Pachyderm Potty Predicament

She crab walked along the side, her mushy tushy squishing and squashing, making her blush and whimper. she made it around to the back, and watched the nearby kids.

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The Phoenix Within, A(nother) Personal Nonfiction

And, most remarkably of all, horseshoe crabs were there. it seems that they were taking advantage of the calm waters to lay eggs in the beach's sand.


Promised Land

Eli's parents had disowned her for having moved away to the Middle East with Mano, but Eli hadn't cared. If anything, she'd been only too glad to cut them out of her life as well. Mano missed her parents sometimes, but children grew up, pursued love...

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Healing Love - Chapter 26

I ordered the shrimp and crab louis, allen went with all-natural stuffed breast of jidori chicken, and max ordered open faced flat ironed steak sandwich. when the waitress took our menus, i just looked at my brother and future brother-in-law.

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The childhood part 3

I think of crab legs, the way they are steamed and buttered up and made. i opened my mouth, and put some of the powder in my mouth with a spoon. i could not belive what happened; the powder taste and texture was exactly what i thought of!

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How I Learned To Use Distraction and Annoyance Positively

The wind was blowing lightly but it provided no relief because it felt like a giant blow dryer was being pointed at me, i felt like a little crab louse on pam anderson's head being coated in heated sweat and styled.

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Conversions: Gravitas

The whole underwater haven was home to fish and all manner of molluscs and crab like creatures. sliding down the steep ledge of wet sand and mud gravitas headed down to explore.

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Tails of a Cloud Skunk Ch 2: Career Trajectories

"to be honest," he said, "working in sales makes me wanna consider crab fishing in alaska." nina snorted a laugh. "frankly, that probably makes you smarter than most of the fresh meat." now there was a delightful choice of words.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 8

"we cannot act until we find out what actually happened in crab key nebula," said dairyu. "for now, though, maybe you want to consider looking around the current space age?"

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Bar Jocks: Story One, Part Three

The 'roo said as he shifted to a crab pose. joe followed him. "what about now?" the girls groped the rock-hard muscles, but still couldn't decide. mike and joe went into a hands-on-hips most muscular pose. "now?" they still couldn't decide.

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The Blood Which Binds

He fumbled in his cabinets for a crab-claw needle and a tapping hammer. _forgive me, hakka._ his daughter returned and set her candle down on his night table.

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