Race to live prt.4

#4 of race to live here ya go guys, its 3:21 am and im tired as hell....well here ya go, next one will be up by...sometime this century...i guess..idk dun be mad at meeeeee dx now...rally racing, sure how hard can it be right?

The race

Cross the finish line but still wasn't fast enough and until ...he passed the line not seeing he has sprouted wing of a firebird vex was surprised at first but a smile formed on his face as he felt the adrenaline rush through him once again through this race

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 13-Road Trip

I was on the last race before the next race in the class r2 world championship,so i wanted to get this race done and gone.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 8-Tess

And it looks like that dream may come true when four men from delton motorsports commission them for a pontiac gto hardtop for the 128 mile endurance race. seth,however,is hiding a secret. it didn't take ten minutes for me to get home.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 7-Others

"speaking of sweet rides",jack said,"i got a call from the race executives around fifth period." "what did they say?" i asked closing my locker.

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Runewolf: prelude

Thornbeak: often said to be the most intelligent race of xenoth, the thornbeak are the avian race as well. the race has mastered runeforgery, to an extent.

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Chicago Hot Dog Party

#4 of so furry presents: the amazing race on the last leg of the amazing race, the remaining 16 teams traveled up the coastline to a small town of kennebunk, maine. along the way, they had to collect flags or simply take the long way there.

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The Races of Grimmwood

**fae races** **faerie:** the progenitor race of fae, or magic folk. it is said that they are born of trees and possess magics unknown to even god races.

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thordani race stats

The racial stats for the thoradan, a race of eagle people, as designed for d&d5e by runesmith. i've altered some of the fluff details for my own use, but i've left his version intact here. most notably, my thordani live to human lifespans.

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Foiss (Information)

(Please leave questions and I will do my best to answer them. Helps me form them more as well.) Foiss -Attaches to hosts blood to take control and infect. -Takes hosts mind, body, knowledge, abilities, and powers but not their personal goals or...

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Arrrrrrgh We There Yet?

#23 of the amazing race 2 on the last leg of the amazing race, the teams traveled to buenos aires. the soccer was fun, the red meat was tasty, but it seemed everyone had trouble with the roadblock. tammy cheated... again.

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Bigger, Badder... Crazier

The amazing race." \*\*\* "welcome to the amazing race 2. 18 spankin' fresh teams are headed here for ottawa, canada: the starting line for a bigger, badder, and awesomer race. let's meet the teams right now."

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