The Glowing chapter 3

Given a moment to huddle up kirk watches how bobby oranges his team and offers a counter attack.

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Animalands Adventures 1, Clive's Odyssey

He turns and sees clive running around and dodging attacks before performing a counter attack with his sword. makaio then turns to another large shadow and casts another water spell. this time he fires five large orbs of water that drench the shadow.

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Chronicles of an End: On the Road again- Part Three

The bandits regained their sight and began a savage counter-attack, not caring that half of them being dead. two advanced upon valax, and the rest upon the wolves.

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Soldiers of War pt 2 Rangers Lead The Way!

If the russian military was getting involved this whole counter attack could escalate into world war three. merrick shuddered at the thought. his headset then came back on as he heard the colonel talk again. "regular military or spetsnaz?"

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Korban vs Volcan. Stylish Skills vs Brute Strength

He swerved out of the way, avoiding the attack, and his short distance to the ground made korban's attempted counter attack a mistake, for he was very near this time "shit!!"

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Lying Soldiers

It confused them long enough for a counter attack. they were driven off after a harsh fight. i... admit i could not bring myself to leave you. i was worried." there was a hint of relief in her eyes, and at the dulcimer tones of her voice.

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Life in the Apocalypse: Chapter 11

_ whoever this other guy was, he was ready for a counter-attack, the first guy was readying another thunderbolt, and harry had no time to react. and he knew it. _wait a minute... their powers... lightning and telekinesis....

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Endless Struggle 3: Waywarde Encounters

Hakuzo counter attacks with a ball of foxfire thrown at nagaus' face. nagaus feels the impact of the foxfire, feeling like hot lava was just chucked at his face. he claws at his face, trying to get the burning sensation to stop.

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The gutpunching home - Part 4

Lag steps back and plans a counter-attack. he decides to throw a straight left jab at draco, who dodges by ducking under the incoming fist and delivers a uppercut, hitting lag's chin. "ow!" the treecko cries out, and staggers.

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Darzhja Chapter 1 (Originally from

Kaj swung with his claw to intercept; one blow from the huge sky swallower would be enough to finish the fight, yet i had anticipated his counter-attack and shot underneath him, delivering a sharp blow with my tail.

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The Lycanthrope Tails. Chapter 19.

It's eyes were gone, it's hind legs missing as jared jumped forward for a counter attack. with his other hand, jared struck out. swiping at the thing's twisted torso.

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6- Scorching Ignition (Finale)

Silvus expected some sort of counter attack, and moved to dodge, however his cousin was fast and he got hit with both shiny horns.

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