Home Sweet Farm

She was all black from head to toe except for her green eyes. like hannah she also had cat ears and a tail. last but not least we have jessica. she was one of katie's best friends since kindergarten.

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G'lek's Encyclopedia: The Aneen

Like the arms, these fingers are long, slender, and covered in hard chitin (except at the joints, which are covered in yellow fur).

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 3: The Story of Forest Hall

With the exception of typhon, who, always the academic, was studying the map that volcorona gave him. i was held in a tubular casing, with a strap on it, to be slung across his back.

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The Gift: Introducing the Spirits, part 3 of 3

Even the whites of his eyes are like coal, with the only exception being his irises, which are so deeply amethyst that they seem to blow in his otherwise obsidian face.

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Charles Worthington [Character Information]

He rarely,if never at all, gets upset or sad the only exception being when a selenveen has passed away or is in danger.

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A Dream of Twilight 1a; Swimming with a dragon

_it's a dragon. they're never alone, except by choice. besides... why'd he be interested in a shark?

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Swans and Women

But that was a wish for all the swans except the one who was the most beautiful. delephina wasn't wishing for someone to love her. she wanted to love them back.

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Honestly, i had anticipated all kinds of reaction except this one. "h, i'm sorry... i'm not expected to... wow...i... i never heard that one before." by this moment, we could feel the unease.

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Friendly Competition part 2

The girls perfomed in perfect synchronization as they slowly began to remove the clothing from their bodies eyes closed and giving a breath of ecstasy hypnotizing everybody except fox. "the dance of desire." "you've seen this?"

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"Summerhill" Chapter One Teaser

It had almost looked like a meteor, like some kind of shooting star, except it had been clearly visible against the constant dull gray and not a backdrop of night.

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Wolfen - Chapter 10

Verik quickly spun around and lifted his claws for battle, but there was nothing...except a sharp pain in the back of his head as the pebble bounced off his skull. "damn you!"

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The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 4

I couldn't see anyting except a small circle of light just barely penetrating this deep into the water. and then something else hit me. i needed to breath.

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