Once upon a time, there was a large village in the Honshu region of Nippon. This village is home to a clan of ninjas who are trained to protect the prime minister of Tokyo. They are called the Shinobi-Kuma clan. For generations, Bear Anthros have...
Action, Animalands, Anthros, Bear, Cute, Furry, GuardianTails, Humor, Magic, Mild Drama, Mystique, Ninja, Story, Supernatural, dragonfly
Out in the Western seas of the Animalands, we see a young Chimpanzee Anthro sailing on his small pirate ship. His name is Clive. He became a pirate to live out his desire of finding treasure and undiscovered islands. Clive is a fresh face in the pirate...
Action, Adventure, Adventures, Animalands, Comedy, Furry, Mild Drama, Romance, Rpggamer16, Supernatural, chimpanzee, manatee, odyssey, pirates