Gates to Misery CH: 4
#4 of Gates to Misery
My master teleported us back to the Distortion world. My entire body was shaking from sorrow and regret. I can't even look at him. I failed my master and now I'm going to be punished. "Master... I'm so sorry... Please... find it in your heart to forgive me..."
I couldn't look at him, but I didn't have to to see that he was amused by this. "EEVEE, ARE YOU TRYING TO TALK YOUR WAY OUT OF PUNISHMENT?" "No, master. My failure is unacceptable. I deserve any punishment you give me." I say with a shaking voice.
My response to his question made him curious. "REALLY? THEM WHY BEG FOR FORGIVENESS?" "Master, ever since I came into this world... I... I've been harmed, lied and tricked by everyone I've met, but you changed that. You even gave me a purpose in life and I don't want to lose it. I beg for forgiveness hoping you'll still be my master.Master Giratina's voice changed to a more sad and quiet tone. "EEVEE, I..." He picked me up and hugged me tightly. "I'M SORRY, EEVEE. I'VE BEEN WATCHING YOU EVER SINCE YOU CAME IN THIS WORLD. THERE WERE TWO OTHER HUMANS, BUT YOUR THE ONLY ONE THAT BECAME A SHINY POKEMON. I WAITED UNTIL THE WORLD BROKE YOU. AT THE TIME, I WANTED NOTHING MORE THAN TO BRAKE YOU AND NOW THAT I HAVE, I WANT TO UNDO THE DAMAGE."
I don't understand why he's so upset, but I should comfort him. I hug him back and say "Master, don't be sad. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." I thought that would make him feel better, but it didn't. He let me go and started to cry. Why is he so sad? "Master, please don't cry..." "EEVEE..." He says as tears silently hit the ground."YOU ARE SUCH A SELFLESS CREATURE. YOU DON'T DESERVE THIS LIFE. YOU DESERVE I HAPPIER LIFE." "But, master... It's impossible! I've tried and... It's just impossible..."
Master thinks for a bit before making a decision. "EEVEE, IN ORDER TO LIVE A BETTER LIFE, YOU HAVE TO START CARING ABOUT YOURSELF AGAIN... AND FOR THAT TO HAPPEN... YOU NEED THE RIGHT KIND OF POKEMON AROUND YOU AND... YOU NEED TO BE FREE." My master turns around and leaves me alone in this empty world. "Master? Master! Please don't leave me!" I cry and beg, but master just keeps walking away until I can't see him.
That's it. I can't be happy, I can't have friends, now I can't be useful. I don't have a purpose here now. I want to go home.
It took me hours, but I finally made a portal back to my own world. I... I can have my life back! I... Wait... I heard something.
"Eevee!" No... please let it not be them... Not now... I turned to see who was calling my name. It was Espeon, Umbreon, Tepig and Virizion. If they catch me, I'll never make it. I ran to the portal as fast as I could, but Espeon and Umbreon used quick attack to catch up to me.
I'm so close now. I just have to- "There! We got him!" Umbreon's voice broke my hopes of making it as his and Espeon's paws grab and hold me down. No... this can't be happening... I'm so close... "N... no... Let me go." I struggle to break free, but I can't get out of their grasp. "Let me GO!" "Hey. Calm down. We only want to help."
Help? They want to help? "Then let go! Please..." Maybe I can reason with them. This is my last chance. "My life as a human wasn't a very good one. I... I didn't trust my family, I had only two friends I rarely saw... But it was a livable life." I tuned my head to look at Umbreon and Espeon. I think it's working! Their loosening their grip on me. "E-ever since I came here... I..." It suddenly became harder to talk as I hold back my tears. "I... My life has no value here... I can't even be useful..." I turn to face the portal that was now slowly closing up. "Please... do the world a favor."
I waited patiently for them to let go of me, but they just tightened their grip on me. "We're sorry, Eevee." I hear Umbreon say. "But we want you to be happy and after what you just said, it's obvious that you can't be happy in the human world, but there is still hope for you here." "Hope?" I ask. "Haven't you been listening? My life has gotten worse ever since I got here! I'm... I'm better off in the human world." This time I hear Espeon's voice. "Your life has been terrible because you've been around the wrong kind of Pokemon. We'll help. We promise." I try one last time to break free. "No... There's no such thing as a promise. I know from experience. No shiny can be happy here! LET GO!"
They kept their hold on me as my only hope vanishes before my eyes. When the portal fully closed, they both let go of me, but I didn't get up. "Why?" I asked them between sobs. "This world can't even tolerate me... What could you possibly achieve from this?"
They didn't respond to my question. I guess they gave up on trying to convince me. I didn't look, but I could hear Tepig and Virizion had finally catch up to us. I heard an unfamiliar voice say "Is he going to be OK?" It must be Virizion. "I don't know..." I hear Espeon answer. "Come on. Let's get him to paradise. She grabs me by the scruff of my neck and carefully puts me on Umbreon's back and we leave the Distortion world.
once we were out, I saw master. He told them to take me away. I know he did. I wanted to ask him why, but I was crying to much to talk. He didn't even look at me. Why?
I was taken to the inn in Post Town and they asked for a bed, then took me upstairs and placed me on the very last bed. Snivy, Emolga, an Oshawott and a Duncparce came to check on me. "Is he alright?" Oshawott asks as he looks at me with eyes full of concern for my well being. Tepig gently pulls him back a little before saying "Yes, but right now, we should let him get some rest."
They all leave and as they do, I hear voices downstairs asking about me. I'm glad they're gone. Now I can think without interruption. I've lost everything. I've no friends, no family, no value. I have nothing to live for. A shiny doesn't deserve death until it takes it's own life.
Mourning came quickly. I didn't sleep in the bed. I slept on the floor against the back wall. A Swanna came up with a plate full of food and said to me "Hello young Eevee. Hungry?" I didn't answer. I am hungry, but I don't want to live anymore. Swanna placed the food on the table and told me before leaving "I'll just leave it here for you."
Swanna came back to check on me after a few hours and discovered that I haven't moved an inch. She walked over to me and asked "Hey, what's wrong? You haven't even touched your plate." I didn't answer again. I haven't eaten anything since master abandoned me and I had to use all of my willpower to stop me from going to that table.
Swanna thought for a moment and must have figured that I wasn't talking because I didn't know her. "Well... Your friends aren't here right now but maybe you'll feel better when they see you tomorrow." and left for the rest of the day. I hope they never come back. They're the reason I lost everything.
Night was slow to come, but not as slow as sleep. I guess it's hard to be tiered when your hungry and you've been staring at food all day. I had that same dream, but it was more clear. A Pokemon that called herself Munna said she brought me to this world and she needed my help, but I didn't believe her. "Hey, can you hear me?" I wouldn't answer her. "I guess not..." Thankfully, she disappeared.
Mourning came again and Swanna came up with fresh food. She didn't say anything this time. She placed the food on the table, looked at me for a few seconds and left.She must have figured out that talking to me wasn't going to help.
After an hour, I was visited by all the members of team Hope. They all tried talking to me, but I wouldn't respond. I saw an idea sparkle in Snivy's eyes when he looked at Espeon. "Espeon, could you..." I couldn't hear what he was whispering, but I know what he's thinking. I don't want Espeon in my mind, but I don't have the energy to resist. Snivy stopped whispering in Espeon's ear and she gave a nod of approval. She walked over to me and lowered her head so our eyes would meet. I closed my eyes and waited for what was going to happen.
Inside my mind was just a giant puddle with raindrops constantly hitting the surface. The rain was so loud I couldn't even hear Espeon approach me. "Eevee, what are you doing? Why are you putting yourself through this?" I didn't answer. "I'm not leaving until you answer me." That was enough to make me talk. "I have nothing to live for." I thought she would be happy to hear that a shiny finally gave up, but she wasn't. "Eevee, look at me." I kept my head low. "Look at me!" "No!" We were both shocked by how loud and determined I was. Espeon calmed down and tried again. "Listen. We want to help you. We want to give you a reason to live. Please let us help you."
It starts to rain harder to show my emotions. "A-all my life... I've been lied and tricked... How can I trust you?" "I understand that you can't, but we can't even help you if you don't let us." She's... right, but does she mean it? I look up to her face and stare hard into her eyes. "...OK..."
She finally leaves and we return to reality. I want to believe her, but I can't let her prove anything if I die. Everyone watches carefully as I slowly get to my feet and make my way to the table. My body is so weak. With every step I take, I feel my legs wobble like they would give out at any moment. I made it halfway to the table before I collapsed.
Snivy and Tepig ran over to help me while everyone else didn't know what to do Tepig lifts my head up and Snivy picks up and apple and holds it up to my face. I take a bite and slowly started eating the apple. I still don't trust anyone, but I'll give them a chance.