Racers vs Seattle Seahawks

The jocks then start running down the field where the two wolves wait for them. the pairs then run at each other. dave hangs on to the football and they collide.

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Amazing Race Trial

"let's do the run," todd says, "it's sounds faster." before they take off, angie and jennifer arrive and they take a yellow card. "run?" angie asks. "run!" jennifer yells.

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The Birds and the Bees Part 2

Cubs start running around and screaming. simba: let's go tell uncle scar. nala: doesn't he already know. simba: yeah but he might kill us. nala: sweet. simba and nala run off to the edge of the pridelands. mufasa and sarabi run up.

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BWOAH Chapter 1

Head coach: then everybody get outa here and go run. pierce: yes coach. can we run to the ipswich river fish and game park? head coach: i'd prefer not, but if you run out of places to run here, go carefully. pierce: yes coach.

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This is the Part...Where There is More than a Lump Under the Mattress

I'm running. we, are running. my mind is racing, body screaming at me. but my heart is ripping, so i turn around._ _i see a monster. orange, glowing eyes all over its body, lighting up the night. it wants to eat me. i want to run to it.

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How To Do A Race In Egypt

Her and fran run out of their cab and run to the rug. "shelly & fran, 13th place. you're still in this." toner says. "oh yeah!" fran says. they step off. it's all down to the arcadia workers and teacher & student. "almost... there."

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French-Speaking Rollercoasters

Tommy says as he runs in. him and regina have worked in french restaurants before and picked up on a bit of french. he runs into a waiter (yellow hound dog). "hello." she says with a french accent.

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The runner

He was running......headphones in his ears as the lyrics ran through his head, were was he running? why was he running? he did not know but he kept going anyway.

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Pumbaa's Past

Humiliated, pumbaa flees.he kept running and running. running away from his worries once again, as if he never found _hakuna matata_. he ran such a distance, that it became dark hours ago.

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Baby Carriages and Fake Tea in Boston = Disaster

Now," claudia takes in a deep breath, "run!!!" the two felines take off running off the ship as more teams come (jon & devon, cody & dave, helga & gretel, jack & maria, and cassie & shawn). hans hits the button on the clue box for their next clue.

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