Don and Jake - Chapter 3
#3 of Don and Jake
Is there anything better than some playful paw tickles in a dark theatre? No is the answer you were looking for.
Jake walked out of his friend's guestroom, stopping to make sure he looked okay in the hallway mirror. His mohawk was perfect, the olive green collared shortsleeve shirt he was wearing hugged his chest nicely and his dark wash jeans did the same for his ass. Giving himself a quick nod he walked into the living room of his friend Andrew's house. Andrew, a young horse he worked at the record store with, was sitting on the couch watching a rerun of Dexter.
"Why Jake, I see you're wearing your 'Fuck Me' outfit," Andrew said as the white wolf sat down at the other end of the red couch.
"You're goddam right I am, and you would to if you saw how fucking beautiful this guy is."
"I'm sure I would. By the way, you planning on tell this guy you're basically homeless tonight or is that just gonna be a fun surprise?"
Jake groaned. He'd told Don about the recent end of a bad relationship, however he didn't mention he was living with his ex and since leaving had essentially been couch surfing for over 2 months. "As soon as I figure out a good way to bring it up, I will."
"Dude, just do it. The longer you wait the worse its gonna be."
"I know, I know," he said, closing his eyes and leaning his head back, "I just kinda dig this guy and I don't want to fuck things up."
Just then his phone gave out a ding. He pulled it from his front pocket.
"He's here, I'll see ya later, bro," he said, slipping on his black flip-flops.
"Later." *********************************************************** Jake pulled open the door of the silver BMW and sat down before leaning over and giving Don, dressed in some artistically distressed jeans and a black polo that hugged his broad shoulders and powerful chest beautifully, a hug.
"Good to see you again, you're looking good," the bear said, putting the car into drive and placing a wide, black leather loafer-clad foot on the gas.
"You too, on both counts. So you ready for the movie?"
"Yes, I've been looking forward to it. I was a big fan of the show as a kids."
"Me too, I'm just hoping Hollywood doesn't fuck this one up to bad, they haven't had that great of a track record on this sort of thing."
"True enough." ******************************************************************** A short drive, two ticket purchases, and two large Dr.Peppers later they had taken their seats in the back of the darkened theatre. Don wasn't quite sure what to do, he wanted to put his arm around Jake but wasn't sure if the wolf would be comfortable with that. As the last of the lights went down and the film began in earnest, he decided to go with his gut and just do it.
As he wrapped his large arm around him, he felt Jake's shoulders tense up for a few seconds before relaxing, and Don gave a small contented growl as he felt the wolf snuggle up against his side. They spent most of the movie like that, until the big bear noticed Jake's flip-flopped foot propped up on his knee close to him and he got a wonderful idea.
Jake was completely focused on the movie when a sudden sharp yelp erupted from his lips, causing several other furs in the audience to glance around in annoyance. He clamped a hand around his muzzle and looked over to see Don looking at him with a mischievous glint in his eye and a smirk on his face. The bear had wiggled on of his blunt claws into the space between his sandal and foot and he was gently scritching his sensitive arch. The bear took his arm from around him and held his ankle while completely baring his foot with the other. Now his entire sensitive paw was exposed for whatever he wanted to do.
Don extended his index finger and commenced with long, slow strokes from the wolf's heel up to the base of his toes and back. Jake gripped the armrests and began squirming in his seat trying not to laugh out loud again. Every once and a while the brown-furred bear would add another claw to the stroking until he was eventually using all 5 to lightly scratch and scrape the tender flesh. By the time Don decided to start in on his sensitive toes Jake was whiteknuckling it. He could only take a few minutes of the short claws teasing under his long toes before he had to grab the bear's hand to stop him. Don just chuckled and, after placing the flip flop back on, settled back in his chair. However, he kept his other huge hand on his ankle, massaging his arch and around the bony part of his ankle with his thumb. **************************************************************** "I know what you mean, there was just so much shit in the frame at all times. Why do all movies feel like they have to do that now?" Don asked later on the ride home.
"I blame the Star Wars prequels, but then I blame them for most things."
Don laughed, "Well you can hardly be blamed for that. It had a great ending though."
"Did it, I was somewhat distracted towards the end," Jake said slyly.
"Hehe, yeah, sorry about that. Your foot just looked so soft and sensitive I couldn't resist the temptation."
"It's perfectly fine, I was enjoying it."
"Then why did you stop me?" the big bear asked.
"Once you got to the toes I couldn't hold the laughter back anymore. Didn't want to disturb everyone else there. I really enjoyed you rubbing my ankle, too."
"Good, I'm glad you did. I like to pamper my guys. If you're going to let me tickle torture your feet, the least I can do is help take care of them."
Jake looked over at Don and placed his hand on the bear's thick forearm, "You're awesome."
"Glad you think so. Here we are, home sweet home," he said, pulling up to the somewhat rundown house.
"Yeah, about that," the wolf said, lowering his eyes and pulling his hand back, "I kinda have something to admit."