FAFL 360: Round 18, 2019

The issue of the fafl 360 from round 18, 2019.

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CH 2

Chapter 2 Doctor Isaac was dragging me to our next destination, I asked him where we were going a few times but he always answered "You'll know when we get there."which annoyed me to no end each time. After a few minutes he let go of me and finally...

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CH 1

Chapter 1 Times were tough these days. The great Pernicium war was still ongoing, and it was the humans that having the upper hand here. This big war only started because of the actions of just one mother fucker . As a weaker species we always had to...

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Chapter 18

Red's eyes opened as the van came to a stop, "We're here." Goldie announced, as he switched off the ignition. One by one, the anthros got off the van, bringing their gear with them. They were in a small clearing, with a small dirt road leading back to...

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Pokebrothel 18

#18 of pokebrothel it was dark, completely dark. there wasn't even enough light came through to give even the slightest hint of a silhouette.

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Chapter 18

#18 of next generation- the digivolution saga next chapter! woot me! anyway, uni has just gotten damn hard, so i've got even less time to write than before.

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Poem #18

As i sit and watch the mud slinging begin, Each politician accuses the other of something or another, My heart grows heavy and weary. They get paid for serving us, to protect and aide all of us, We the people used to be such a powerful saying....

chapter 18

"yeah, and you say grown-up is an 18 years old (hellhound)? maybe you got this wrong."

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Section 18

#18 of project zero here's the eighteenth installment of the re-vamped version of project zero. you're feedback will ultimately determine whether or not this story will continue here on sofurry. please enjoy reading.

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Chapter 18

Sorry for the loooong wait please for give this dragon losc:the new guardians part 18 the following days er the attack on the great dragon city of warfang, the city rebuilds and buries the ones lost defending her.

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Chapter 18

When they woke up in the morning, the air was still just as hot, but this time they were all boosted by the knowledge that this was the day they would start the matches! "Come on guys! Let's go!" Delta was attempting to pull his teammates out of bed,...

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18 Misfit

#18 of inktober 2019 catching up on inktober posts from earlier this year. this one features the challenges of having things that aren't just two-legged walking around. the world was originally made for humans.

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