Our Story Ch2, New Friends.
Sirus chuckled, continuing his tickle assault, easily avoiding the squealing kits flailing paws.
My moving around must have tickled the beast, because he was now giving out rumbling laughs that quaked what was my world now. as he laughed and swallowed, i was push further back into his throat until i fell down the tunnel that was his trachea.
Dawn pt.1
Green blades of grass tickled my nose as they swayed in the gust. the warm sunset shone down on my hair-covered face, warming my entire body.
Cursed Collector - Collection 0 : Beyond the Boundaries
"ahhh, there's more stories i'll you should know and i'll teach you how to live between two side, as my sidekick, and also my summoned creatures, kuroda" i told my little fox and tickle on his chin gently. "moo, i'm ticklish! stop please!"
Remember, Daddy Loves You
He stated plainly while drawing back from the tickle attack on her neck; a grin spread over his lips at the sight of her neck fur rumpled madly down the length of her throat. "and you are in need of a bath..."
Don and Jake - Chapter 3
#3 of don and jake is there anything better than some playful paw tickles in a dark theatre? no is the answer you were looking for. jake walked out of his friend's guestroom, stopping to make sure he looked okay in the hallway mirror.
Feeling out of this world part 3
Would you be mad if i tickled you. angle don't you dare. um who in control right now baby hm. please mommy don't tickle me. in angles thoughts. it's been a while since he has called me that. what's the matter angle. oh nothin just thinking.
Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 2: Embryo
She hated being tickled).
Birthday Balloons 3
He reached out his hands and started to tickle rom's sides and arm pits. rom's body started shake as all his muscles constricted trying to block the tickle attack. but the balloons we're holding him stiff until, pop, pop, poppoppop, pop!
Nervous Husky
Paw to woke up and saw that it husky tickle the snout. good evening danny and how to sleeping under my paws?
Star's Tales 1: Rewrite
Us both using hir handpaws to keep us both in place as shi tickled us despite our squealing begs for freedom.
All There is to Say (Chapter 3): The Most Beautiful Thing on Earth
Simply thankful that i was no longer being tickled, i just lay there panting and chuckling weakly. "i had you going there!" he burst out, clutching at his stomach as he curled up from laughing.