I ran as fast I could into the thick darkness of the forest; as fast as my eight legs would allow me to. I heard the boorish beast behind me let out an angry snort, and looked back to see him only a few feet behind ; nostril flared, eyes red, saliva...
Furry Little Secret ch. 3
Komamura went straight for his bedroom when he arrived home. He helps Kitsune Sasaskibe off of his Shinigami uniform and put him to bed first thing. He then proceeded to escape from his shinigami uniform. Kitsune Sasaskibe was of the opinion, and...
Furry Little Secret (ch.2)
Seeing Komamura Taichou carrying the Kitsune form of Choujirou-Fukutaichou off was quite unsettling for the ensemble of Fukutaichous and Soi-Fon Taichou. They were still staring in the direction where Komamura had left, long after he had disappeared...
Furry Little Secret (ch.1)
**A/N: This was orignally a one-shot inspired by a fun idea of my Boyfriend, Heaven5Hell, who suspect Sasaskibe Fukutaichou, the 1**** st**** squad's vice captain is really a Kitsune or Fox Demon, and think Komamura Taichou (Dog-face) needs some...