This was a challenge by a good friend of mine, hope he didn't mind that I left out the Anthropomorphism. And I hope you all enjoy. This is my first fic of this style, so please CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS DEEPLY APRECIATED (need it, want it) Thank You!
I ran as fast I could into the thick darkness of the forest; as fast as my eight legs would allow me to. I heard the boorish beast behind me let out an angry snort, and looked back to see him only a few feet behind ; nostril flared, eyes red, saliva oozing out from his snarling mouth, looking more like a rabid wolverine. I looked forward and started darting ahead again, still not knowing where I was going. As I was running, one of my hind legs caught the one in front of it, and one of my other legs kicked the one behind it, and I went tumbling forward landing headlong into the ground. I placed two legs into the ground, hoping to catch my fall, but that just threw my abdomen - which was in the air - forward, so that I flipped and landed on my back.
All eight of my eyes dilated out of fear as I saw the upside down boar heading straight for me, his eyes narrowed, his enormous tusks lowered and plowed at the dirt beneath him. My eyes bolted shut as he came ever closer, bracing myself to be swallowed whole by the beast; he was so close now that I could taste the musky odor of his breath. Just as I thought for sure his teeth would be closing down on me, and anticipated my bones to be crushed by the teeth stabbing into my flesh, I felt myself lifted into the air.
I opened my eyes and looked all around, apparently the barbarian had threw me into the air with his tusk and now have his mouth wide open, waiting for me to drop into it. I closed my eyes and sigh, this is the end. I could feel his hot, musky breath enveloping me as I dropped helplessly into his mouth, and cringed as the tip of his tongue made it way up my back, tasting me before, snaking it way around my mid-section, ready to take me in. And then it hit me,
"Duh! I'm a spider, a Jumping Spider!" I mentally whacked myself on the back of the head and curled up my abdomen to shoot out a nearly invisible silk thread that stretched and coiled itself around a strong branch of a nearby tree. As I entered the gaping cavern that was the boar's mouth I yanked on the silk thread and shot up into the tree. I spotted another branch in front of me, calculated the distance, readied myself and launched for it. I repeated this for the next half a dozen branches, but slipped on the last branch and flew down toward the ground and the charging beast's waiting mouth. I yanked on my thread to zip up to the original branch, but too late; the boar has ran through and snapped my thread, so that I was once again falling into his hungry maw.
This time, he got me. I fell right into his musky, receiving cavern of a mouth and saw the opening close in. The soft, slimy floor that could only be the tongue started to shift and I feel myself being pulled forward and down. I was about to be swallowed alive! I groped around in the darkness fighting to get to the front of the mouth, or at least as far away from the back of the throat as possible, but this was proving difficult. My moving around must have tickled the beast, because he was now giving out rumbling laughs that quaked what was my world now.
As he laughed and swallowed, I was push further back into his throat until I fell down the tunnel that was his trachea. I shot out my legs and grabbed at the walls of his throat, struggling to keep myself up. I looked up and spitted out a silk thread that attached itself to the root of his mouth, and bungeed up. All the movement must have tickled his throat, for now he was starting to gag and cough. Perfect, I just need to agitate his throat and he would cough me out, I started playing Bungee Jumping down his throat, my limbs scratching at the wall every time. The Boar's mouth opened as he coughed and gagged more violently, until the force shot me out of his mouth. Before I was all the way out, I decided to leave him a little present, and decided to spit some of my body toxin down his throat.
I darted out of his mouth and was caught by a spider web in front of me. I struggled to break free as the furious boar charged for me again. All of a sudden, a slim, black, female spider dropped down from the air and landed on the brute's nostril, standing up between his eyes.
"You're in my territory monsieur," she gently told the Boar, "I'm sorry but you'll go no further." She placed a limb between his eyes and leaps off and back onto her web, beside me. As she moved, I could see a red, hour-glass shaped design on her belly.
The boar's body tensed and his eyes turned blood-red, he tramp;ed the ground as if ready to charge, but then his mouth foamed and he collapsed. I looked in horror at the site, and when the beast was finally down, I caught my breath and turned to the black spider with a grateful smile,
"Whatever you did, thank you ma'am."
She slowly smiled at me and licked her lips, as her sly eyes met mine, and replied in a drawling, sultry voice
"My pleasure, mon ami."