Darzhja Chapter 1 (Originally from Writing.com)

Story by Shalion on SoFurry

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#1 of Darzhja's Story From Writing_dot_com

Darzhja is a young, orphaned dragon living in a city filled with dragons and magic. She longs to make her way in this world and show that nothing can beat her down. She is destined to grab life by in her teeth and never let go!

This is the original story now nearly 10 years old from where it was first posted on Writing.com. I'm proud to be offering a cleaned up version for my readers to enjoy, sans paywalls, here on Furraffinity. A lot of this was not written by me, but with the help of my primary co-author, Brian along with a few others. I hope that those of you who have never had a chance to read this story will get a kick out of it and where my recent efforts have been going to produce a full book featuring the characters we created so long ago now.

Darzhja: Chapter One

By Assorted Authors

(By Kleave)

There was an age of peace that reigned throughout the country of Nod. A country where there was no famine, no needless bloodshed, it was almost perfect. Especially in the Capital of Nod, the city of New Alveri. Sure there were those who disturbed the peace, but there were also those who protected the peace. These were the Knight Riders of New Alveri. Composed of a union of two distinct factions, once bitter enemies and now bonded allies, the Knights were the foundation of the peace and order that prevailed in all of Nod. One branch was of the humanoid races, human, elves dwarves and such. The other was made of different breeds of dragons. Neither could exist without the other... or at least that was the theory.

But this story isn't about them.

This is the story of a young dragon who was a genius when it came to brawls. Her name was Darzhja and she somehow always seemed to come out on top. Well, almost always. She's been in more than one sticky situation and nearly gotten herself killed in the process. She was the type of dragon that would tell you that a punch in the face, or a bite to the neck - even a sword in the chest - will tell you more about a person than talking to them. This was because punches and claws never lied; a person's true nature only became apparent in a good, old fashioned brawl. Darzhja's two dominant traits were her apparent lack of intelligence and her utter fearlessness. She always spoke her mind, she never backed down from a bigger opponent and she always kept her word. Now that you know a little about her, let's begin her story. Shall we...

* * *

The streets were always busy. They were filled with humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, orcs, dragonborns, and of course, us dragons. Though in the central city of all the world - or at least the important parts of it - could one expect any less? Dragons took it upon themselves to maintain peace and order among the country of Nod, and the others took it upon themselves to help us out in any way they could, and to not hunt us mercilessly like they did back in the previous age.

I strolled through the streets of New Alveri, heading towards the southwestern gate. There, I planned on meeting a long time friend, Gatekeeper Kaj. He always said that we would fight when I was ready. "I sure as hell feel ready now." I said out loud. Everyone around me at the gate heard it and most of them laughed.

"So who you fighting this time Darzhja?" an elf asked me from his weapons stall.

"Kaj Mr. Ebon." I answered simply.

A human from the other side of the broad avenue spoke up. "Kaj, really? You sure bout that DD?"

"Sure am Markus." I replied. I always enjoyed talking to the smaller, two-legged folk. I found that I always made friends fast. As I stood to the side of the road, wagons and carts passing back and forth over the shiny enchanted cobblestones, I felt something grab my tail. I stopped and looked. It was a dwarven infant girl hanging on and tugging on me, giggling the whole time.

"Sorry Darzhja, she's quite energetic today." said a dwarven woman who worked as a waitress in one of my favorite Inns.

"No worries Mrs. Kagger. How's your man?" I said scooping up the child with my tail and moving her back to her mother.

"Still a poor drunken fool." She said shaking her head as she picked her daughter off of my tail.

"Sorry to hear that Mrs. Kagger." I said.

"I'm not. If he weren't, he'd be parading around the place with Colzemn." she said with a wry smile.

I smiled back at her. "So true."

I was bombarded with such friendly greetings and small talk as I waited just inside the minor gate, waiting for Kaj to notice me. It was the curse of being famous and friendly to others, as I often said jokingly. I didn't mine too much the time I spent staring up at the colossal city walls, but I did want to Kaj to hurry up and fly down so I could request a sparring match with him; I felt pumped and ready at long last. However I finally grew bored with waiting and walked out of the gate. When I looked up to his perch, I found him asleep! Now, I did know that Sky-Swallowers are known to sleep for a vast amount of time, yet I wasn't the patient sort of dragon. "KAJ!!!" I roared, sending a flock of grey pigeons fluttering into the sky; almost immediately, three of them were cut down by the hawks which prevailed in the area due to the city's tall stone buildings.

After a moment of silence I was about to roar again but then Raj lifted a wing from where it had been covering his face. "Stop it Darzhja." Raj yawned, exposing his dual rows of curved fangs.

"Kaj? You're awake?" I asked looked up to the massive dragon; massive purely because of his heritage, he was less than a quarter century older than me.

"Not really." I heard him say, yawning again.

"Oh come on. Wake up Kaj. You said we would fight if I were strong enough and I sure feel strong enough now." I said happily.

I heard him sigh, his scaled jowls lifted a bit and flapped with the force of his breath. "Feeling strong and being strong are two completely different things." he said, leaning forward with his claws on the edge of his perch.

"Kaj... Please?" I begged. I thought about mentioning that I could tell his superior that he was napping on the job again, but I would never do that to Kaj and the big dragon knew it.

"No." He stated firmly and withdrew from the edge, putting his head back down on the stone supporting his considerable bulk.

"Why not? I fought my share of battles and won." I said proudly puffing out my chest despite the fact that Kaj was no longer looking.

"Oh good for you. You beat up your whole family and a few stragglers and some young short-lives, that's so Wonderful." He said with extreme sarcasm. "Look I'm one of many you haven't battled and I know you like fighting so much I say to you, find someone else. Hell, you like to fight so much why not find a partner and join the Knights. I'm sure one of the other Knights is willing and able. Go ask them, can't you see that I'm very busy?" He explained.

It took me a short time to decide he was right, and I said farewell for now to him and started back up the wide, paved road. Kaj sighed in relief, as I turned away from him. "You have to admit though, I'm a lot bigger than I was a few months ago." I said.

"I truly can't tell, everyone is small or tiny to me." Kaj said jokingly, his tone finally lighter. He waved to me with his wing as I passed back under the large stone archway.

As I walked back to the place I lived, I pondered the words that Kaj spoke. Find a Partner, Join the Knights. I never thought of ever doing that but if I did I could be in fight after fight. That would definitely prove worthwhile, but would they accept as young as myself? I heard of them accepting hatchlings but that was because those dragons had been bred to be Knights, their lives prearranged by their parents and the scryers while they still lay in the egg. However, I was definitely capable of fighting; I did it whenever I got the chance, but that was it. I knew nothing on what it meant to really be a Knight. I was halfway home when I stopped and decided to find a way to join the Knights.

Join the Knights or Else (By Brian)

Of all the enormous buildings, monolithic monuments and skyscrapers that graced the megalopolis of New Alveri, the one towered over all the others was the Grand Temple of the Holy Knights of Nod. The Temple itself had actually been the original city of Alveri, constructed on the foundation of an extinct volcano, yet as the city expanded infinitely outwards, the Temple had been granted an extra-territorial status. Very few commoners ever got to see the inside of the temple, yet what I knew of the place, it was a world onto itself, where only the Holy Knights, Nod's most elite defenders, were allowed residence.

As if to emphasize its separation from the rest of the metropolis, a giant moat surrounded the Grand Temple. As reckless a young dragoness I was, not even she was brash enough to attempt to fly in from one of its perches; not with those fully armed dragon Knights and their riders watching over them.

"I must be completely insane doing this..."

Yet I really didn't have that much of a choice. My parents both died when I was very small, and they had both been clanless, so I had entered into New Alveri as a drifter. I was taken into an orphanage for dragons, as it was a place I could have food and shelter, but as soon as I was old enough to walk on all fours, the caregivers had told me I would have to earn my keep by doing good deeds in the community. Good deeds meant involved me performing odd-jobs for the humans, like breathing fire as a street performer, guarding pubs, lifting heavy shipments for the various shopkeepers and other things that would get me a few gems. That was why I was so familiar with the humans, elves and the other smaller races. I learned to fight because I had to by necessity, and as I grew older, I challenged some of the watch dragons to fight for a wager. What won me so many fights was that many of these dragons didn't think a scrawny bronze dragoness would have any chance, but they did find out the hard way. However, that's the reason why they avoided me nowadays, because they now know I could fight and weren't willing to wager money anymore. Because I was almost fully grown, the orphanage was going to kick me out soon, which meant that I would have to find my own place, and have to resort to other means of getting income. Of course, for young female dragoness desperate to make money, there was that option. I grit my teeth in shook my head, that was NOT an option that I would want to be forced to face, so crazy as it was, I decided to try my luck to become a Holy Knight.

However, there were bridges that led to gates on ground level. Like on the skyway entrances, the gate was manned by a Dragon Knight. Though these dragons were but of the lowest orders of the Holy Knights, they would make mincemeat out of Kaj or your typical civilian watch dragon.

"State your business here fledgling!!" growled the guard. I frowned. He couldn't have been that much older than myself actually. I would not allow myself to be intimidated.

"I wish to gain entry into the Grand Temple, and join the Holy Knights of Nod," I proclaimed, trying to sound as 'knightly' as I possibly could.

"Is that so?" the Knight responded, keeping his face rigid, but I could tell that he looked like he wanted to laugh out loud, "And what makes you believe that you possess the qualities to become a Knight?"

"I am a strong fighter, I train myself to get better every single day, and I take every opportunity to test out my skills!!" I answered. "What, on a human or an elf?"

"I'll show you just how strong I am!!" I threatened, baring my teeth. I knew this was a bad idea, but I couldn't think of anything else that might prove myself.

I was suddenly blindsided by a powerful blow to the belly, knocking me off my feet. My head spun, and I switched my gaze back to see the guard with his head cocked sideways, looking mildly amused. I bared my teeth and let out a roar, and charged at him again. Quicker than I imagined possible from a dragon that heavily armored, he moved aside and swung his tail around, once again sending me to the ground.

I had never been so outclassed in my entire life. He stood over me and lowered his head to my level.

"Your skill is lacking, but you do have a reckless spirit about you..." he answered. "Go home girl..."

I glared up at the dragon as I pushed myself to my feet.

"I'll be back!! Next time we meet I'll beat you!!" I vowed, trying to put on a show of bravado, "Just you wait!!"

However, the truth was that I felt deeply humiliated at what had just transpired. While I didn't expect that they would just let me become a knight, it was only now I realized the vast difference between a knight and an orphan like myself. I had always considered myself a talented fighter, yet I may well have been a newborn hatchling taking on her father.

I headed back through the city streets, not speaking to anyone, back to the orphanage where I had lived ever since my parents had died. The orphanage, like many of the common draconic settlements within New Alveri, was built into the cliff sides. By the time I arrived, it was getting dark, as the denizens of the city returned to their homes. While I didn't worry about my ability to defend myself, this part of New Alveri became a much more dangerous place at night. Even I knew that at times, discretion was the better part of valor.

I angled inside the large opening, arriving at the main chamber. The orphanage was run by the religious establishment; who out of charity took in lost hatchlings regardless of element, raising them to be upstanding members of society. During the times I was not trying to earn a few gems for myself, they taught us to read and write in standard draconic, along with the teachings of the holy church.

No sooner had I entered when I was greeted by the old matron of the orphanage, Lady Ramoth. That punishing scowl on her face was enough to make even the most valorous knight quail; as for the orphans that dwelled here, we both loved and feared the old nun.

"Where have you been Darzhja!! I was about to close the orphanage for the night young dragoness!!" she hissed.

"I apologize Lady Ramoth," I answered.

She gave me a quick glance. "Darzhja!! Did you get yourself into a fight again? You know how I do not tolerate any fighting out of any of you!!" she hissed, "You will tell me what went on or you will be going without supper tonight..."

I gazed back at her. I had defied her many times before, and had been willing to pay the price for it, but this time it would be better to tell her the truth.

"I traveled to the gates of the Grand Temple, and challenged one of the Holy Knights guarding the entrance to a fight," I said.

"You're lucky you just came back with a few bruises. The knight could have easily had you put in the dungeons for assault, and trust me, the dungeons are a terrible place for females..." she hissed.

"I know... yet I did so with the intention that if I beat him, the Knights would accept me into their order," I replied.

Lady Ramoth simply shook her head at me with disdain, not even bothering to tell me just how much of a fool I was for doing such a thing.

"Just get something to eat and then go back to your cot. I don't want to hear any more of this Knight business..." she growled.

"Yes Lady Ramoth," I responded obediently.

"Go then, my child, and may the Great Ancestors above protect you..." she chanted.

"Yes... may they protect us all..." I answered.

Past the chapel was a large mess hall where all the orphans would eat once a day. None of the food was particularly palatable, as most of the food was secondhand donations, and was served by the humanoid priests. At this late hour, all they had left was a batch of dried meat; it tasted like rubber, but it was better than nothing.

Most of the orphans were already heading for bed, so after the quick meal, I headed there myself. For the last couple of years now, I was the oldest of all the orphans, which made me their de-facto leader.

"Darzhja!! You're back!!" cried Ophelia, a small adolescent green dragoness, jumping up and down excitedly.

"Indeed, I have returned," I said, trying to sound triumphantly.

"So how many opponents did you defeat today?" asked Blaze, a fire dragon who was the resident troublemaker of the group.

"Several!! In fact, I challenged a Holy Knight of the Temple to a duel as well," I added. Of course, I didn't mention that I was absolutely trashed; after all, I had a reputation to maintain.

"That sounds dangerous though, you really could have gotten hurt," said Iskierka, another one of the adolescents.

"Come on!! What's the fun without a little risk!!" retorted Blaze.

Afterwards I was drowned by a barrage of questions by the smaller orphans, who asked me glowingly of all the fights. I described the fights to them, and how I emerged victorious in each of them, exaggerating a great deal of the feats I had accomplished, such as defeating three guards with a single move, challenging an entire group of dragons and emerging victorious and such; it was all exaggeration of course, and the older orphans like Ophelia, Iskierka and even Blaze knew it as such, but the young ones liked hearing uplifting stories of heroism and like.

"I do suppose you have a good reason for all your recent fighting though," said Ophelia. The implication, of course, was that as the oldest orphan, that also meant that I would be forced to leave its premises and have to face the real world on my own as an adult. Many of the orphans went on to become priests or nuns at a convent. Yet the reality was that when the males left the orphanage, they became outcasts and criminals, while the females turned to prostitution. As for myself, I hardly had the disposition to sit around all day and pray at an altar, and of course I didn't want to end up entertaining hordes of pheromone drunk males, but I hadn't thought about what I'd wanted to do until fairly recently.

"I intend on joining the Holy Knights!!" I said triumphantly.

"The Holy Knights?" said Blaze, "Yeah, you're good, but those warriors are hard core. Are you actually serious about this?"

I gazed about, specifically toward Ophelia, Iskierka and Blaze. Unlike the younger orphans, they knew how so many of these dreams could be broken, and that orphans faced a life of servitude and poverty as an adult, spending the rest of their lives in dungeons. They knew how rough the world really was.

"I am... I know the chances of an orphan such as myself being accepted into the order is slim, but I intend to pursue everything I have for this venture. I'm going to become a Holy Knight, so that orphans such as ourselves can see that you don't have to be born into a privileged bloodline to achieve your dreams, that if they are determined and they want their dream bad enough, they can achieve anything. I'll prove it to all of you that I'll become a Knight, once and for all!!" I vowed.

"That would be great Darzhja," said Ophelia, "Because if there was only one dragon orphan in the entire Empire that can get into the Holy Knights, I think you're that one..."

I felt like tearing up at that moment.

"Thank you for believing in me you guys. I won't let you down..."

Once again younger hatchlings ate it up, chanting that since I had defeated so many opponents that I would be the most invincible knight in the entire Kingdom.

The celebration was cut off when Lady Ramoth came into the room.

"Its lights out young ones!! Say your prayers before we go to sleep!!"

As always, I chanted my prayers to the Ancestors. Yet this chant took a whole new meaning, as before I had done so half-heartedly, but now with my decision to strive to become I knight, I prayed that the Ancestors would give me the strength to become a Holy Knight, that I could show all the young orphans without a home that they would have somebody they called their own and could strive for, and that their lonely lives would be filled with hope.

The following morning began like any other. We were woken up at the crack of dawn to give our prayers, followed by a small meal at the mess hall.

Every morning, the older orphans would be given various chores to perform for the humanoids. Chores like these helped the orphanage keep its finances, and gave them constructive things to do.

"Blaze," said Lady Ramoth, "Mr Ebon just received a fresh order of weapons, and he would like someone to provide fire to his smelter..."

"I'm on it Lady Ramoth," he said obediently.

"And I don't want to hear the patrons finding out you burned out a merchants stall!!"

"I won't," he said, before rushing off.

"Iskierka, the artists guild requested for you again. They have an upcoming convention coming up so they need someone to deliver some supplies," said Ramoth.

"They can count on me then!!" she cried, before flying off.

"As for you Ophelia, the merchants guilds is need of someone to help clear out a lot of debris so they can start building a new store on that property. Can I count on you to take care of that?" said Ramoth.

"Absolutely Lady Ramoth!!" she cried, before flying off.

"And where would you have me go?" I asked. Ramoth curved her gaze toward me, and gave a long look.

"Yes... about that Darzhja. I need to speak with you for a moment..." she cried.

"Anything wrong?" I asked. Admittedly, I did get into my fair share of trouble, but it was usually the trivial sort, knocking down a few stands, interrupting foot traffic of the humanoids and occasionally fighting too often. Or perhaps she wanted to talk further about that fight I had gotten into with that Knight.

Yet when the old matron gave me that forlorn look, I knew it was more than just that.

"You see Darzhja, the orphanage has received many new hatchlings lately, hatchlings that need home and shelter..." she began. My face fell. I knew immediately where she was going with this.

"So, you're kicking me out of the orphanage then..." I murmured.

"I'm afraid so Darzhja. After tonight, you will have to leave," said Lady Ramoth. "Were the circumstances more ideal, I would have preferred to keep you longer until you were more prepared to face the world..."

"Yet...things didn't turn out the way they're supposed to then. I prepared myself for this day sooner or later, that there are hatchlings that need the orphanage far more than I, but still..."

I couldn't help but lower my head and cry. That I would be leaving the only home I knew for as long as I could remember. I had no recollection of my real parents, and as harsh and strict as Lady Ramoth was, she was the closest thing I had to a mother.

"There now Darzhja. Everything is going to be all right. Now keep your head up and face the world."

I gave Lady Ramoth a big winged hug. After arranging all my affairs, and gathering up my things, I went back outside. Since this was my last day at the orphanage, Lady Ramoth at least gave me the entire day free to myself instead of having to do chores in the humanoid district.

I decided I would pay Kaj a visit. As usual, I found him lounging upon his post, apparently asleep. I frowned. I knew it was more an act; he only pretended to be asleep to throw off the crooks and troublemakers, where upon he would be surprise them and strike.

"KAJ!! Wake up!!" I snarled.

Kaj jerked awake.

"Darzhja, to what do I owe this visit?" he said hazily.

"I decided to take your advice and I challenged a Holy Knight to a fight so I could gain entry into the order..." I answered.

"You did?" he cried, jerking alert, "When I told you that if you wanted to fight and join the Knights, I didn't think you'd actually take it seriously!!"

I couldn't help but take offense to that. I always trusted Kaj as a dragon I could count on to give me good advise, and I didn't think he would throw something like that so casually. Perhaps he was just surprised more than anything else.

"Yes, in fact I'm here to tell you I will challenge that Knight again. I will keep challenging him no matter how long it takes, so that I can become accepted into the Holy Knights," I cried.

"Oh wow, I suppose you are serious about this. I know you like fighting, yet I sense you have a deeper motive to join the Knights," said Kaj.

"I...got kicked out of the orphanage today. They were filling up with a lot of new hatchlings, so Lady Ramoth decided that they needed space for them. I'm not looking into joining the Holy Knights as a place to stay, or act as a servant for them, but I want to join the Knights for the others back at the orphanage, so they can be proud of what I accomplished and that they know that they have something they can dream for. I want to join the Knights so I can fight for them, so that through my struggles their lives can be easier," said Darzhja.

Kaj gave me a good long stare, before rising from his post and facing me.

"I challenge you Darzhja, to a duel..." he said.


"That's right, you always wanted to fight me haven't you? Now's your chance Darzhja. Show me whether you're Holy Knight material or if you'll spend the rest of your life being a nobody..." he challenged.

I stood up and faced Kaj. While Regal Bronzes were actually one of the larger breeds of Metallic Dragons, and despite being an orphan I was by no means a small dragoness either, I felt puny in comparison to the huge Sky-Swallower. He literally shook the ground with his every step.

Nonetheless, I swallowed my fear, "I accept your challenge then!!"

"Then come at me with everything you have!!"

I shot forward and began with a quick swipe, attempting to close the distance as quickly as I could. Kaj swung with his claw to intercept; one blow from the huge Sky Swallower would be enough to finish the fight, yet I had anticipated his counter-attack and shot underneath him, delivering a sharp blow with my tail. The huge dragon grunted in irritation, but that's what my blow was to the giant dragon, an irritation. I knew enough about fighting to understand that as the largest of the dragons, Sky Swallowers were trained for defensive fighting; legends told of single Sky Swallowers warding off entire armies on their lonesome, and when clad in armor a Sky Swallower was a living wall of steel. Sky Swallowers were also used in sieges, their hides all but impenetrable to human artillery, and could take down a castle wall with a single blow. Kaj was no exception to this philosophy, as while he was immensely powerful, he was inherently slow and clumsy. Thus, I darted in and out of his grasp, striking again and again. My only hope was to aim for a weak point, and gradually wear him out and get tired.

Meanwhile, a sizable crowd of humanoids had gathered to witness this impromptu fights, and like all crowds did, made wagers and cheered on the combatants. The crowd let out an 'oh', after a particularly fierce skirmish, in which I had made a daring move to strike at his underbelly, only to miss my mark, and then barely flipping out of the way from his body slam.

"I must say, Darzhja, you're boasts about being a talented fighter are more than just boasts I see," said Kaj, about half an hour into the fight. If he was fatigued from having to chase me around, he sure didn't show it.

Meanwhile, I was exhausted. Had I fought him yesterday, I probably would have been destroyed in the first minute, as I had not been so filled with that much purpose then. I gritted my teeth, "Are you ready to give up!!" I growled.

"Are you? In fact, I suggest that you do give up the fight. If I manage to land a hit, you may end up seriously hurt..."

I only huffed back at him as if he were insane. I was never the type of person ever to back down from anything.