Chapter Four - Allies

Story by Dallas Adoraslash on SoFurry

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#4 of Part Three - A Journey Through The Unknown

"Whatever the heck is going on in there, I'm staying out of it." I said as I stood next to Kevin. "I'm not bringing my Pichu in there until I know it's safe."

"Ohhhh I'll make it safe alright." Electra said as she placed her Pichu down, growling as she pushed the door open and walked inside.

"GET OFF OF ME!" Someone yelled from inside as a bolt of electricity flew by Electra, briefly lighting up the area as it flew by.

"Or... I'll stay here." She said as she walked back inside, picking up her Pichu.

"Well what made you change your mind so quickly?" Cameron asked.

"Others." Electra said.

"Others?" I asked as I walked over to the door, pushing it open with my free paw and walking inside. I faced to the right, the same direction Cammy was tackled in. I took a few steps forward to get out of the light so my eyes could adjust to the darkness. All I could hear in front of me was struggling. Between Cammy, Zeke, and... Something else.

I frowned as I placed my Pichu down against the wall, just as Kevin, Cameron, and Electra walked in, and slowly made my way over to whatever they were struggling with. From what I could see, it appeared to be another Pikachu, but that didn't make sense. Why would there be another here?

"STOP." I heard someone yell from far behind me. As I turned around, I saw something, like some sort of wall, slide down and block the doorway. It didn't only block the doorway, but it blocked out all the light with it. I couldn't see a thing, it was pitch black. No light at all. The main priority right now was the safety of my Pichu. I had to get back to him. I completely ignored everything around me as I took a few steps forward, feeling around against the wall. I took another three steps forward before feeling around against the wall once more, and what I found there scared me to death.

Nothing, I found nothing there. Absolutely nothing. The Pichu wasn't here.

My heart began racing as I dropped down onto all fours. I didn't want to shoot off any sparks, as they'd give away my position to whatever the heck was in here, but... I had to find my Pichu!

I whined nervously as I walked along the wall until I got to the door, then walked back.

I KNOW this is there I left him! He must have wandered off! It's pitch black, how am I supposed to find him?

Then an idea popped into my head. An idea that just might work without giving away my position...

Back at the maze... Something attacked me in the pitch black and I was still able to see... I don't remember what I did, but... It worked... Maybe I can try doing that again...

I perked my ears up and raised my tail as I looked around the dark room, concentrating hard as I narrowed my eyes.

Nothing. I couldn't see a thing.

I tried harder, trying to suppress the panicked state I was suddenly in so I could concentrate. The longer I stared into nothingness, the more panicked I became, until it became impossible to concentrate, and I flopped down onto my belly, whining with defeat as I closed my eyes, my whole body shaking all over as millions of negative thoughts rushed through my mind.

And then I saw it. It was dim, but I saw it. The faint blue outline of a bookshelf in front of me.

I squealed with joy as I hopped to my feet, and it disappeared.

"W-what the hack..." I muttered to myself as I looked down at the floor, whining with frustration as I blinked a couple times.

Wait a second...

I tilted my head as I stared out in front of me. Everything was black, and I couldn't see a thing.

Then I blinked, and the solid blue outline of the bookshelf presented itself to me.

AHA! So I have to close my eyes!

I sighed shakily as a feeling of hope washed over me, and I closed my eyes, concentrating on my surroundings as I raised my tail, my ears perking up as I looked, or rather sensed, all around me.

I saw the wall, Cammy, Zeke, another Pikachu, but they weren't of any concern to me at the moment. I turned around, slowly walking forward on all fours as I scanned the area.

And then I saw him. He was way out in front of me, crawling against the wall. He'd made it far past the door, which was probably why I couldn't find him before.

My heart raced as I dashed over to him and scooped him up, squealing with joy as I hugged him tightly.

"Piiii!!!" He squealed, laughing as he hugged me back.

And then the lights came on.

I blinked a couple times as my eyes adjusted to the light we now had, and I quickly looked around.

"Hey, it's another Pikachu." Cammy said, tilting her head as she looked at him.

"W-what..." He said as he stared at her. "Y-you... You're a Pikachu too!"

"Well duh." Cammy said. "That's a bit obvious."

"CHAAAAA!!!" He squealed as he tackled her into a tight hug. "I haven't seen another Pikachu in ages!!!"

"Oh so it was a happy tackle." Zeke said. "I thought it was a fighting one."

"Hold on a second..." Said a man as he walked over to me. I immediately recognized it to be the same voice that yelled earlier. "There's... More of us out there?" he asked as he looked down at me.

"If by us, you mean Pokemon and trainers, then apparently yes." Kevin said as he made his way over to us. "What the hell is going on in here?"

"Well I thought we were under attack..." The man said. "So I sent Pikachu out to take care of it."

"Well you're not under attack." Kevin said. "The police wanted to arrest us for no reason so I thought I'd be safe here because this place is closed off and stuff." Kevin said. "So we came here to stay for a bit..."

"You brought the cops!" The man yelled. "What's wrong with you!"

"Actually, I got rid of the cops long before we got here." Electra said as she walked over. "So no, there's no cops here."

"Oh good..." The man laughed. "We've been hiding here for days... Every time I go out I have to leave Pikachu here by himself while I get supplies." He said.

"Well we actually just got here... And stirred up a lot of trouble apparently." Cameron said as he walked over. "My name's Cameron, and this is Kevin." He said.

"Brandon." The man said as he shook Cameron's hand, then Kevin's. "Nice to meet you."

"Yeah." Kevin said. "So... How'd you get into this creepy world anyway?" He asked.

"Oh some retarded Palkia clone thing sent u-"

"Same here." Electra interrupted. "Because people have to be retards and create pointless Pokemon that do stupid CRAP like this!!" She yelled.

"Yeah we got hit by the clone too." Kevin said.

"Wait a second... You aren't... Who I think you are... Are you?" the man asked as he looked down at me. "You're... Dallas! Dallas Sparktail! The one that's saved our world like a billion times!" He said.

"Yes..." I said, sighing as I perked my right ear up. "That's me..."

"He said yes." Zeke said. "We don't have any spare translator ear piece things go I'll translate. Either that or one of them will." Zeke said as tilted his head towards Kevin and Cameron.

"Wow! You talk!" The man laughed. "That's awesome!"

"Yes, I talk and it is awesome." Zeke said.

"We should really start thinking of names..." I said as I looked at Electra, who nodded.

"Things come to my mind every now and then. I consider them, but I need to find the perfect ones..." She said.

"Yeah I know." I sighed as I sat down, hugging the Pichu against my belly. "I had thought of a perfect name before, but of course a ton of stuff happened and I forgot..." I said, frowning as I gently licked the top of the Pichu's head.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, I forgot too." She said. "Or els-"


"What the heck?" Zeke asked as he turned around, frowning. "What was that?"

"That was Pikachu." The man said.

"I was thinking maybe we can name the female... Stratus..." Electra said as she hugged her, wagging her tail. "i know it might sound weird, but I like it..." She said.

"Well if you like it then it's fine with me." I laughed. "I kind of like it too... Little Stratus..."

"And I was thinking... Maybe we can name the male um... I don't know." She said, frowning. "Simon..."

"Eh..." I said, smiling as I looked down at him. "I was thinking we could name him... Well I don't exactly know." I said. "But I had something perfect... I just don't remember..."

"Well I don't want to go and name both of them..." Electra said. "So take your time and think of something good." She said, smiling.


"He sounds like he's hurt." The man said as he ran past me. "By the way, I'm Cody."

"I don't think he's being hurt..." Zeke laughed.

I watched as Cody stopped at the end of the row of shelves, before turning around and making a face.

"I did not know he was male..." He said. "I just called him a he because I just did... Well what a way to find out!"

"He couldn't tell that he was male by the shape of his tail?" I asked. "Is he serious?"

"What'd I miss?" Cammy asked as she stumbled over to us, panting as she lay down on her belly.

"Cammy it's been like a minute and you're already mating with things..." Zeke laughed. "You're so active!"

"Hey, I was in the mood back at the park. I said I was going off to see if the dogs mated and they were all idiots. The second I get onto all fours they just tackle and hump." She said. "Then they jump off and stare at you like you're the crazy one." She growled. "They are NO good at mating. Making me wait only made it worse." She said. "And this guy here, being all cooped up in here for days, wanted to mate just as badly as I did." She said as she licked her right paw. "So we just got it over with. And now both of us feel better, so I'm going to go clean myself up." She said as she hopped behind a bookshelf.

"You mate with another Pikachu within a minute of meeting him, right in front of everyone, but you go hide when you have to clean up?" Kevin asked. "What makes cleaning more private than mating?"

"Hey, he jumped on me first! I just happily accepted it." She shouted.

"Ohhhh..." The Pikachu said as he made his way over to us, purring softly as he licked his right paw. "That was amazing..."

"You were both so eager it lasted only like two minutes... How was that amazing?" Electra asked.

"Because after having to wait for so long, the feeling of finally releasing it all feels amazing." He said. "It just flows out... More than I even knew I had in me..." he said as he wagged his tail.

"Exactly! Explain it to them so I don't have to. I explain way too many things." Cammy shouted, laughing. "Tell them how this time I wasn't the one encouraging the mating!"

"Well I've been in here for days." He said. "I haven't even seen a female in ages. When I heard your car pulling in, I thought it meant trouble, so I waited behind one of the shelves. However, when I saw another Pikachu, a female, walk in, I just lost it. I tackled her with all the built up lust in my body..."

"Yeah, that tackle wasn't an attack. That's why no one really fought. There were a couple bolts of electricity fired here and there, but they were lusty ones." She said as she walked over to us. "He tackled me and like, assaulted me with his tongue... In many different places..." She said as she smiled at him.

"And she tasted amazing." He said as he folded his arms.

"Holy crap now we've got two of them..." Electra said. "You're basically a male version of her... Tackle whatever you can and just go at it..."

"Hey, that's how I do things." He said. "Luckily I seemed to have tackled something that prefers to do the exact same thing..." He said as he grinned at her. "Just grab and go..."

"Yep, he's definitely a male Cammy. Except probably not as smart." Electra said as she rolled her eyes.

"Well if he's the male version of me, and he likes to mate as often as I do, then I think I've found myself another mate!" She laughed.

"Mate huh?" He asked as he leaned against her, grinning as he licked her cheek. "I'm fine with that if you are."

"You don't know how stupid you sound right now." Electra said. "Of course she's fine with it."

"Yeah, what Electra said." Cammy said as she smiled at him, wagging her tail.

"Oh so it's like that is it?" He asked as he tackled her to the ground.

"Please tell me you're NOT going to mate again... It's only been like a minute!" Electra said.

"Actually I was just going to kiss her and stuff." He said. "But your idea seems to be much better than mine."

"Jackpot." Cammy grinned as she hugged him tightly with all fours. "The perfect mate..."

"I take it they like each other already." Cody said as he stared down at them. "That's awesome. I'm happy for you Pikachu!"

"If only you could hear them..." Kevin said.

"It's actually pretty funny." Cameron laughed. "Now Cammy won't be after ME all the time!"

"When did you hear me say that?" Cammy asked as she looked over at Cameron. "Those words never left my mouth. You're still one of my targets bud." She said as she pointed two fingers at him.

"Oh lovely." He said as he looked up at the ceiling. "Great. Looking forward to that..."

"Really?" She asked.

"NO!" He said. "Absolutely not!"

"You know, when people ask "Really," they're asking to be yelled at with an answer they didn't want." Zeke said. "So people should stop saying really."

"Hearing only one end of a conversation feels really weird." Cody said.

"But I should probably show you around I guess." He said. "It's a lot bigger than just this place." he said as he motioned for Kevin and Cameron to follow him.

"Hey..." I said as I looked at Electra, smiling as I began walking down the rows of shelves. "I was thinking... Since I forgot the perfect name... Maybe we can name him Mozilla..."

"Like a fox?" Electra asked.

"Well..." I said, frowning. "I don't know. I just like that name."

"I think it's a cool name if he was a fox." Electra said. "But if that's what you want, then that's fine with me."

"Well I'm sure he's going to grow up to be nice and strong." I said, smiling as I held him in the air. "So I want him to have a nice strong name too."

"Well when you put it that way..." Electra laughed. "I just find it weird that I'll have to call him that all the time." She said. "I mean... Ah whatever." She laughed. "I'll get used to it."

"So it's Mozilla and Stratus..." I said, nodding as I looked into his eyes. "What made you come up with Stratus?"

"Oh noting." Electra said. "Just a name I liked."

"Dude your Pichu are awesome." The Pikachu said as he walked over. "Can I hold one?"

"No." Electra said. "You wouldn't be able to."

"Yeah they're really heavy." Cammy said. "I could barely pick it up."

"Oh..." The Pikachu said, frowning. "Okay."

"By the way, you probably already know I'm Cammy, and this is Zeke." She said, pointing at him. "And Dallas and Electra. And their unnamed Pichu." She chuckled.

"Actually this one is Stratus and this one is Mozilla." Electra said.

"Oh, nice." Cammy giggled. "So what's your name?"

"I'm Pikachu." He said, smiling.

"So am I." Cammy said. "But what's your name?"

"Pikachu." He said again. "He calls me only Pikachu... So I guess that's my name..."

"You're... Kidding, right?" Cammy asked. "Pikachu!?!"

"I'm serious." He said. "My name is Pikachu. Yes, I know it's retarded, but I've gotten used to it." He said.

"Okay then, Pikachu." Cammy giggled. "It just seems weird calling another Pikachu Pikachu." She said.

"Well of course it does." He said. "It's also weird that I'm meeting Dallas... And Electra here..." He said. "That's like, awesome!"

"I get that a lot." I said as I sat down, placing Mozilla in my lap.

"I think he wants food." Electra said, smiling as she sat down next to me, placing Stratus down next to Mozilla and giggling.

"Awww look at them..." Cammy said, wagging her tail as she looked at us. "So cute..."

"Yeah..." Pikachu giggled. "We should have ourselves a couple..."

"No way!" Cammy said, shaking her head. "Not in this world!"

"Right... Well if we get back to ours then can we?" He asked.

"I'll think about it." She said as Zeke licked the top of her head. "Aaaah!"

"You taste good." Zeke said.

"Oh no..." Pikachu said as he took a couple steps back. "He's going to eat you!"

"No I'm not." Zeke said. "I don't do that."

"He would never!" Cammy laughed. "He's awesome!"

I decided it was time to ignore that was going on over there, and I looked down at my Pichu. They were talking to each other, or at least trying to.

"I wonder how we're going to teach them how to speak." Electra said. "I mean, that seems weird to me, having to teach it."

"They'll learn some things on their own." I said. "But right now they're socializing. They can learn to talk later."

"Do you think they know they're from the same family?" Electra asked.

"Well they were born together so probably." I said.

"We've got to get them used to their names." Electra said. "Hey there Stratus." she said as she picked her up, smiling. "How are you Stratus?"

"Yeah, we do..." I said as I looked down at Mozilla.

To tell the truth, Mozilla wasn't exactly the name I was looking for at all... It was... Well I couldn't remember what it was.

"I don't think Mozilla is the best name either..." I said as I looked at Electra, sighing. "But I forgot the name I had..."

"Well why not go with something like Surge, or Static or something?" She asked.

"Eh..." I said, frowning as I looked down at him. "I was thinking Bolt... But we already met a Bolt so I don't want to use it..." I said.

"That doesn't mean you can't use it again." She said. "There are plenty of Pokemon out there with the same name. Just go with Bolt if you want to."

"Okay then I'll name him Bolt." I said, laughing. "A name more suitable for an electric type."

"Stratus and Bolt." Electra giggled. "I don't know how long it has to be before they can eat berries and stuff."

"Well judging by the way Stratus eats, I'd say right away." I laughed. "Whatever you wanna give her. If she likes it, then it's fine I guess." I chuckled as I hugged Bolt tightly, who squirmed in my arms, laughing.

"See now when I use the name Bolt I'm going to think of that Pikachu that randomly disappeared." I said.

"Not when you get used to it." Electra laughed.

"I'll get used to it." I said, smiling as I whispered into Bolt's ear. "Right Bolt?"

"PII!" He squealed, laughing as he threw his paws up into the air. "Pii chu chu!"

"Aww..." Electra giggled, wagging her tail as she placed Stratus down. "That's adorable!"

"They're at it again and awwwww!" Zeke said as he lay down next to Electra. "Your Pichu are awesome!"

"Thank you Zeke." I said, smiling as I patted Bolt on the head. "This one here is Bolt." I said.

"I thought he was Mozilla." Cammy said.

"No, we changed it." I laughed. "It's Bolt now."

"And this one is still Stratus." Electra said, giggling. "Now all we have to do is teach them things. And don't you think talking to me while you're doing... That... Is a little weird?" She asked.

"No not at AAAH! All." Cammy said. "Stop that!"

"Why? It makes you squeal!" Pikachu laughed. "So you liked it!"

"Wow..." Zeke said, laughing. "They really love mating don't they."

"You should already know the answer to that." Electra said as she rolled her eyes. "Come on, let's go into that room that Kevin went into. I don't want the Pichu to see this..."

"Hey, I would have moved if I knew that!" Cammy said.

I grinned as I picked Bolt up, hugging him tightly as I made my way over to the place where Kevin and the others had disappeared.

"Hey, it's actually pretty nice down there." Cameron said as he walked up the stairs. "I mean, I expected a run down basement and stuff... He keeps it neat."

"We're staying in a basement?" Electra asked as she walked past Cameron. "Let me see this..."

"Yeah me too." Zeke said as he ran down past Electra and Cammy.

I felt I didn't even have to say anything as I followed Electra down. It kind of smelled like the place had been wet for a couple years. It smelt all soggy and stuff. However, I WAS indeed surprised when I got to the bottom. There were big carpets laid down everywhere, basically covering all of the floor, and there were a few smaller oval carpets over those, to give the room some color I guessed. There was a mini-fridge in the corner, and a heater in the center of the room.

"Well I did what I could. I mean the place is dry so that's good. It's not cold, and we have snacks." Cody said, smiling as he looked at me. "Only thing you have to watch out for down here are mice."

"Mice?" Cammy asked as she made her way down the stairs. "You mean US?"

"No mice." Cody said. "There's things here called mice too and they're different. They like to dig holes in things and crawl around in the tunnels they make. They steal food and bring it down there and th-"

"They don't sound much different than us. We do the exact same thing in our colony." Electra said.

"Well they're very different." Cody said as he pointed to a corner of the room. "I poisoned one of them and put it over there for now. Go take a look."

"Well they're definitely not as big as I am..." Cammy said as she walked over to the corner of the room, frowning as she sniffed at it.

"Okay that's disgusting." She said as she lifted it up by its tail. "This is a mouse?"

"Yeah." Cody said.

"I don't see the resemblance at ALL." Cammy said as she dropped it. "It looks nothing like me! And it's filthy! And stinks!" She said. "And probably not Electric!"

"Maybe it's supposed to be more like a Raticate." Electra said. "Or a Ratatta."

"It's not purple." Cammy said as she nudged it with her right foot. "And its tail is tiny..."

"Maybe it's a baby." Electra said.

"I don't think so." Cammy said as she picked it up again. "Ugh it's so gross... I see no resemblance at ALL." She said. "If this thing is a mouse then I'm NOT. Look! It doesn't even have claws! And its teeth stick out and... And it's so nasty!" She squealed as she dropped it.

"What does it taste like?" Electra asked. "Does it taste like you?"

"If it doesn't smell like me then no." Cammy said, frowning as she opened its mouth. "And its teeth are like... ALL different... And its tongue isn't sandpapery!"

"Can you please put that down? It's nasty." Pikachu said as he walked down the stairs.

"It IS nasty." Cammy said, making a face as she dropped it. "And has no resemblance to Pikachu whatsoever!"

"It doesn't even look like Pichu..." I said, frowning as I stared at the mouse. "And definitely not Raichu..."

"It has the cheek pouches but not the zigzag tail." Cammy said. "The only resemblance is that it digs and has cheek pouches. That's it." She said. "Besides the fur."

"It doesn't even clean itself." Electra said as she placed Stratus down, frowning as she walked over and picked up the mouse.

"I wonder if wolves look like I do." Zeke said. "I don't think Pikachu are mice anymore if mice look like this in this world."

"Well in this world cats hunt mice." Cody said.

"Well this world is about to change." Electra said. "I'm here now, and this mouse is going to eat whatever she wants." She said as she stuffed the mouse into her mouth.

"That's disgusting." Cody said as she swallowed it. "How can you even do that..."

"That... Was SO GROSS!" Electra yelled as she stuck out her tongue, whining as she dragged her paws over it a couple times. "Ewwww!"

"I told you it would be..." Cammy laughed. "Doesn't that make you a cannibal now? Because you're a mouse and you ate a mouse?"

"It's a different mouse." Electra said. "It's a weird other world mouse. And besides, I've eaten Stryder, and a couple other Pikachu from the colony that were Team Onyx members that Bolt put in Pokeballs. So I've been a cannibal for a long time now." She laughed. "The very first Pokemon I ever ate was an Eevee. And my trainer disowned me for it because he liked the Eevee." She said as she looked over at Cameron. "Cameron doesn't want me to touch his Eevee because he think I'll want to eat it."

"You've already stated that you want to eat it." Cameron said. "She's not for eating!"

"Well why don't you just return her to her ball after I eat her then?" Electra asked. "You'll have her back."

"Didn't Kevin try that a while ago with Amper?" I asked. "Somehow after you ate her, she fell out of range of the ball and the couldn't get her back by returning her."

"Gee thanks Dallas, you just wrecked my chance at getting a free snack."

"Wow." Cameron said, frowning. "You'll stop at nothing..."

"Dang right I won't!" Electra laughed. "But honestly, I wouldn't eat your Eevee. Especially since it's a girl and stuff. And because I know you and your Eevee isn't annoying like the other one was I'm sure."

"Well that makes me feel a little more comfortable..." Cameron said. "But I'm still a target for Cammy's insatiable sex drive and your insatiable hunger." He said.

"Yeah you're right. I'd still eat you." She said.

"Wow." Cameron said, sighing. "But if you eat me then you eat my Eevee too because her ball is in my pocket." he said.

"Not if I eat you head first and shake you so it falls out!" She said. "Then you'll never know what I did with her."

"Or more importantly, what I did with her." Cammy laughed. "Yes, I mate with females too."

"Oh LOVELY." Cameron said as he covered his ears. "Stop it! I don't need to hear anymore!"

"Cameron what would you do if you woke up to me and your Eevee making out on your belly?" Cammy asked.

"Okay I'm back." Kevin said as he walked down the stairs. "Give me the translator back."

"Yeah you can HAVE it!" Cody said as he took it out of his ear. "Holy crap, if that's what Pokemon talk about then I'm really glad I never hear it!" He laughed.

"You get used to it." Kevin laughed as he stuck it in his ear. "Hey Electra, you're not with your Pichu." He said.

"I was eating something." She said. "She can't go anywhere."

"Their names are Stratus and Bolt." I said as I held up Bolt. "One is really heavy and one isn't."

"Maybe they'll both grow up to be really heavy." Cammy said. "Then they'll mate and have... More of you." She laughed. "I'm picturing now... What would happen if they mated with normal Pikachu... Would the normal Pikachu be able to handle their Pichu? Would there be like, millions of overpowered Pikachu roaming around the world? Would Pikachu take over the WORLD?" She asked. "That would be awesome! Tons of little Dallas and Electras taking over the whole world."

"Actually..." Pikachu said as he tilted his head. "I never even thought of that. I mean, what if Stratus and Bolt DO mate with other Pikachu? It'll be exactly what Cammy said, a bunch of overpowered uncontrollable Pikachu with endless appetites roaming the Earth. What happens when the army of Electras run out of food?" He asked.

"Then they come to different worlds like this one and they eat all the food and Pokemon that are in this world." Cammy said. "And the Pokemon here are all stupid anyway so it won't matter."

"I'm sure only one Electra could do all that." I laughed as I placed Bolt down. "You don't need an army to do what just one can do."

"Yeah but an army could spread out and do it faster." Electra said. "And you know what? Since this isn't our world anyway, I don't see why I can't just go ahead and eat anything I want to. I mean, back on our world, I care about regulating how much I eat because there are other Pokemon that need to eat too. But here... They're all morons. They growl and hump. As far as I'm concerned, as long as they taste good I'll eat them too." She said. "Anything I can get my paws on in this world is going to get eaten." She said as she picked up Stratus.

"That's a really bad timing to pick up your Pichu." Cammy said.

"I'm not eating my Pichu." Electra said. "I said anything from THIS world. My Pichu came from OUR world."

"I'd have to agree with Electra though." Pikachu said. "I mean especially those dogs. They don't know how to speak or anything." He said. "Once we get out of here and into the woods, or wherever we're going, go ahead."

"You know, your Pichu should eat again soon." Cammy said. "They have to eat a lot for the first day or two."

"Yeah I know." Electra said, sighing as she sat down, hugging Stratus against her belly. "But we can't really go anywhere right now."

"Well your Pichu need to eat something." Zeke said. "What do we have in here that they can eat?"

"Well as far as I know, I think Stratus could eat pretty much anything." Electra laughed.

"Actually I might have a little something." Cody said as he opened the mini fridge, smiling as he pulled out some hamburger patties. "Would they eat this?" He asked.

"What the heck is that?" Cammy asked as she grabbed one, frowning as she sniffed it. "It actually smells really good..." She laughed as she held it out to Stratus. "I wanna eat one..."

"Hey, don't give her th- nevermind..." Electra said, smiling as Stratus grabbed it. "It looks like she wants it."

In a split second, she stuffed it into her mouth, and it was gone. Stratus stared up at Cammy, as if expecting more, and Cammy just stared back at her, before taking a step backwards and laughing.

"Wow..." She said as she looked over at me. "Your Pichu really DO take after you both pretty well!" She laughed. "What is she, a couple hours old? And already she's eating like... Well like Electra." Cammy laughed.

"Well we should see if Bolt wants one too." I said as I held out my right paw. "Let me see one of those things."

"Give one to Dallas." Zeke said.

"Oh, right." Cody said as he handed me one of the patties.

I frowned as I sniffed it. It actually smelled incredibly good. Just the smell of it made my stomach growl, which annoyed me a little, however, I didn't eat it, because I knew that my Pichu was much hungrier than I was.

I smiled as I tore it in half, laughing as Bolt grabbed one of them right out of my paw, squealing happily as he bit into it.

"Heyyyy he chews!" Cammy laughed.

"Yeah, well so do I." I said, chuckling as I stuffed the other half into my mouth. It tasted even better than it smelled. It was... Some kind of meat. But it wasn't just meat, it was the BEST meat I'd ever tasted.

"Holy crap." Cammy said as she chewed off a piece of one. "What is this? I have to know the name!"

"I don't know what it is." Kevin said, frowning as he looked over the patty he was given. "But isn't there like, something I can put it on?" I mean this seems really weird eating this thing alone..."

"Yeah." Cameron said. "I don't want it. Keep it. Give it to the Pichu or something."

"Or you could give it to me." Electra said as she walked over to Cameron, snatching the hamburger out of his hand and stuffing it into her mouth.

"Yeah, or Electra could take it..." Cameron mumbled.

"Holy..." Electra said as she turned around, staring up at Cody. "Give me them ALL!"

"No way!" Zeke said as he swallowed the one he had in his mouth. "I want them!"

"Hey, I want one..." Pikachu said, frowning as he walked over to Cody. "Gimme one!"

"OKAY EVERYONE!" Cody yelled as he dropped them all onto the floor. "You're all Pokemon so I doubt you care. Just take them." He said as he closed the fridge.

"Actually, I do care." Cammy said as she took the last bite. "I hate that stereotype. Humans assume that just because I'm a Pokemon I want to eat off the floor. Well I don't." She said. "That's nasty."

"I don't care!" Zeke said as he picked one up.

"Dropping them was so unnecessary..." Electra said, frowning as she picked one up. "Ugh..."

"PII!" Stratus squealed as she scrambled across the room on all fours.

"Nooo..." Electra sighed as she picked her up. "Those are icky. We'll get something else to eat later."

"They aren't icky!" Zeke mumbled as he continued to devour the patties on the floor. "They're yummy!"

"Well I guess we're going to the store." Kevin said as he pulled his keys out of his pocket. "Who's coming with me?"

"ME!" I said as I grabbed Bolt, before dashing up the stairs.

"Your car is awesome." Cody laughed. "I'm staying here though."

"I'll come with you." Cammy said before hopping onto Kevin's back and climbing up.

"I'm staying then." Cameron mumbled as he sat down.

"I'll come." Electra said, smiling as she followed me up the stairs, holding Stratus in her arms.

"I'll stay with Cameron and Cody to protect them in case something happens." Zeke said, wagging his tail as he lay down. "And your car is really small and I don't have much room to move around." He said.

"I'm coming too." Pikachu said as he dashed up the stairs.

"Okay then... All the 'Chus are coming with me then." Kevin laughed. "I'll bring back... Whatever Electra and her Pichu don't eat." Kevin laughed.

"Which will be nothing." Cameron said.

"Me Zeke and Cameron will go out too." Cody said. "We'll go separate ways. I'll wait a couple minutes before I go."

"Okay then." Kevin said as he made his way up the stairs. "Come on everyone, let's go."

"Move the freaking plate away from the door!" Electra yelled.

"Just push it." Pikachu said. "All it is is a curtain to scare people into thinking they're trapped."

"Wow..." Cammy said as she pulled the curtain to the side. "That's actually pretty smart."

"I know right?" Cammy laughed as she helped him pull it away from the doors. "So where are we going?"

"Plus I can talk to them both!" Zeke yelled. "So it's good for me to stay!"

"How would I know where we're going if I don't know any of this place?" Kevin asked.

"Right." Cammy laughed. "I forgot all about that."

"Well we can look around for a place to eat." I said as I followed Kevin out. "A quick place."

"Like a drive through?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, like Pokenom." Cammy said. "I don't think they have a Pokenom here though."

"Pokeno has good food..." Kevin mumbled. "I'm sure we can find a place though." He said as he walked behind the building, over to the car.

"Are you kidding me, Pokenom has the BEST food!" Electra said. "It's like... Heaven in your mouth!"

"I used to eat only at Pokenom for a while." Pikachu said. "It was indeed the only think I thought could be described as heaven in my mouth. Until I met Cammy."

"Awwww..." Cammy giggled. He thinks I taste like heaven!"

"Yup, of course I do. And you know exactly what I'm talking about." He grinned as Kevin opened the car door.

"That's something I'd prefer not to hear." Kevin laughed. "But hey, I don't mind much. Cammy got me pretty used to all the sexual references so it's fine with me." Kevin laughed as we all got into the car. "So... We're looking for a Pokenom right?"

"Right." Cammy said as she gave him a thumbs up. "Let's go!"

--END Chapter Four.--