Section 18

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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#18 of Project Zero

Here's the Eighteenth installment of the Re-Vamped version of Project Zero. You're feedback will ultimately determine whether or not this story will continue here on Sofurry.

Please Enjoy Reading.

Any and all comments are Appreciated

I watched them get into their cars, start the engines then slowly drove away. Why would Sierra go out of her way to track down all the people I worked with? Instead of wondering to myself I decided to wait for Sierra and get some answers. Hopefully this confrontation goes without causing too much of a loud ruckus. Taking a moment to locate her car then hoped into the tree nearby and waited patiently.

After an hour of waiting Sierra finally walked under the tree I was hiding in. Jumping down to the ground silently, moved up behind her and covered her mouth. Closing the car door with my tail then escorted her into the shadows of the forest. She didn't know who I was or what I wanted with her but, she was going to fight. Before I could react accordingly she began to transform into her feline were-form.

Once the shift was complete using her full strength she wrestled herself free. Putting a little distance between us then prepared to fight but, it wasn't necessary. "Alright, asshole who the hell do you think you are capturing me like this?" She growled. "Perhaps if you took a moment to calm down and look closer Sierra." I replied. Sadly she wasn't in the frame of mind to think rationally about anything right now.

Running on primal instinct and they were telling her to go right through me. Sierra isn't a push over in a fight but, I've got far more experience than her. I didn't want to resort to this but, if it's the only way to get her to listen to reason. Before the Clouded Leopard even knew what happened I pinned her down. Fortunately I was able to subdue her without causing much harm in the process.

Next I reached over with my free hand and grabbed the scruff making her relax. Once I felt her entire body relax under me I decided to try talking to her once more. "Look I'm sorry I had to do this to you Sierra but, I had hoped to avoid violence. Now I need to know are you going to listen to what I have to say or not." I said. Growling menacing she agreed to hear me out until something else presented itself.

"No wonder you're acting so bitchy my guess someone happens to be in heat." I replied. "Bite me you prick." She snarled angrily. "What's the point the robocells would repair any and all damage that I could inflict upon you." I informed. Shock appeared all over her face when she heard that statement leave my mouth. "There's only one person in the world who knows anything about that technology." She stated.

It took her a moment to recall who I was while she remembered I moved away. The instant those memories came back, first she hugged me then asked questions. Well as many questions a person could think of asking someone in a single breath. Laughing when she began panting so I asked her if she needed a few minutes. "I'm good Devin or Zero as you like to be called now why have you returned?" She asked.

"Well, you can thank your bastard of a father for forcing us to relocate. Though I'm fairly certain that you've heard word that he's died some time ago?" I replied. She nodded then went on to say that a soldier came to her home and told her. Before I could tell her the truth on the subject I picked up on Luna's scent. Luckily she stayed out of sight long enough for me to tell Sierra what happened.

"You know I can't bring myself to lie to you but, your father hadn't forgotten. He decided after all this time to hunt me down and reclaim his precious armor. Though what he didn't count on was after he found was that I had plenty of help." I stated. With that my four children and wife revealed themselves to the clouded leopard. When I motioned my nose in their direction making her look she was shocked.

"Oh, my, Goodness Project 13 you're alive and look at them you two had kids. When did this happen you naughty wolf?" She asked with a friendly elbow. Not seeing the harm I told her about the events after the last time we saw each other. Sierra wondered if I would be alright if she went over and said hello to my children. "Of course though it's up to them and Luna." I replied looking over at my wife.

Granted Luna wasn't overly thrilled with it but, she let the kids decide. Luckily they were a little more open minded than mother was being about this. Gale and Lucas were first then Rogue and Felix went over to greet my friend. What amazed Sierra more, Luna had giving birth to a litter of pups during pregnancy. It certainly answered a few question regarding the fact Sierra decides to conceive.

Seeing as she avoided such a situation until she learned more about herself. She talked with my children for a good hour until Luna went over to make peace. My guess is Luna needed a little time to sort some things out before doing this. Seeing as it was getting late and the patrol guards came by we decided to leave. We returned to our make shift home short time later I logged onto their mainframe.

Over the next couple of hours I caught up on any or all scientific breakthroughs. Sadly not much that was of any interest in my mind but, it was ok reading material. That's when it dawned me they might have all their important projects data masked. Of course it won't take me long to gain access even if their highly encrypted. Pulling out my little skeleton key from my ear then plugged it into the USB port.

After the LED light built into the drive came on I began running a search. Hoping that it would uncover anything that they're trying to hide from everyone. Fortunately for me the search engine didn't take long pulling up a long list of files. Boy did I hit pay dirt according to the data my search uncovered something was up. They're actually trying to create some kind of new cellular species with my Bio-tanks.

Apparently they were smart enough to reverse engineer one of the originals. To be honest I wasn't all that surprised they did but, they didn't have the bio-fluid. Not only that they needed Undanium to make everything work together flawlessly. Unless I accidently left some behind when I tore out of here several years ago. If that's the case than I need to sneak into the lab and reduce everything to scrap.

I'm not about to let them use my technology I worked hard to make to play god. Granted I know Sierra is going to be more than a little upset about me doing this. The risk she's or who ever is in charge is taking are greater than they're aware of. Removing and storing all those files onto my flash drive took a couple hours. Once I ejected it I grabbed a quick nap before doing what's considered illegal.

According to human law at least but, I wasn't going to concern myself with it. My tech shouldn't be in the hands of those that don't understand its proper use. When I stepped outside the sun was just rising and a few people had just arrived. Slipping into the compound proved easier than I thought as I entered the research lab. Where an early bird was in the process of turning on all the computers and equipment.

By the time he noticed I was standing out in the open he didn't know what to do. Before the human could sound the alarm I rushed in and tackled him to the ground. Covering his mouth with my paw-like hand then told him to keep his mouth shut. That no harm would come to him while I explained my reasons for coming here. To my surprise he was more than happy to help me out seeing he was an old coworker.

It took me some convincing to prove who I was to Hank but, it worked out. "I heard about you dying in some science experiment you had put together, Devin." He said. Telling him he was half right that a part of me did die though I was completely reborn. Granted not how would've envisioned but, I'm healthy and happy. "That's what matters my friend and I'll do what I can to help but, it won't be easy." He began.

"Though I'll have to get authorization from the boss before I do anything. Considering there's nothing that goes on here that she doesn't know about." He informed. Let's just say for what was about to happened upon asking him who was in charge. I wasn't prepared when Sierra walked in and told me she was the one in command. To be honest somehow I shouldn't have been surprised oddly enough I wasn't.

"Why do I have an idea why you're here and before you answer that Zero. Surely you noticed that you still have security clearance outside your skeleton key. Everything pertaining to your work and technology was stored where you're living. Granted all of the data is still stored on the mainframe you can delete whenever." She informed. I felt relieved to hear that though Sierra went on to ask for my help with something.

Making her aware of the fact I will cause a scene here should I begin working. "True but, what if I told you the staff under my command you used to work with." She added. Of course I had plenty of questions for her which she happily answered truthfully. Stressing to her I wanted to keep my family hidden from untrustworthy humans. Not saying that those I knew couldn't be trusted with my family and our heritage.

"Hey, you do what you've got to do for your family, how we feel is irrelevant." Hank said. Sierra agreed with though hank wanted to know how I was able to conceive kids. "Let's just say I had a small hand it that little area due to my late father's greed." She said. Hank was quick to say he didn't want her to go into the subject any further. "Trust me, it wasn't an easy road for me or my family but, I survived." I replied.

"You haven't changed that much you still speak with wisdom beyond your years." He smiled. Doing the math I figured that I was roughly sixty years old but, didn't feel it. His statement brought up an interesting question that Sierra decided to ask me. "The average human lives about a hundred years or so with diet and exercise. If my calculations are correct according to what I know add a hundred and fifty years." I said.

"Damn, you said that I would live for a long time but, I didn't think that long." She replied. The shock in her voice was apparently even Hank had a hard time believing it. Naturally she was curious about my children and to be honest I didn't know. Considering I might not be around long enough to learn that question's answer. Poor Hank needed to sit down since he was having trouble processing everything.

I felt sorry for Hank even though it was to be expected due to our breeding. So it was only natural that we would age much slower than humans did. Now I had no thoughts of immortality but, longevity wasn't what I counted on. Especially back before anything like this ever came into fruition or after the fact. Of course had I known all this much sooner I wouldn't have scrapped the project.

As the day went on I got reacquainted with my old colleges as they arrived. It was hard for them to believe how much I had changed since we saw each other. Rebecca was the only one besides Sierra that knew of my startling transformation. Seeing as she found out several years ago not long after Luna reentered my life. If it hadn't happened I would've spent the rest of my days with something missing.

Either way you slice it I owe Rebecca a great deal now I'm able to pay her back. She admitted that it was only a matter of time before our paths crossed again. This also be my very last chance to spend time with all of my old trusted friends. At least until it's my turn to travel up to the heavens but, would I be permitted. After all what kind of spiritual paradise would be awaiting a creature like myself.

Questions like this one and several others plagued my mind most nights. Now I'm confident that I'll learn the answers to all of my questions someday soon. For the time being I need to keep moving forward and see where the path goes. It'll be a long and difficult road for me and my family but, we get there together. The road that's ahead of us won't be easy but, we're a race of survivors after all.

To be continued.