Star's Tales 1: Rewrite

Story by Chakat_Starpelt on SoFurry

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#1 of Star's Tales

This is a rewrite of the first chapter of Star's Tales. I brushed up the story a bit. I hope you all enjoy

Life has a funny way of making the most innocent decisions turn into life changing events. I am sure many have experienced this and probably will continue to experience this in the future, however at the moment that I first experienced this I was only a cub. Still so innocent and care free. How was I to know that the world would come to take away someone that I so dearly loved? Someone I always thought would be there for me no matter what. But life catches up to us all eventually, and sometimes life is cruel enough to take from those who are too young to understand why.

But I am getting ahead of myself now, My name is Chakat Starpelt. Chakats are a Feline Taur species created at the end of the era of Genetic engineering greatness. Chakats have no set parameters for their fur patterns which lead to many being very unique. Chakats are also all hermaphrodites, meaning that they have both Genders. Now there are more unique features of chakats, mostly thrown in to make sure that we were highly adaptable and able to function in several different environments. For example our front paws are shaped like primitive hands complete with a thumb, their tails are prehensile and quite strong capable of gripping and even lifting objects of several pounds. Oh and of course there are the mental abilities, all chakats are empathic to varying degrees, we are capable of feeling the emotions of others, and chakats also require intimate empathic contact from other chakats to maintain their mental health.

I suppose my story starts in New York City in the year 2318, I was six years old at the time. And as I said before I was completely innocent to the problems of the world. My biggest worries in those days were always whether my clothes matched my twin sister's or if my older sisters would play with us. On that day my two older sisters Sapphire and Ruby were both out at a friends playing and enjoying the Christmas holiday. My twin sister and I were at home waiting on our sire Snowpelt to get home. Shi had promised to take us to the park to enjoy the snow that had fallen the previous night.

Icepaw and I may have been born as twins but we looked almost nothing alike, Icepaw had rich white fur that glistened brightly in the light and black jaguar spots all over hir body, but hir head fur was unusual as it seemed to be an icy blue spattered with black spots as well, hir hand paws were the same icy blue as hir hair, hir body was always graceful even as a cub and our parents had already planned to sign hir up for dance classes. Me on the other hand well I was very different from my sister. For Starters I was a Snow leopard pattern chakat, but my fur was not gray it was black, well except for on my belly fur, chest and the underside of my muzzle, all of that was completely white. My spots, or rossets as they are called for the leopard type spots along my body, were blueish white, I belive the color is called teal, and looked like a sea of stars on my black fur. Which of course is where I got the name Starpelt. My hair added to this name, it was black with natural highlights of the same color as my spots, making my hair look like it was full of falling stars. So all in all we looked very different but we were so close to each other, just as good twin sisters should be.

When our sire came home from hir trip the the art supply store, shi was a artist and loved to paint, Icepaw and I were at the door waiting for hir. Both of us talking in unison as we were prone to do, and still do at times, our voices blending almost perfectly as we bounced excitedly around our sire. "Dad we wanna go now!" We chanted in unison. It was probably pretty annoying but our sire just smiled and we could feel how amused shi was at our actions. Shi put down hir shopping bags on the table before turning back to us with an grin on hir muzzle, in later years I would be surprised to see that grin echoed back at me in the mirror many times, but for now I always associated it with our sire being particularly playful. We both turned to run but it was far too late, Snowfur had already scooped us both up and carried us to the large Taur couch that was the only piece of lounging furniture in our living room since it was designed for multiple taurs to cuddle up on it, and dropped us on it as we squealed and shi quickly began to tickle us both using hir handpaws to keep us both in place as shi tickled us despite our squealing begs for freedom.

Our sire Snowpelt was very beautiful and loving, shi lived up to hir name in that hir fur was pure pristine white, right down to the long wavy hair that cascaded down hir back. Shi was a loving parent always there to help and comfort the cubs or their mother if it was needed. Shi eventually let both of us up and sent us off to get our coats and gloves for our paws and handpaws, snow wasn't harmful but it was a bit too cold for us to be out with out some protection. Once we were both bundled up Snowpelt led us both out the door holding our hands as we walked towards Central Park

Our home was not far from Central Park, only a few blocks really, and Snowpelt held our hands the entire time that we walked, sometimes shi would tease us by using hir long prehensile tail to tickle us making us squeal much to the surprise of the others on the street. When we reached the park there was a group of humans gathered at the park's Amphitheater. Snowpelt did not look over at the humans as shi led us over to the playground where many other children were playing in the snow already. Icepaw and I were exuberant cubs, we enjoyed our time playing in the snow getting into snowball fights with several of the other cubs there, Icepaw's coat giving hir an advantage in such activities.

However our happiness could not last that day, as we were beginning to grow tired our tails dragging through the snow as we made our way back to where our sire waited with a look of paternal pride on hir face. Usually both our parents would be here with us but our mother Blizzardpaw had been called into work today, shi worked at a Hospital as a doctor and midwife delivering cubs and babies, however for chakats shi was called to their homes for birthing parties. But today Blizzardpaw was busy with the birthing party of a chakat not far from their home. So it was that we had only our Sire with us this day...and in hindsight maybe that was a good thing. As we took our sire's hands and began to walk back to the park's entrance we were alerted to a commotion coming towards us. Later I would learn that it was a rally of humans who were against fur's, that they were trying to stir up hate and dissent against the fur's of the community. The Rally had gotten more and more out of hand till finally the hate and contempt reached a boiling point and the humans began to tear after all the fur's around the park intent on doing them harm.

Snowpelt recognized that we were in danger before we even registered that something was wrong, shi could see the hatred in the faces of the humans, and feel their chaotic emotions bubbling over as they ran towards us, their faces twisted into lines of disgust and hatred, faces that would haunt my memory for many years to come, I don't think I have forgotten a single face that I saw that day. Our Sire quickly grabbed us into hir arms and ran, by now we were picking up on hir fear, which made us begin to cry. Snowpelt ran with us out of the park searching for some escape, some help but the mob was still behind us, still yelling and waving makeshift weapons such as pipes and broken bottles, some of them even had small blades probably pocket knives.

Eventually our Sire ducked into the alley beside a candy store across the street knowing that shi would have to find some place to hide us so that shi could protect us. Shi opened a utility closet and pushed us inside and ordered us to be quiet and to stay put no matter what they heard and that shi would come back for us shi promised. It was the first time my sire ever broke a promise that shi made me. Shi closed the door leaving us inside that musty closet which was small even for cubs. I held Icepaw against me taking comfort in my sister as we both sniffled as silently as we could. And that is when the screams started. The sounds of an angry chakat, the roars that sounded more like those belonging to the big hunting cats then to my gentle loving sire shocked me and Icepaw, Ice looked as though shi were going to cry again but I simply placed my hands over hir ears and held hir close with my own small handpaws, having to listen as more and more humans flooded that alleyway and my sire trying to fight them off, the screams of pain, both human and chakat would haunt me for many years to come. I will never forget my time spent trapped in that closet trying not to cry out. The roars of rage eventually began to turn to yowls of pain mixing with the human's screams of fright and anger and pain as well. It was a nightmare that never seemed to end. But eventually it did end. Eventually there was quiet again as I heard people running away.

The Authorities had finally managed to break up the riot, a mixture of the police and Starfleet officers that were in the area. However they weren't able to break it up till there were several casualties. Atleast five fur's died in the riot, one of them was a cub, and one of them was our sire. Shi never came for us as we clinged to each other in that closet, the police found us there holding each other as we sobbed. Thankfully they had enough forethought to prevent us from seeing our sire's body, but I would learn later that our sire had been overwhelmed eventually by the human's sheer numbers unable to stop all of them and eventually shi had been taken down and beaten and stabbed to death, though shi had critically injured several of hir attackers in the struggle. This day changed me forever.......


The graveyard was cold and dim, the sky overcast as snow softly fell from the sky. Two fur's were standing in front of one snow and frost covered grave stone. One of the fur's was a chakat, with black fur and snow leopard rossets and spots that were blueish white, hir hair was cut short with highlights of the same blueish white as hir spot. Shi was wearing a warm brown leather jacket over hir chest to keep hirself warm in the cold. The other fur was a short thin fox morph, his fur was unusual, since instead of the usual orange or red coloring his fur was violet, a rich dark purple that contrasted wildly against his white fur on his neck and underside of his muzzle. The chakat was of course Starpelt who had been telling the fox the story of hir Sire's death, who's grave they were visiting. The fox morph's name was Fin Foxglove, he was one of Starpelt's best friends. They had gone to High school together and had become very close. Both of them were 18 now and had graduated high school and were thinking about where their lives would go from here. Fin had been curious about Star's past and hir family so Starpelt had brought him here to tell him the story.

Fin sighed and shook his head as he looked down at the gravestone his ears lowered a bit as he thought about the pain and sadness that must have been felt by his chakat friend when that horrible day had finally been over. "Star...I am so sorry. I can only imagine how that must have felt. I mean we both experienced a bit of animosity in high school, but never anything on this level." He said looking at his friend with concern. However Star's turquoise eyes were not sad, but there was a type of determination in them. Starpelt had healed eventually from the pain of that violent day. Chakats were very resilient mentally and from that nightmarish day a determination had grown in Starpelt, as well as a desire to protect others from that kind of pain. "I know Fin." Shi said as shi too looked down at hir Sire's grave. "But that's why I am joining the Police Force. I don't want anyone to have to feel that kind of pain ever again. I know I can't change the world on my own, but I can do my best to make a difference." gripped in hir hand was the acceptance letter shi had gotten from the Police Academy. Shi would be starting in the next few months. Hir mother had not been pleased about this not wanting hir child to follow such a dangerous career path but shi had understood and supported Starpelt as much as possible, even helping Starpelt get hir own Loft apartment near the Academy. Starpelt looked at Fin and smiled. "This is just the beginning though, I have a long road to travel...."

To be continued.....