Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 34: Bugg3d Pr0gr4m

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#35 of Fathom's Phantoms

Chapter 34 has arrived and we once again get to see things from ALVIN's expanded point of view... and he becomes privy to a LOT

Yes: readers have spent a LOT of time not knowing large portions of what's going on but it is now time to provide a LOT of clarification and clarity... and more death.

As always the next update is scheduled for once this one gets 50+ views and there aren't many more posts to go!

Now's the time for questions, comments, and input!

Fathom's Phantoms Ch 34, Bugg3d Pr0gr4m

ALVIN understood why organic beings became illogical when fear was introduced into an equation; even the most basic Artificial Personality Programs were able to comprehend how quickly a linear thought process could be led astray when a thinker was subjected to clear and present danger. What ALVIN truly found interesting however was when someone was capable of getting past that design flaw and actually transcend fear. The program, in fact, found it inspiring.

While his initial plan of action was sound and stood a good chance of improving the overall number and quality of survivors ALVIN did have a soft spot for the optimistic proposition of slowing down the Phantoms by temporarily capturing the front runners in scrubber cells. It was ingenious and creative... and made ALVIN think of the saying coined by a Human of the 19th Century, Benjamin Franklin "Necessity is the mother of invention.'... which was true enough... but, the program reasoned, the threat of imminent death was certainly a very useful catalyst.

Unlike the numerous groups of organic intelligence meandering about the station ALVIN did not have the problem of limited communication; thanks to the foresight of his deceased creator and the helpful inclusion of numerous non-standard broadcasting devices the program was able to monitor multiple parts of the station and communicate with many of its inhabitants. That trait came in particularly useful as he attempted to assist Engineer Fowler's and Engineer Alton's plan get put into motion.

Despite his limited bandwidth and processing capabilities due to the ad hoc communication web, ALVIN was still able to maintain contact with J'vil, the Voljoi down in Agroponics. Sadly, J'vil was not particularly compliant, "Explain to me again why I need to run this errand when there is a big threat to my survival?"

The program pressed forward despite the resistance. "Those attempting to fight off the Phantoms do not understand how they fit into the Law of Conservation of Mass. Matter and ENERGY cannot be destroyed."

J'vil was much more willing to listen and, as expected he picked up on it right away. "So... you are saying we can't kill them because they are beings of energy and as long as that energy is present, so are the Phantoms. You cannot destroy the energy so you cannot destroy the Phantoms."

"That is correct."

Despite J'vil's misgivings and argumentative nature, the Voljoi took the correct turn as he headed off toward the Life Support center. "I still cannot comprehend how these creatures are killing people and making more of themselves."

The AI wasn't about to leave the comment unanswered. "Sentient races spent millennia of existence not understanding the miracle of reproduction among organic, carbon-based life forms... it would hardly be considered unexpected to not have the answer in the case of reproduction among plasmatic, energy-based life forms."

The Voljoi took the next indicated turn. "Although that explains the phenomenon it does not make me feel any better."

"I apologize that I could not reduce your concerns in that regard, Dr J'vil... but, rest assured, all initial data indicates that collecting the scrubber cells will greatly increase your likelihood of survival whether you understand how the Phantoms reproduce or not."

J'vil let out a steadying breath as he began looking over the life support machinery. "Trapping them in a scrubbing cell makes sense in that case... that is really all I need to know."

The comment would have brought a smile to ALVIN'S face if he'd had one. "A pragmatic approach in this case does seem to be quite suitable."

The Voljoi took a turn down the last hall before the engineering storage, "So... explain again how this trap will work. I understand the heat resistance inherent within scrubber cells but how will the Phantoms be drawn into them?"

ALVIN was pleased that the Voljoi had no trouble understanding the basic framework of the plan. "Correct, J'vil. With only slight modification the scrubbers can be activated with the safety valve in an open position. The resulting expulsion of heat will attract a Phantom and the back-up valve will automatically trip due to the extreme ambient heat they exude, trapping them inside for a time."

J'vil stopped in his tracks and brought his PCD up to stare at as he addressed ALVIN. "For a time?"

The program used his avatar to nod. "Correct. Once the Phantom successfully reproduces from the heat the cell burns out and the Phantoms will escape."

The Voljoi frowned, obviously understanding after only a moment's thought. "Heat absorbent and fire retardant... they aren't IMMUNE to heat... just inefficient at being heated... you are talking about sublimation... they have enough energy to turn the scrubber bars directly from a solid to a gas?"

ALVIN clarified, "They will, in fact, enact a full enthalpy of the system-- once the heat shielding of the scrubber cell is overcome it will immediately be altered into a plasma state."

Je'vil stood still, a scrubber in his hand. "That could result in it burning right through the hull, ALVIN."

The program didn't hesitate. "It will be more effective than thermite, if not for the fact that the Phantoms will be present to absorb that heat as well."

"Won't that make them multiply again?"

The graphical representation of ALVIN's face smiled on J'vil's PCD. "Correct."

The Voljoi indicated his dislike of the answer by putting the scrubbers back on the shelf. "That does not actually help us, ALVIN."

The program was not disheartened, having anticipated that response. "Although I appreciate the viewpoint with which you view what helps and what does not, I am afraid I must encourage you to see things my way. I am confident that slowing the advance of Phantoms will be well worth the ultimate rapid expansion of their population. Simulations indicate that delaying their spread will enable us to save as many experienced personnel as possible."

"Save? As in, there is a rescue coming?"

ALVIN didn't really have time to explain so he kept things simple. "In a manner of speaking, yes. Anyone who survives the next fifty two minutes will--"

The Program fell silent as J'vil shouted a warning. "PHANTOM!" ALVIN monitored the Voljoi's reaction, observing the way he froze in terror; it was a most unpleasant performance, but he quickly found something else to occupy his processing power, "J'vil, please unwrap a cell and insert it into a diagnostics port."

The request went unnoticed as J'vil snapped out of it and hurled the cell into the Phantom. While matter didn't cause much of a reaction to the beings in any general way the insulated and heat-diffusing nature of the scrubber cell was enough to stun it briefly... a very interesting effect that the program stored for later analysis. In the time it took to process that difference, however, the Phantom had already recovered, and J'vil let out a tense rasp as the creature lashed out at him; the Voljoi was barely able to interpose another cell between himself and the Phantom resulting in recoiling again.

The Program was unable to be courteous at that point and issued an attention-grabbing shock to J'vil from his PCD. "If you do not insert a scrubber cell into the diagnostic port now you will not survive."

The Voljoi somehow managed to comply and ALVIN quickly modified the diagnostic port assembly to suit his needs, rewriting internal code in the cell before sabotaging the safety protocols. The confirmation chime from the port gained J'vil's attention as it opened. The Voljoi stared at it. "Now what?"

ALVIN remained direct. "Throw it if you wish to live."

J'vil pulled the cell free and threw it where the Phantom lingered. The creature's attention shifted immediately from the Voljoi to the cell when it started humming. The atmospheric scanners in the room indicated that a scent of seared metal would probably be filling the air but the Program was much more interested in the way the Phantom practically tied itself in a not as it sought to enter the cell. In the end it did... and the container snapped shut.

The Voljoi let out a deep breath. "It worked."

ALVIN would have been happier if it made that much of a difference; after running a scan and identifying at least a dozen Phantom heat signatures he realized saving J'vil was a lost cause. "Indeed. Thank you for your assistance in the trial run, Dr. J'vil... I am pleased to know that it would have been a success."

The Voljoi looked down at his PCD. "Would have been?"

The Program was not disheartened or disgusted by death but he disconnected communication with the doomed Voljoi regardless; he really wasn't interested in gathering more data in that regard. With barely a millisecond of processing, the AI focused elsewhere.

ALVIN had not been programmed to gamble and neither had he made it a point to rewrite that portion of his logic code but the possible gain of attempting to create traps for the Phantoms seemed to outweigh the cost; sadly, that had turned out negatively due to the loss of the personnel best positioned to fetch the required items. What it DID do however was to confirm a possible tactic for use the next time.

'Next time'-- the concept, for whatever reason really seemed to upset most of those with whom he had discussed it. Surely Nida Jorn understood the significance and accepted her place in the continually fluctuating battlefield; perhaps it was the experience of running through multiple lives that made the comprehension of death in a single dimension more palatable to organics... or perhaps it was just another one of those self-preservation instincts that really didn't help much so late in the battle for Sigma-Echo.

ALVIN really didn't have the processing power to spare on considering the philosophical quandary of mortal existence... he still had to save as many of the experienced individuals aboard as possible. Although his survey was far from complete he counted twenty one individuals had survived the last Echo and had come through to face off against the Phantoms. Of those twenty one he estimated current fatalities at three. Of course, the fact that there were multiple iterations of Dmitri Vanestov made it difficult to tell if the Snow Leopard from the prior Echo was one of the three that were dead or among the three still living.

There were many things the program didn't know for certain but one thing he DID know was that his processes would continue to wander if he didn't focus... and for that he decided he needed to go to the Bridge. The safeguards in place did little to stop ALVIN and, in fact, only slowed him down for a matter of three point five six seconds-- they were good safeguards to accomplish that much. Regardless, he won out and his curiosity was given fuel.

When he was able to begin accessing the Bridge systems he did so with a passive scan, monitoring what was going on and gaining as much information as he could. That was, of course, until he realized that the Captain's private quarters were protected by a secondary security system separating it from the rest of the Bridge. Nida's quarters obviously required a closer look... and that security system was much less forgiving: it took him point three nine seconds shy of one minute-- high quality protection indeed.

The program sifted through Nida's records, finding her logs and notes to be far more complete than he had figured possible. Nida Jorn, ALVIN realized, must have spent the majority of her time recording everything she knew about the Phantoms since her consciousness merged with hers from the prior Echos. What made it even more interesting was that she had carefully cataloged what information she knew others knew... and it was scarcely half of her own knowledge. The notes further suggested that she was purposefully keeping information from the others. THAT was when he stumbled across something even more interesting.

Doctor Nida Jorn, the first incarnation of the Voljoi woman who was now the Captain of the Station was, in fact, one of the head researchers on what roughly translated into "The Origin Project"... which all others had only ever referred to as "The Event"-- the start of the Phantoms. She indicated that she knew there were possible side effects of actively altering reality with quantum mechanics but she and her team foraged ahead nevertheless. That was twenty two passings of the Transitive Wave prior.

ALVIN realized that he didn't have a lot of time to data mine but the information available to him was likely never to be found again... especially if Nida found out that someone discovered it. Continuing to sift through the files the Program was astounded at exactly how much information the Voljoi woman had not bothered to divulge... and was especially interested when he realized that 'The Origin Project' was eerily similar to the DRC's 'Yggdrasil Project'. But just HOW similar? ALVIN continued to search for that answer.

The program realized that Sigma-Echo was actually built off of the same antenna that the Origin Project had used-- in the current Echo the project had never actually been activated and all trace of it had been removed. Not only had Nida cross-referenced the plans themselves against the Sigma-Echo station blueprints but she had left some very clear notes including activation codes, security clearance... and a recording.

"ALVIN... I have already determined that you are going to find these notes-- assuredly you have already come to the conclusion that I left them here on purpose for you. If my calculations are correct then you will encounter this message approximately one half hour before I will require your assistance. Review the attached material regarding counter-resonance and be ready to activate the transmitter."

The program actually had to second-guess itself, recomputing what lay before him: Nida Jorn was planning to use Sigma Echo's center mass to transmit an opposite Transitive Wave. He reviewed the notes she had presented in an attempt to figure out if such a thing would be successful... and that's when he discovered yet another file detailing the prescience-- the precognition effect that The Origin Project had attempted to create by measuring the waves of energy that bounced off of the alternate realities in what was referred to as the 'sea of dimensions'. According to Nida's notes the project was a success... and continued to be!

ALVIN reviewed everything included in the files using precious seconds to make certain he had left nothing out. He did not know if Nida's plan would be successful since he didn't have enough information to run simulations of the canceling effect... but after reviewing her documentation the Program had an idea of how to find out. Activating the security device on Nida's personal desk computer, ALVIN brought its camera to focus on her terrarium and he observed the plants. According to her notes the energy let loose by the Origin Project could be 'read' by someone who knew what to look for... and her notes had been VERY precise.

It didn't take long before ALVIN watched a faint twitch from an orchid leaf and the slight flittering of a grow lamp light. Understanding the signs provided by the Origin Project (and, undeniably, the Yggdrasil Project as well) was like trying to speak another language with the use of a written dictionary. It took time and, as ALVIN started working through it he realized that time was a commodity in short supply. Just as that realization hit however he had his answer... and he didn't like what he was seeing.

The Program quickly shut down the security device and pulled his attention out of Nida's quarters. Drawing the majority of his processing power into the Bridge proper he cut all of the systems and hijacked every last one. He activated the speaker system. "Attention Bridge Crew of Sigma-Echo: you are hereby ordered to evacuate your stations immediately."

The Bridge crew quickly began trying to diagnose the problem and, although ALVIN appreciated their tenacity there wasn't really time to discuss specifics, "I repeat: your lives are in great danger. It is imperative that you evacuate the Bridge. I have control of the system and can continue to operate it remotely without risk to your lives."

One of the officers aboard the Bridge, a severe-looking, well dressed Doberman contested the program's order. "Who are you and under what authorization are you acting?"

It was a reasonable question, but it wasn't one ALVIN was able to nor had the time to address. "There is no answer I can provide that will satisfy you in the time provided. I apologize for the heavy-handed nature of this action, but I will be siphoning out the atmosphere from the Bridge in fifteen seconds-- if you do not comply you will suffocate."

Security Commander Vanessa began punching away at the keyboard in front of her. "Don't worry... I'm overriding the--- wait a minute..."

ALVIN pressed the advantage. "You do not have a minute. As I said, I have complete control of the Bridge. Comply now."

The Bridge crew exchanged glances and, for just a split second the program was displeased with the thought that they would not obey but, in the end, they shuffled quickly to the lift. One of the crewmen spoke up as the door closed. "Why are you doing this?"

ALVIN appreciated the chance to answer. "Despite my inability to convey its importance in a way that does not generate feelings of resentment, I am saving your lives."

It was the ship's Head Technician who made the connection as the lift began moving downward. "You're an Artificial Intelligence."

"That is correct. I was created by Programmer Elizabeth Parker, who is unfortunately now deceased."

Commander Vanessa picked up on that quickly. "Deceased? Recently?"

The Program had a little time to get the Bridge Crew caught up to speed on the lift trip down to the Executive Decks and there was quite a bit of briefing required: the Phantoms... Project Yggdrasil... a VAC 'rescue party' on board... the list just kept going. By the time the Lift doors opened every single passenger had gone quiet, and either pale, or with on-end fur.

The Commander was the first to recover, "So... what does that have to do with us leaving the Bridge? It would be the safest place to avoid the 'Phantoms'. We should move more people TO the Bridge, not take people from it."

ALVIN admired the woman's ability to think analytically after being figuratively 'thrown a curve ball'. The request for clarification was easy enough to satisfy. "Correct; it would be very safe from Phantoms although any organic material within the Bridge would be immediately disintegrated when the Yggdrasil activates."

The station's Head Technician picked up on the technical information. "The Bridge would be in the way of whatever discharge the central column was transmitting?"

Commander Vanessa's scowl would have been frightening if ALVIN were capable of that emotion. "Something tells me that wasn't coincidence. For some reason I don't have a lot of faith that things were set up that way accidentally..."

ALVIN was all too happy to agree. "According to common interspecies law any research or activity that has a chance of destroying the entire galaxy is considered banned and prohibited. This would allow the DRC to cover its tracks."

That got a lot of attention. Commander Vanessa continued her questioning. "Wait-- what? Did you say destroy the entire galaxy?"

The program elaborated. "Captain Nida will try to power up the central column of Sigma-Echo with the intent of energizing the antenna. If she succeeds she will discharge a Transitive Wave in an attempt to cancel out the original one created by the Origin Project."

The Doberman bridge officer stepped out of the lift into the hallway of the top level Executive Deck. "And that could destroy the entire Galaxy?"

ALVIN clarified. "There is approximately a 42% chance that it will create a chain reaction that causes 88% of the stars in the Galaxy to go supernova and has over a 65% chance of creating a black hole in this system."

The Dog opened his muzzle to say something but just then a transmission came through on his PCD. It was not directed specifically at him, but the contents seemed very interesting... and attention-grabbing. ALVIN identified it right away as Overseer Thurstenburger speaking. "Listen... I don't know who you are, but I can tell you're an LHI Designer Domestic model... nobody else has to die. Please... just... put down the gun."

While the bridge crew went into disarray at the captured dialogue ALVIN was already three steps ahead. "She is at the entrance to her apartment."

He wasted no time waiting for the rest of the Bridge Crew; with a simple redirection of his processing power he was there.