Ghost Treat
Ghost Treat Danny looks around. He exhaled some cool air from his mouth, showing there were ghosts near by. Like usual a ghost always comes by. So he goes after them. Meanwhile in his father's Ghost Portal it comes alive and a creature......
Shadow's everyday life continued
He revealed his feelings for phantom. and so this continues. "phantom........ i love you." i said "shadow please tell me this is a sick joke right?"
Star Fox: An Unexpected Mission: Chapter 10
Wolf thought in his mind while he zoomed in on phantom. "your mine, phantom!" wolf fired a charged homing shot at phantom's jet. it looked like wolf had this in the bag, but phantom somehow dodged that shot with a barrel roll.
Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 34: Bugg3d Pr0gr4m
Nursery Breakout
"you won't get away with this.", phantom drake said, trying to sound tough, not realizing he was forming a puddle of pee in his old uniform. "oh i think we will, phantom hatchling." mental moose laughed.
Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 32: A Peek Behind the Curtain
"every time someone on board this station is killed by a phantom the number of people left alive goes down by one and the number of phantoms goes up by one.
Shadow's everyday life
phantom a male gray wolf with alot more muscle than shadow had said. (wore a tee-shirt that said 'stud muffin" and jean shorts) i've had a crush on phantom during this summer. i spent alot of time at his house.
Ancient Technique
A mighty blow was swung by the phantom and the undead called upon his holy move to defend himself. never before did the phantom feel such... fear, such helplessness, against this undead's hidden tool.
awesome art by a friend
Skype: phantomlion [](
Two Sides
To my luck i had fox for my algebra class and i had phantom for my band class, i would get to spend some time with them and enjoy. i was more interested in spending more time with phantom but i hid my excitement when i found out about the band class.
Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 28: So Much to Learn
#29 of fathom's phantoms chapter 28 of fathom's phantoms gives us a peek into understanding the strange organisms invading the station and also gives us a front-line view of the fight against them.
The cutie mark that couldn't be seen
Then there was one gasp, then another, as more phantom ponies were suddenly appearing from behind bushed and between houses to join the herd. from the sky, soft glows of phantom pegasis were coming down to join the stampede.