the cruise part 1:on my way

Ok i'm typing this at 12:50 am i'm tired and i have school yes i still have school shh i will make this as well spelled as i can and fix it when i can so go on read it now.....why you still reading this read the story...............GO! It was...

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The fox and the pound part 2: old love and fear a new

We where comeing back from a failed hunt with are tummy's still empty and no hunt left we went ahead and left the woods to go and see if there is anything outsied of are land that we been in all are life.We where at the vary eage of the woods and we...


CH 2

One was a man about the same age as me and was about two inches taller his eyes were closed and had shoulder length black hair and pale skin, his clothes were simple an aquamarine shirt with black jeans, gloves and boots, he had a bow whose top half was a cobalt

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Love's Battlefield - Volume 13

He explained how powerless he'd felt, his future placed squarely between the cobalt canine's vice-like thumb and forefinger, and how he'd gradually come to terms with his own feelings of ineptitude as a result.

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Forest Keep 44

He could see the placid cobalt-blue aura of cill and the slightly lesser shade of james but there was something else. a small greenish tinged aura somewhere in the middle of the pair that he could not make out.

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D.E1 Chapter 37 Forging Bonds

"with the help of cobalt and other colleagues we've managed to erase the systems of this machine that give it some sort of consciousness, and turn it into a remote device. this thing will only move and act upon our commands."

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D.E1 Chapter 36 The Hive

cobalt, the blue female retcan asked. she seemed concerned as if knowing the mentioned alternative. "if we are going to act, we have to act now. this is relatively the safest and fasted way around this dilemma. of course, if you agree with it, silver."

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Changed Opinions

By the end of class, rio knew that his favourite color was cobalt, while being a big fan of all types of metal, he also enjoyed heavy strings, and that his middle name was patrick. she had also told him a lot about herself.

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The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act2/Chapter4

Following that single body was a veritable swarm of bodies; a perpetual stream of maddened psychopaths continuously slamming themselves against the cobalt canine's mystical ward; many of the fleshy, bony battering rams breaking horrifically on impact.

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Healing the Soul Chapter Three

He saw the same cobalt and ash grey fur, green headfur, and lavender purple eyes he'd seen all his life. his eyes still carried that soft glow that he himself could never see unless the immediate area was sufficiently dark.

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After Hours

Reluctantly tearing his eyes from the publican's calm golden gaze, jamey looked to the bar to find an oddly shaped bottle of depression-era cobalt blue, its cap simple

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