NM #12 ~ Breakfast
#12 of niv & mela [ summary: ] niv & mela have breakfast, simple as. just a bit of feel-good fluff, really. [ ~800 words ] old work.
NM #4 ~ Trying
mela added, feigning defeat.
NM #15 ~ Just Clothes [Pt.1]
mela smiled. "_god_yes. uhm..." he said with another hefty breath, and mela giggled. "well, it's been on my mind for a few years, just sorta floating around. 'what if?'
NM #2 ~ Sitting
#2 of niv & mela [ summary: ] just niv dissociating a little a lot [ ~800 words ] old work.
NM #8 ~ Looking
#8 of niv & mela [ summary: ] niv & mela have a pleasant encounter with a dapper panda. [ ~900 words ] old work. in which lorrie makes a cameo for convenience, making this technically non-canon.
NM #9 ~ Go to Bed Mister
#9 of niv & mela [ summary: ] mela shepherds niv to bed when he struggles to get there on his own. [ ~600 words ] old work. this happened because my brain has more time for ideas than it does sleep.
NM #6 ~ Hot
#6 of niv & mela [ summary: ] niv suffers in the summer. [ ~500 words ] old work. inspired by real-life events.
LAWT #11 ~ Pursuit
mela replied. "we're picking up my dad." "oh, lovely." lorrie said. the fellow's reaction made her reconsider. "i think?" "they haven't met yet." mela explained.
NM #11 ~ Birthmas
#11 of niv & mela [ summary: ] it's niv's birthday. just more fluff. [ ~400 words ] old work. something i wrote for my birthday this year.
LLST #11 ~ Novelties
mela asked, her ears perking forward as she carefully scooped up the item.
NM #7 ~ Gone
#7 of niv & mela [ summary: ] mela finds niv missing in the morning. [ ~600 words ] old work. characters are mine (c)~nivulus 2018 mela woke and stretched an arm across the bed to find herself alone.
NM #1 ~ Comfort
#1 of niv & mela [ summary: ] just niv dissociating a little. [ ~200 words ] old work. characters are mine (c)~nivulus 2018 the door clicked as mela unlocked it and stepped into the house.