The Simple Life, Chapter 2 : Afternoon With The Boys

Walking around on hard wood and tiled floors my entire 9-5 shift at the lodge in those things were killer on my feet, ankles and back, but there was money to be made and bills to be payed.

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Dancing with Roaches: Chapter 1

"bills, bills, bills, and what do you know? more bills." for about an hour dylan went through all of the letters, making a noticable dent in them.

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Kazufox Interview #5

\*kazufox\*: maybe bill took them. \*pepper\*: bill? \*kazufox\*: yeah, i mean james always had a pair of his own and bill shows up wearing shades in his first and only appearance? seems suspicious to me. \*pepper\*: bill...

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StarFox Universe [R]aid: 01 Nothing is Routine Anymore

The two students who also passed their demonstration, baxter and bill, were with him at the back of the group. bill, a pit-bull dog, gave fox a grin and a thumbs up before rushing ahead of... "oh, my poor falco!"

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Anything GOOOes (2/3)

Aleis moved quickly, moving from his seat and crouching down to pick up the bills. the figure chuckled as he watched him scramble for the money. "and now, you can feed mine."

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The Beginning of Fall

It was a bit more than he could afford with all the bills he had, but karen always loved their house. it was theirs. "i'm home," he said as he closed the door behind him. there was no reply, but he expected that.

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Stray Dogs

I was curious to who he was, and even more so how many meals i could get out of the green bill peeking slightly from the open edge. i could probably afford a cheap motel with that... i eyed the bills hungrily, though tore my needy eyes away.


Glitch in the Neurotic Matrix

Two hours of stakeout surveillance and an hour of researching on databases later, and i called campbell over to my office to foot his bill.

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Teddy Bear

With no bills, no responsibilities, they are able to stay unlocked, and see things everyday that only they can understand. you could say there is a whole other world out there, that only an unlocked mind can see.

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Crazy Messy Story

"so, what i propose to you, is to pay the bill, and go to my place for sleeping." "alright. but for the bill, we--" "no, no, no! you're my guest, it's my treat, you do nothing." she insisted, by cutting me. "okay, you're the boss."

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Herdnan- Chapter Three

He pulled out one of his hundred dollar bills and slid it to the attendant. feirya curiously looked at cymaenie. he always seemed to have hundred dollar bills. she looked no further than this as he counted his change and took the tickets.

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Meet & Greet - Part II

bill, uhm..." i swallowed nervously, glancing around. "bill, come on in. there's going to be a lot of people here, so just, sort of, you know... be nice, ok?"

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