Fire in the Heart of the Dragon: Chapter 1: Escape into Exile
NOTE: My writing style is very random, depending certain points the story will read normally but when certain scenes are meant to be viewed as black with just dialogue I will write lines in "play format" I don't want any confusion but I'm just letting you know. sorry.
9:27 P.M. I was betrayed.
9:30 P.M. I was transformed into a dragon.
Midnight: I am on the run.
I have been running for several hours, my feet are killing me and I'm being hunted down by my best friends. I was human once but I'm afraid that is no more. Jeez I didn't realize how huge the woods in Grassland were. but anyway BACK TO THE ADVENTURE!!!. The shouting seems to have stopped. in the distance "Lets go back, we'll never find it, it probably flew out of the woods hours ago, come on." I wasn't sure who said it, but I knew I was safe for the moment. *-yawn-* ugh...I'm getting tired, but I need to find someplace safe to stay so I form a plan on what to do. Out in the distance I see a tunnel. Hmm. that tunnel is the Grassland/Desert Hill border. I know of several places I can hide out there.
1:35 A.M. Desert Hill frontier.
Well every other place I thought would be good is guarded, but this one little cabin is safe to use. It's old but at least theirs a couch I can sleep on...
????: So you killed him?
Alvin: Not exactly...
????: Why Not!?!
Alvin: That would be too easy, I like to play with my prey before I kill them. besides if the Mushroom People don't kill him, then you can always show him up.
????: I suppose I could fight him, it's not everyday you get to fight a Major General and survive.
Alvin: Exactly and besides had I have killed him, I would have been questioned by all of the Major Generals, there very suborn when it comes to investigations.
????: True, they would have questioned you and our plans could have been ruined.
Alvin: So what's our next move?
????: I shall lure out our little pet and see how rough he can be in his new form.
Alvin: Don't over think him, he's still powerful. he's not stupid.
????: Where is he?
Alvin: Somewhere in the desert, my tracking bug is weakening because of the jamming.
????: That's good enough for me. I'll make him come to me.
Alvin: How do you intend to do that?
????: I'm a female Alvin, I'll simply offer him something all males want in life.
Alvin: Alright then, I'm off to gain a spot in the Major General's little circle. It's time for a change in command.
????: You over act yourself Alvin, you drama queen.
Alvin: Just arouse him and kill him, I have bigger plans to deal with.
????: Don't you talk to me like that! I can make you suffer for talking to me like that.
Alvin: Understood your highness. or shall I say Baroness?
????: Good day Alvin.
Alvin: Goodbye.
????: Good, now the real fun begins hahahahahahahah!!!!
to be continued...