Hotel sunbloom 2/2
Now i show the classification" sats virizion to their employeers. virizion touches a button on the table and pulse the botton.
Hotel Sunbloom 1/2
When i arrive at 20:30 pm, the walkie-talkies were activated by virizion. "here virizion: the game is started. good luck and may win the best predator" says virizion. the predators, they smiled from their positions.
Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 7: The Attack
Volcan whispered, but returned to his senses as he saw virizion and cobalion preparing to attack again. "three corrupted swords, three lucario - pair up! one for each team. minato, go back up tristan, luke and i have virizion.
Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 8: Snatch & Grab
With that, the audino nurses approached virizion, and helped her stand.
Gates to Misery CH: 4
I didn't look, but i could hear tepig and virizion had finally catch up to us. i heard an unfamiliar voice say "is he going to be ok?" it must be virizion. "i don't know..." i hear espeon answer. "come on. let's get him to paradise.
Gates to Misery CH: 7
I heard virizion say, weakly. "i know you're upset, but please calm down. your sadness if effecting us." her words calmed me down. that must be it.
Gates to Misery CH: 1
I saw a pokemon at post town called virizion. every one thought she was beautiful. i didn't, but i wanted to know why everyone thinks she is. i kept myself hidden from everyone. i don't get it. everyone just swoons at the sight of her. why?
Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 11: Last Chance
"ah, young love," virizion muttered, smiling at the two of them. at that, cobalion stepped forward to address caulin. "pardon me," he began, interrupting the moment between caulin and koa.
Gates to misery ch: 8
virizion? all my friends yelling at me that i can do this. i felt more confidant in this now, but i didn't believe i actually was hearing them. i focused an energy out of me slowly, building up a ball of power. every time....
Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 9: Mad with Grief
virizion... terrakion... where are you?_" the voice asked, "_it's... it's so dark here... where am i?"_ _"hey! can you hear me?"_ caulin called out toward the light. _"i'm here to save you, man! try and follow my voice!"_ _"who... who is that?"
Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 13: Final Stand Part 1
Shortly following the flight groups were the three swords of justice; cobalion, virizion and terrakion appeared from another flash of light and went to stand with torolf and romulus.
Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 10: Dead End
virizion and terrakion; do you know where they are - are they okay?!" he demanded, suddenly panicked, and trying to scramble out of the seat, though he had already been secured to it by the seatbelt.