Another Eevee's Story - Chapter One

She hid in her burrow under the roots for a while, wishing they would just go away, and that her parents would come back...

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Kickaha Flies a Kite

And though the sun had started to set when he finally got back to his burrow the day was not yet over. and so he got to work, and soon he had completed his mission.

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I wither besides the lush flower bed

Taken with a sacred lace that brushes me please be kind, with a yell and a smack to the face all i can be is a big man, a person of no dimension well here is that lost plow; burrowing into moist soils!

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Long Live the Witch

Clay had already burrowed into is discarded clothes as best he could. he writhed on the ground as if some convulsion had overtaken him, and in a flash, he was human again.



She could see the burrow down in the underbrush, covered in a tangle of vines. it was small: a cub had dug it out. but she was small enough to get through if only she had the time!

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Papa, what is Christmas?

Their little burrow provided merger lodgings for such a large family, but it was much appreciated for keeping them cozy and safe.

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"The Thin Line," Part DD

burrows who was the mayor-notary-what else. it was a simple question of no demand for it, and albric tor/persoc tor had other things on their mind. it was therefore up to me to start in on a sketch-map of the area.

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Heart of Winter: DnD Game Lore

A dangerous carnivore called "skulkers" or "dune stalkers" that prefer to burrow under the sand and ambush travelers.


Caught in the Rain

It's all around, and it shakes and roars and ... all i wanna do," he whispered, "is burrow. that's what us mice do," he explained, still stirring the milk (and staring at it, too), "when we're scared. our instinct is to burrow. beneath things.

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A Small Adventure for a Small Dragon

It turned around and disappeared into the burrow with a flick of its white-tipped tail. with a happy trill, the multicoloured hatchling bounded forwards and nosed at the rabbit laying on the ground.

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