Animalands Lore, Magical Energy
Her role in the animalands is to find the eight masters of the elements and grant them their godhood.
My Life is Super Profiles: The Great Liftramo
Since liftramo had rejected the ascension to godhood at that point, he remained a spirit while his love, selena, went with arcturus to paradise.
Curly's Backstory, v.1
As a preventative measure, he stripped the child of his godhood, forced him into a more earthy form, and cast him from the heavens, never to return again.
The Races of Grimmwood
**ascended anima:** the anima that have risen to full godhood, lords and patrons to whatever theysee fit. **darkening races** **empty ones:** the dead roused from their slumber by dark magics.
Accidental Ascension
* * * Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This includes,...
2: The Exoself and Divinity
Manipulation of reality becomes possible, such as telekinesis, matter manipulation, and teleportation, and at the final stage is a fusion of the exoself and physical body into a hybrid form that exists beyond both - the stage where immortality and some form of godhood
#8 of pokemon - snippets of lives in an alternate universe, rai ascends to a legendary, to godhood. thunder clashed in the heavens striking down on the vulnerable mortal ground below.
Amaterasu Drained
If she ever hoped to reclaim her godhood, she would have to track down the demon and destroy it before it was too late...
Anthropia: The Back Story
It was a time where humanity was on the cusp of godhood, their technology and science reaching levels far beyond what mortals should have acquired.
Return to Form
Whether he would go back and live a mortal life, or return to his full size and godhood, rusty was currently satisfied. ...though the thought of returning to his full form was really tempting...
RH's Hircine
His ascension into godhood was of his own making, for stole pan's flute, belonging to a spirit serving hircine that guided the souls of dead children into everland where they could grow to chose their own afterlife.
More Than An Alicorn
We needed a way to constantly remind mortal-kind of our godhood. we needed an intimidation factor, if you will." "so you and luna ripped the sun and moon out of their orbits.