"a very interesting choice to take on my quagsire." wake said as he smiled to me. "my quagsire vs. your shinny ninetails. this shouldn't take to long. quagsire, get ready for this."
Battle, Fear, Pokemon, Tactics
A quagsire was in front of it. "mmmmm there you are." "sorry i'm late." oshawott apologizes. "but i have the money!" "mmmmm are you sure you want to buy this land? there's nothing here." "yes! i'm sure." oshawott hands quagsire money. quagsire's right.
Eevee, Giratina, Salamance, Snivy, Swadloon, Tepig, Virizion, drilbur, espeon, lillipup, oshawott, quagsire
When the final battle had begun with kit vs. the quagsire, jenavee and rena were practically at the edge of their seats, watching every twitch/movement that either kit or the quagsire make.
Love, Pokemon
"quagsire! lets go!" crasher wake threw his pokemon into the arena as well!
"staraptor use brave bird!"
"quagsire use water pulse!
Aerodactyl, Cub, Female, Gym match, Lucario, Male, Manectric, Pokemon, Riolu, Staraptor, Trainer, electric, gyarados, water
"i have a lot to explain, but right now, i will tell you that i, quagsir bloodwarth, am your father and she, opite snowblind, is your mother. and if you need someone to confirm that, ask dagma."
Action, Adventure, Bad Language, Dragon, Dragoness, Kissing, Magic
Sirblood basically just blurted out "sorry for that it has been a long day and well i got a bit clumsy," then forcing himself to go on "name is quagsir bloodwarth most called sirblood."
Dragon, Dragoness, Lycanthrope, Magic
Unfortunately for princeton, he was in a bit of a bind, unable to tap out without really putting a teammate at a disadvantage, meaning the quagsire had to weather the storm coming from the opposing fearow.
Arcanine, Battle, Flirtation, Highschool, Pokemon, Respect
A quagsire dropped by and gave you a gentle headbutt. a krabby lightly scratched your sobble and caused the lil creature to cry in surprise.
Hug, Hydreigon, Male, gentle, pokemon trainer
"i had a gurrdurr, two timburr and a quagsire help me out. and to be fair, this house looks great to me." he said hopeful. i looked at him. i couldn't feel but good for him. i smiled at him.
"i think it looks good.
Axew, Hasquet, Inflation, Janadam6, Pokemon, oshawott