placed his paw under Lisa's chin and looked into her eyes.
"Lisa it's my fault. I shouldn't have forbidden you from seeing that boy. What was his name? Ryan?"
Lisa was stunned by her fathers words and looked at him barely nodding to answer his question.
John than continued, "I'm just saying that if you had my approval than you wouldn't need to sneak away. So I'll let you to continue to see him, but I have two rules."
Lisa looked to her father to continue. "First, no secrets. I want to know where you two are going and that you will be safe."
Lisa nodded in agreement to the first rule.
"Second", John looked around with some discomfort, "no puppies."
Lisa blushed at the second rule, "Dad we havn't even done anything like that", Lisa stopped and looked around, she had forgotten that she was a terrible liar.
John's eyebrow's picked up at this startling revalation. "Young lady I mean it, not until you are married."
Lisa just looked down, the inside of her ears where bright red.
Before John could continue they heard a knock and a nurse opened the door.
"Excuse me but there's a young man out here that would like to visit." John nodded and signaled the feline to allow him in.
Well that's chap 2 sorry about the long pause between postings Rate and comment if want to