A New Kind of Paint Shop
After becoming human again after a bowser transformation, he began to ask a few questions. "say, why did you guys start making this paint anyways?" he asks. "well, sometimes its nice to walk a mile in someone else's shoes.
Fire in the Heart of the Dragon: Chapter 1: Escape into Exile
NOTE: My writing style is very random, depending certain points the story will read normally but when certain scenes are meant to be viewed as black with just dialogue I will write lines in "play format" I don't want any confusion but I'm just...
This, is MY story Part 10
I ran into bowser koopa on the elevator-" "...he's here?! right now?! then maybe we could-!" gai interupted "well, not anymore." trey finished. "i overheard him say something about paris.
Bigger Kindgom
bowser's last statement didn't draw as many cheers, some of the troopas looking around in confusion by what their leader meant. "so, i say we expand my kingdom until even mario himself can't trifle with us!"
Dating An Heir (Pt 3)
His father and bowser, sr. are good friends." i responded. "oh. i see." "yup. we've been together for nine months. longest relationship ever, for me." \*\*\* "nick! you're home!" my mom hugged me, then to josef, "_wie geht's euch?"
The Journey To Bowser's Castle - Part 2
As I walked through the forest, following the glowing butterfly, I was curious to where it would take me. The butterfly led me to a path where it splits up into 5 different paths. I didn't know which one to take. After a long time of thinking, I...
Darkness and Starlight 5 - The First Degree
"ho ho ho...would you believe that's meant to be bowser?" "...uh...well i...i don't see-" "of course not, because he doesn't look anything like that!
Kazufox Interview #5
The koopas that were with pepper decide that they would rather be stomped by mario than fight against people like me, so they went back to bowser who had no idea that they were gone and they'll be starting work...as soon as they get out of the hospital
Darkness and Starlight 9 - Round 1
Out of all the small groups within, james' eyes went towards a pirahna plant arguing with a koopa and a goomba, gleaning the source of the argument to be about paying wages within bowser's army.
Darkness and Starlight 14 - Aboard the Rosalina
"remnants from bowser's younger days, he was raised on yoshi's island by the grand magikoopa kamek before he moved his kingdom elsewhere." "alright...and two, aren't you on _vacation?_" "aw come on, i love my job!
Darkness and Starlight 13 - A Mother's Day
He even still had his magic training once every few weeks at bowser's castle under kammy koopa's discretion. but he was cautious about doing magic in the backyard. fire had a tendency to swarm without cold stone walls to trap it in.
The Rising Fallen Star 4 - Kolorado
It was definitely one of bowser's ships, but the design was so much sleeker and aerodynamic than usual.