I frowned as i followed cameron and electra in, then followed them to a back room.
"okay, so first off..." she said as she looked down at electra. "oh arceus i never thought i'd ever ever ever meet dallas and electra!" she squealed.
Fanfiction, Pikachu, Pokemon
electra said.
"see? even electra knows." cammy said.
"so that i can kick their butts." electra said. "they're chasing us to fight obviously."
"okay maybe electra doesn't know..." cammy said.
Fanfiction, Pikachu, Pokemon, Real Life
electra said, folding her arms.
"eh..." i said as i reached down with my tail, knowing electra would stop me.
"hey!" electra said as she grabbed me, pulling me onto my back and making a face at me. "what the heck are you doing?"
Fanfiction, Pikachu, Pokemon
electra said as they both drew circles on their paws.
"faster!" she shouted as she growled a little, just as they drew an "x" and disappeared.
"why is electra so angry?" mew asked as she floated over to electra and touched her nose.
Fanfiction, Pikachu, Pokemon
electra said, grinning as she shot off a few more sparks.
"electra no." cammy yelled as she pushed the human's hand away just before he could touch her cheek, frowning as she turned around to look at electra.
Adventure, Pikachu, Pokemon, Vore (soft), mightyena
"electra stop." i yelled as i skidded to a stop, looking the meowth dead in the eye, sparks flying off my cheeks.
"you want electra? well you're going to have to get through me first!"
Fanfiction, Pikachu, Pokemon
electra asked as she walked past cameron. "let me see this..."
"yeah me too." zeke said as he ran down past electra and cammy.
i felt i didn't even have to say anything as i followed electra down.
Fanfiction, Pikachu, Pokemon, Real Life
I said as i lowered my tail to the floor, giggling as i pushed the food toward the bags, then up into them as electra held them in place. when most of the food was back in the bags, electra sighed.
Fanfiction, Pikachu, Pokemon
electra was right...
as i sat back up, i looked over starlight's body. i didn't exactly find it attractive, like i did electra's... i just saw her as a cute female, not someone i'd like to start a relationship with...
Fanfiction, Pikachu, Pokemon
electra said.
"electra, we went in the other direction." cammy said. "we turned around."
"blegh! whatever! i still don't trust him all that much." electra said.
Fanfiction, Pikachu, Pokemon, Real Life
electra laughed.
"well you share me too!" cammy said to electra. "it's not just them!"
"true." electra grinned. "but zeke is like, all over you all the time and stuff."
"cammy is so pretty i can't help it!" zeke laughed.
Fanfiction, Pikachu, Pokemon