Chapter Twenty - Acquaintences

Story by Dallas Adoraslash on SoFurry

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#20 of Part Two - Dallas, Electra, And The Fight Against Team Onyx

"Oh ha ha, you're funny." Electra said as she grabbed my paw. "Now come on, we have to train!"

"Train for what?" I asked as I tilted my head, pulling my paw free. "I don't know what you're talking about...."

"Yeah, you do. I don't care if you want to or not, we're going to train. We HAVE to." Electra said.

"I... Really don't know what you're talking about..." I said as I looked down. "Or... Why everyone seems to think you're my mate..."

"Maybe because I am?" Electra said as she folded her arms. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, why?" I asked as I looked at her, smiling.

"Seriously Dallas... Quit it." She said as she folded her arms. "It's not funny..."

"What am I doing?" I asked as I looked up at Kevin. "What'd I do?"

"You KNOW who I am!" Electra said as she grabbed me, growling as she shook me. "Snap out of it Dallas, it's me, your mate, Electra!"

"Okay." I said as I looked her in the eye, sighing. "I'm going to be completely honest with you... I have NO idea who you are, or why everyone insists that we went on "Countless random journeys" together, and... stuff..."

"Well since you have Dallas, I doubt Electra is going to want to go anywhere else, so... Here." Nurse Joy said as she placed a Pokeball on the counter, smiling. "Is there anything you'll be needing?"

"Besides Dallas' BRAIN... No." Electra said as she hopped down off of the counter.

"I don't think so." Kevin said as he picked up the Pokeball.

"If you value your life you'll NEVER use that." Electra said as she pointed up at the ball.

"Riiiight... Well we'll be going now." Kevin said as he picked me up.

"See you! Come again!" Nurse Joy said as she waved.

"Wow this is so cool!" Cameron laughed as we walked out. "Do we really have them both?"

"Yep!" Kevin said as he unlocked the car, smiling. "Both of em."

"Okay, so just because I come across Dallas you expect me to get in and go with you?" Electra asked as she hopped into the car. "Because Dallas goes you expect ME to?"

"Yes." Kevin said as he got in. "Is that not the way it works?"

"Just checking..." Electra said. "Checking if you really could understand me... Weirdo..." She said as she flopped down in the backseat.

"So..." I said as I climbed into the backseat, frowning as Cameron came back with us. "Um... You're Electra, right?"

"Duh." She said as she looked me in the eye, frowning. "Do you seriously not know who I am?"

"I seriously don't..." I said, smiling. "But you seem like someone fun to hang out with..."

"Well in that case, we have a lot of 'hanging out' to do." Electra said as she placed her right paw on my head. "If you really don't know me, then we're going to hang out as much as possible. Until you accept me as your mate again." She laughed. "Or get your memory back. Whichever comes first."

"Well slow down there... I don't LIKE you..." I said, frowning as I sat down. "I just met you and stuff..."

"That didn't stop you last time!" She said, before scratching her head and laughing. "Oh yeah, yes it did... Nevermind... But I was nicer back then! I don't think I can act the same way I did before. But then again it was YOU who said you liked when I acted mean... So you trained me to be the meanest 'Chu out there, and... How can you not remember this..." Electra said.

"I don't know who you are." I laughed. "Or any of that, I'm not kidding."

"Maybe we should have put Electra on the pad thingy." Cameron said as he looked at me.

"She's way too heavy Cameron." Kevin said.

"Okay, so you're Cameron..." Electra said as she pointed to Kevin. "And you are...? The creepy human that understands me..."

"That would be Kevin." Kevin laughed.

"Kevin huh..." Electra said as she stared at him. "You're not Kevin..."

"Yes I am..." Kevin said.

"No, you're not..." She said.

"You're thinking of a different Kevin then. Tons of people in the world have the same name." Kevin said.

"Well I haven't met another Electra yet." She said as she folded her arms.

"Heavy?" Cameron asked as he held out his hand, wiggling his fingers. "Come here Electra."

"No." She said as she folded her arms. "I'm not your pet."

"Dad, give me the ear thingy." Cameron said as he held out his hand. "I can't understand her..."

"Good, that's the way it's supposed to be." She said as she rolled her eyes.

"Sure." Kevin said as he took off his ear piece, smiling as he handed it to Cameron, who put it on.

"Oh, so it's just the little black thingy that lets you hear me..." Electra said.

"Oh WOW! This is so cool!" Cameron laughed. "I'm really talking to the REAL Electra!"

"What I don't understand is why you're making such a big deal out of it." She said.

"I know right. Everyone did the same to me." I said as I shrugged.

"Wow! This is so cool!" Cameron laughed.

"It's really not." Electra said as she looked out the window.

"You know, now that you've got Dallas... And even better yet, Electra too, you're far more than ready to move on to highschool." Kevin laughed.

"But I don't even know how to t-"

"Come on, you know how it works. You move up as you get stronger." Kevin laughed. "You're ready, trust me."

"Tell that idiot that Dallas lost his memory." Electra said.

"Um..." Cameron said as he looked up at Kevin, frowning. "Electra says you're an idiot, and that Dallas lost his memory..."

"That explains it..." Kevin said as he looked in the mirror. "No need for the name calling though." he laughed.

"Ehhh shut up. You can't understand me anyway so I can say what I want." She said as she stuck her tongue out. "I don't even know who you are, and the only reason I'm staying is because Dallas is here." Electra said.

"Electra..." I said as I looked over at her, sighing. "Cameron is a really nice human... I found him crying and I thought I could help him out... All the other humans pick on him, and they kicked me around... So I hit the human's Charmander with iron tail because he kept calling me a rat and stuff and I ripped the thing in half.... And then the kid came back and CONTINED to be mean, so I tackled him and-"

"Yeah Dallas! You were AWESOME!" Cameron laughed.

"You might even be ready for college..." He laughed.

"Oh heck no!" Cameron squeaked. "No college! I hear it's tough!"

"The toughest!" Kevin laughed. "But look who you've got with you! The TOGHEST!" He laughed. "Get yourself a master's degree in... Pokemon... You'll be a Pokemon Master." He laughed.

"Dad that's not how it works." Cameron said. "You have to be the toughest in the world for that!"

"And what do you think Dallas and Electra are?" Kevin said as he looked back at us in the rear view mirror. "The toughest in the world. Congratulations, you're a Pokemon Master." He said, smiling.

"Well..." Cameron said, sighing. "I didn't expect it to happen this fast..."

"Oh come ON!" Electra said as she threw her paws into the air. "Becoming a Pokemon Master is not only about having the strongest Pokemon! It's also about knowing how to take care of them, and being so good, that you can befriend even the meanest of Pokemon with a simple gesture." She said. "You have to be friends with your Pokemon, BEST friends, know how to take care of them, how to fight alongside them, go on adventures... You have to be with them through the good times and the bad, let them know that you care..." She sighed. "You humans, well most of you, know nothing about that!" She sighed.

"Electra is sooo right..." Cameron sighed. "I have to learn a lot more before I can become a Pokemon master... Like all the berries and all their uses, and how to make poffins and Pokeblocks, and, um, good food."

"We don't have the money to buy all those berries." Kevin said as he pulled into the driveway "Nor will we ever. I suggest you battle a few of the toughest people out there, make big bucks..." Kevin said.

"Yeah right." Cameron said as he got out of the car. "Dallas doesn't want to do that, do you?" He asked as he looked down at me.

"I don't care." I said as I hopped out of the car, followed by Electra.

"Do it. Then I get to eat their "Tough" Pokemon and scare the crap out of them." Electra laughed. "And then have them for desert."

"What..." I asked as I looked back at her, frowning.

"You'll see." She said as she ran ahead, dashing up the stairs and into the house as soon as Kevin opened the door.

"AAAH another one!? Come ON!" someone from inside yelled.

"Hun relax, it's Electra." Kevin said as I followed Cameron inside.

"Ohhh Arceus... We've got both of them?" She asked as Cameron shut the door.

"Yep." Kevin said, laughing. "We should open like, a photo booth. People would pay hundreds to take pictures with these two." Kevin said.

"I'm not taking any pictures." Electra said as she looked around. "This place looked better on the OUTSIDE..."

"Wait until you see where you have to stay." I laughed as I dashed down the hall, leaping into Cameron's room. "In here."

I watched as Electra walked up to the room and just stood in the doorway.

"Oh HELL NO!" She yelled as she turned around, facing the three humans outside. "You want me to stay in THERE?"

"Yeah, that's my room..." Cameron sighed.

"That's DISGUSTING!" Electra yelled. "I am NOT sleeping in there, or even walking in there!" She said as she folded her arms.

"That's what I said..." I sighed as I walked out and stood next to her, nodding.

"They think it's nasty." Cameron sighed.

"So do we." Kevin laughed. "You two feel free to... Sleep on the couch or something... Since you're mates, I understand that you two... You know..." Kevin frowned.

"Have sex?" Electra asked as she tilted her head. "Well since Dallas lost his memory, I'm going to have to do a couple things... Some things that I KNOW he likes. To sort of, reintroduce myself as his mate, you know." Electra laughed as she nudged me. "I have a few things in mind... Things that he finds irresistible... I know just how to get him back." She laughed.

"Yeah, she basically said she's going to... Do it... Wherever she wants." Cameron said, frowning.

"Oh great." The female human sighed. "I don't want to have to listen to that."

"Then go away, no one's making you." Electra said as she folded her arms. "And I said THINGS! THINGS do not always mean sex!" She shouted.

"Well, she said things... She wants to do THINGS..." Cameron said.

"Which means sex." The female human sighed.

"No it doesn't!" Electra yelled. "Sex is one of those THINGS, but, ugh just shut up!" She yelled.

"She says shut up." Cameron laughed.

"I heard Electra was mean... And eats a ton... How are we going to pay for enough food to feed her?" The female human asked.

"All the food in the world can't feed me." Electra chuckled.

"Well that doesn't make any sense..." I said as I looked at her.

"Ugh... How about we get started now then..." Electra sighed. "Get me like, an apple or something..." She sighed.

"She wants you to get her a fruit from outside dad." Cameron laughed.

"Tell her I said no." He said.

"He sai-"

"I HEARD WHAT HE SAID!" Electra shouted.

"She says she heard wha- You know what, this is stupid." Cameron sighed. "I don't like being the translator..."

"And I'm hungry. Give me food." Electra said as she folded her arms. "Fooooood!"

"Fine I'll go get some fruit..." Kevin sighed as he turned around and walked out around the corner.

"Ugh... I-"

"Wait second, Cameron, it's like, only ten o'clock... You should head back to school. I mean, do you know how much money you could make us if you battled at school with those two?" Kevin said as he came back into the room.

"Yeah, I don't want you skipping school mister. I want you to march back there this instant." The female human said as she pointed outside. "Yes, finding Dallas was very exciting, but the excitement is over, and there is no need for you to stay here. Go on, go back." She said, smiling. "You won't be picked on anymore, so there's nothing to worry about."

"Well... Fine..." Cameron said as he looked down at me and Electra, smiling as he picked up his bag, and motioned for me to hop into it. I smiled as I climbed inside and he put his backpack on his back, frowning as he stared at Electra.

"Um... I guess I'll have to carry you." He laughed as he held out his arms. "Come here girl."

"Well it's better than walking..." Electra said as she hopped into his arms.

"AAAH!" Cameron squealed as he tumbled backwards, hugging Electra against his belly as he sat there on the floor. "You weigh a ton!"

"Well I thought you knew... Seeing as your whole town worships me for some creepy reason..." Electra said as she hopped out of his lap. "I'll just walk with you, that's fine."

"Well... Okay.." He said as he stood up. "I'm going..."

"See you later." Kevin said, smiling.

"Good luck with school!" The female said.

"Thanks mom." Cameron said as he walked out, closing the door behind him.

"Okay..." He said as he walked down the stairs, sighing. "How are we going to get to school quickly without being able to carry you?" He asked as he looked down at Electra.

"I'll just walk behind you..." Electra said. "No big deal..."

"Well, okay." Cameron said as he walked onto the sidewalk, smiling.

It was about a ten minute walk to the school, but once we got there, and got inside, we were immediately greeted by tons of little cheering humans.

"Hey, what's with all the little humans? Why is there only one big one?" Electra asked as she walked out into the middle of the classroom.

"This is school." Cameron said, smiling. "The teacher teaches us things about Pokemon and how to battle."

"Does he feed us?" Electra asked as she walked over to Mr. K, smiling.

"Hey you." She said as she waved her paw. "Give me food."

"E...Electra?" Mr. K. asked as he knelt down, smiling as he held out his hand. "Wow! It's really a pleasure to meet you both! I never thought I'd ever meet you in my lifetime!" He chuckled. "The name's Mr. K." He laughed. "But you won't be seeing much of me anymore. Cameron there is tough enough for high school." He laughed as he reached into his pocket, smiling as he pulled out something small and pink.

"Here you go girl. I know how much you love to eat, so..." He chuckled as he held out the pink object.

"What the heck is this?" Electra asked as she took the poffin out of his hand.

"I made it myself." He smiled as he patted her head.

"It's food?" she asked as she sniffed it, her ears perking up as she stuffed it into her mouth, purring softly as she swallowed it down.

"Ooooh that's like... One of the best small foods I've ever eaten..." She said as she rubbed her cheek against Mr. K's leg. "Got any more?"

"Unfortunately that's the last one..." He said as he stood up, smiling. "But again, pleasure to meet you!"

"You can understand what she says?" Cameron asked.

"No, why?" Mr. K. laughed. "She obviously asked for another one. Come on Cameron, it's Electra, what else would she ask for?"

"Wow... This whole "Worship Electra" thing is getting creepy.." Electra said as she walked back over to me and Cameron.

"Great... Cameron came back with the girl one too..." Brandon growled as he walked up to Cameron, folding his arms. "I'll have you know that my daddy is going to press charges against you for killing my Charmander!" he said.

"It was a battle... You instigated Dallas because you're stupid, and you paid the price. You can't press charges for something a Pokemon dying in a battle. You're stupid." Cameron said.

"Oh yeah? Well... I'm going to anyway!" Brandon said as he stuck his tongue out.

"When the judge hears that it was Dallas that killed your Charmander, he's going to want to see Dallas, and then hold him and stuff, and all the attention will be turned toward me and you will lose." Cameron said, laughing.

"It's true... Humans here go crazy over me." I said, frowning. "I have no idea why either..."

"Well I want a rematch then!" Brandon said as he pointed to Electra. "Against your girl rat!"

"Against my what?" Cameron asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, I KNOW you're not talking about me..." Electra said as she folded her arms.

"Your girl rat! The boy one is way too over powered! I want to fight the girl one!" he said as he pointed to Electra. "Your Pokemon are stupid and I'm going to prove it!" he said.

"Perhaps you should just... Stop..." Mr. K. said, sighing.

"Brandon you're so stupid!" One of the small humans said. "You're going to get your ass kicked!"

"Shut up!" He shouted. "Mister tough guy here can't just rely on one Pokemon to fight!" He snapped.

"You did. And you got your ass kicked." The little human said.

"I said shut up!" He shouted as he turned back to us. "Are you going to battle or what?"

"Well... Fine." Cameron said as he walked over and stood behind Electra, sighing. "Um... I don't know your moves..."

"Ohhh too bad." He said as he pulled a Pokeball out of his pocket. "You're just going to have to lose then."

"Okay, I've known this kid for a MINUTE and I already think he's an ASS!" Electra yelled as she walked over to Brandon, growling. "You seriously need to shut your mouth." She growled.

"Eew get it away from me!" Brandon said as he kicked her in the belly, frowning as she didn't move.

"What the hell?" He asked as he pushed against her with his foot, growling. "You're all weird! You and your whole team!" He yelled.

"I simply walk over... And you kick me..." Electra growled under her breath as sparks flew off of her cheeks. "I want you... To get... Your FUCKING foot... OFF OF MY FUR!" She yelled as she grabbed his foot and pulled on it, pulling Brandon to the floor, the Pokeball dropping and rolling away as Electra jumped onto his belly.

"AAAH GET OFF OF ME YOU'RE SO HEAVY! SOMEONE HELP!" Brandon yelled as he pushed against Electra with both hands.

"I told you..." The little human said as he sat down on the floor. "Seriously dude, when are you going to learn your lesson?" He asked.

"Shut up and help!" He squealed as Electra slapped his hands away, growling.

"Two minutes and already I'm sick of your SHIT!" She yelled.

Wow... She's good...

"No way I'm helping!" One of the little humans said.

"I'd like to stay alive... And not eaten." Mr. K. said as he sighed. "You're on your own."

You're all crazy!" Brandon shouted as Electra jumped off of him, picking up his Pokeball.

"Hey! You put that down!" He yelled.

"No." Electra said, grinning.

"That's my best Pokemon! And you're going to battle with it!" He yelled.

"Oh, am I now?" She asked as she held the ball in front of her face.

"Give it!" Brandon yelled as he scrambled to her feet.

"Nope." Electra said as she opened her mouth. But instead of tossing the ball in, she pushed the button. I tilted my head as I watched her cheeks bulge out with whatever Pokemon was in that ball, and I couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

"NOOOO!" Brandon yelled as he dove at her but missed as she leapt to the side. I tilted my head as I watched Electra swallow it. Whatever it was, it was big. And squirmy. But... For some reason... Seeing her eat it made me feel... Good... In a way... I couldn't place my paw on the feeling, but it was a good one.

"Chuuuu..." I said as I walked over to her, blushing as I hugged her. "That was amazing!"

"Eh." She said as she tossed the ball into her mouth, grinning as she gulped it down, her tail wagging slowly behind her as she stared at Brandon.

"Noooo!!!! My Zigzagoon!" He yelled as he scrambled back to his feet. "You're all going to pay for this! Just you wait!" He yelled as he ran out of the room.

"Whoa... Electra is awesome!" One of the small humans said. "Is it alright if I touch her?"

"That's up to her." Cameron said as he sat down next to me and Electra, smiling.

"Brandon is a moron." another little human said, a girl, as she walked over to us. "He deserved what just happened. He's so... Stupid!"

"He left his bag here." Someone else said as they picked it up, laughing. "We should bury it."

"Or burn it." someone else said.

"Or feed it to that Pikachu!" Someone laughed. "I wanna see her eat stuff. It's so cool!"

"I'm not eating that." Electra said as she folded her arms.

"Oh come on guys, don't bother Electra like that." Mr. K. laughed. "Brandon... To tell you the truth... I never liked him from the start. But I allowed him to act tough, act like he was the only one that had good Pokemon... Even though none of them were... Because I knew that THIS day would come, the day that he would lose, and badly too." He laughed. "If an-

"So when are we going to go to the other place?" Electra asked. "The HIGH school?"

"Electra wants to go to the highschool." Cameron said.

"Oh... Well I guss you're ready... But I'm just going to warn you... Almost everyone there is four years older than you..." He said, smiling.

"So? Look who I've got with me!" Cameron laughed as he scooped me up into his lap and hugged me. "My best friend!"

"Actually..." Mr. K. said as he looked out the window. "That's the bus... Yep, you take the bus now. No more having to walk or whatever you do." He said. "You get a ride now.

"Oh thank Arceus." Electra sighed. "There's no way I'm walking everywhere."

"Well... I guess I'll be going then." Cameron said as he stood up, holding me in his arms. "See you all sometime!" He laughed as he walked out.

"This is disgusting." Electra said as she climbed up onto one of the seats. "Find a cleaner one!"

"Over here." I said as I hopped up onto one of the seat toward the back.

"Err..." Cameron said as he sat down next to me, pulling me into his lap as he scooted all the way over to the window. "I don't want to seem weird on my first day..." He said, frowning.

"What's so weird about wanting a clean seat?" Electra asked as she hopped up onto the seat, smiling.

"Well nothing, but..." He said as he looked around nervously. "It's just that... I'm talking to you..."

"Then stop." Electra sighed. "It's not hard..."

"But it is hard... I mean, I like talking to you..." Cameron said.

"Me too." I said as I hopped out of his lap and onto the seat next to Electra, smiling. "I think you're cool. And the way you ate that Zigzagoon was awesome!" I said as I hugged her, wagging my tail.

"Well thanks." she laughed. "I knew you would think so..."

"Oh? I asked as I tilted my head, smiling as her. "And how did you know?"

"Well... I... Studied your reactions to things, yeah, that's it. I'm good at figuring things out just by watching the ones I like." She chuckled.

"Wait... You like me?" I asked as I tilted my head, smiling. "Aww... I like you too..."

"Well, we're both special and stuff... Maybe we were meant to be together." Electra laughed.

"Well I don't know about THAT." I laughed. "I mean, I like you and all, but we just met... Maybe if I spend more time with you... Get to know you better..." I laughed as I wagged my tail. "Then maybe I'll get to like you more."

"Sounds like a deal." Electra chuckled.

"Wait, I thought you two were al-"

"Shut up." Electra snapped as she hopped into his lap, sighing as she stood up tall, whispering something in his ear.

"You're hurting my legs... And I didn't know that." Cameron said as he patted her head. "Mewthree is real huh?"

"Yes, now shush." she said as she hopped back down into the seat.

"What's mewthree?" I asked, frowning.

"A Pokemon." Electra laughed.

"Oh... Never heard of it." I said, frowning.

"I know." Electra laughed. "Now you did."

"Well... Yeah." I laughed as I looked up at Cameron. "When do we get to this highschool place?"

"No idea." Cameron said as he shrugged. "I think that's it over there." He said as he pointed out the window.

I hopped up onto his lap and pressed my face against the window, my tail wagging as I stared at the big building not too far away.

"Big." I said as I hopped back into the seat, laughing.

"Yeah..." He sighed. "And so are the humans inside..."

"Well it can't be that bad..." Electra said as we pulled into the parking lot. "I mean, I've seen some pretty big humans..."

"Yeah, but these ones we have to work with and stuff." Cameron sighed.

"Um, shouldn't we get out?" I asked as I stared out the window. "We stopped..."

"Well yeah..." Cameron said as he stood up. "Let's go."

"Well..." I said as I followed him down the aisle. "I hope they have food because I'm hungry."

"Me too." Electra said.

"Err..." Cameron said as he got off of the bus. "I really don't know where to go..."

"There." Electra said as she pointed to the building straight ahead. "If we're in the wrong place someone will say something." she said as she walked ahead.

"Well... I guess so..." Cameron said as he followed her, laughing as I climbed up into his bag.

"You really like it in there don't ya?" He said as he looked back at me.

"Well it's cool and shady, so yeah." I said as I ducked down inside.

"Well whatever works I guess." He said as he sighed. "I'm like, really nervous right now..."

"Why?" Electra asked as she hopped up onto the sidewalk. "The door is right over here. Just go in."

"Because there are a lot of big people in there and I'm not big." Cameron said.

"I'm not big either, I'm not complaining." She said as she waved her paw. "Open the door."

"You're a Pikachu, it's different." Cameron sighed. "You're all the same size... People get different sizes... And stuff... And bigger ones are usually stronger..." he said.

"I'm small, humans are bigger. I am MUCH stronger, and can EAT a human whole, does that make me logically bigger?" She asked as she folded her arms.

"You can... Eat people..." Cameron said as he stared at her.

"Yeah, so?" She said, laughing. "I've probably only eaten like three or four people..."

"That's crazy." He said as he stared at her. "And you weigh like hundreds of pounds too..."

"Like four hundred something..." She said. "A four hundred pound human is HUGE!" She said. "And yet I'm THIS size and weigh more then like, three of you." She said. "Or four."

"Well you're special and stuff... And Pikachu aren't supposed to eat humans... No Pokemon are..." he said.

"What, you've never heard of a human-eating Sharpedo?" She asked. "Because I have. And what about Ursuring? They eat people sometimes. So why can't I?" She asked. "And besides, I don't make a mess when I eat things. I don't like messes." She said.

"This conversation is getting waaaaaay farther than I wanted it to..." Cameron said as he walked up to the door. "I don't care about size anymore, you're right. Small people can still do big things, I get it. Thanks." He said as he opened the door. "Let's just... Go in. We'll find out where we need to be when we get in there."

"Nooooow you're talking!" She laughed. "That's exactly what I said before."

"Well thanks." Cameron said as he walked inside after Electra.

"I freaking hate this!" Electra said as she walked up to the second door and placed her paws on the glass. "There should only be one door!"

"Well the second door keeps wind out and stuff." Cameron said.

"That's what the first one is for!" She said.

"Well some things might get past the first door, the second door keeps them from getting in. Like a strong draft could be stopped by the second door." He said.

"Then they should make a bigger FIRST door." She said. "Or one of those double doors like at the Pokemart that open by moving sideways away from each other. At least I can open those by standing there!" She said.

"Well doors weren't meant to be opened by Pokemon." Cameron said as he opened the door and walked in, laughing. "Anyhow, how do I know we're in the right place?" He asked.

"Well..." Electra said as she sniffed the air, wagging her tail. "I smell food. That's how I know I'M in the right place!"

"Well maybe if we ask someone..." I said as I poked my head out of Cameron's bag.

"Nuh uh! There are tons of people in here, so we're obviously in the right place or it'd be empty!" she said. "And besides, I smell food. We're not leaving here until I get some.

"Ugh... Come on Electra..." Cameron said as he followed her to one of the tables.

"This table has a ton of humans with Electric types." She said. "If anything we belong HERE!" She said as she hopped up onto the table.

"Oh lookie here." One of the guys said, laughing. "The new kid."

"Well at least he knows his way around." Someone else said.

"Hey man leave him alone. Look at him, he's small and... HERE... Picking on him probably isn't a good idea if he's strong enough to be here in the first place." He said as he looked down at his plate, frowning. "Okay, who the hell took my burger?" He asked as he looked around the table.

"Well you're right about that." The guy at the other end of the table said. "So kid, just how strong ARE you?" He asked.

"Well... Everyone seems to respond the best when I do THIS... To show them..." Cameron said as he took off his bag, placing it on the table.

"Dude come on, we do- What the FUCK!" He said as he scooped me out of the bag, gasping as he held me in the air. "It's DALLAS!"

Almost immediately, everyone around the table began to laugh.

"Guys come on, I'm serious." He said as he looked me up and down.

"Can you like... Put me down?" I asked as I pulled myself out of his grip, sighing as I dropped down to the table. "All this attention is weird..."

"He just... Pulled himself away from me. How can you say that's not Dallas?" He asked.

"Well you let him go." one of the kids said as he stood up, laughing. "If they're really who y- It just ATE my hotdog, come ON!" He yelled as he stared down at Electra, who stared back up at him.

"Not yours anymore bud." She said as she licked her right paw. "Go find yourself another and bring it back here."

"Um... She said... Stuff..." Cameron said as he looked down at the table.

"And you understand her?" He asked. "HA!"

"Well when I put this in my ear I do..." Cameron said as he took out the ear piece and held it out.

"Bullshit." He said as he took the ear piece and stuck it in his ear, before turning to Electra.

"Okay miss Pikachu why'd ya take my hotdog?" He asked. "And how'd you eat it like that?"

"Because I was hungry... And I eat however I want to." She said as she looked around the table.

"Well it was mine!" He said as he sat down.

"Not anymore." She said as she waved her paw at him.

"Well you had no right to take it." He said as he looked around the table.

"You left it where I could get it, and I took it. It's your fault. Stop whining about it and shut up." She said as she stared at him.

"Wow... Ms. Chu's got an attitude." He said as he took out the ear piece and placed it down on the table.

"Hey." The kid that picked me up said as he snatched the ear piece and put it in, laughing. "I'm not crazy. You're Dallas right?" He asked as he picked me back up.

"Oh Arceus stop GRABBING ME!" I said as I pulled away. "Yes, I'm Dallas." I said as I walked over to Electra and leaned against her. "And this is my mate, Electra."

I grinned as Electra just stared at me, before whispering in my ear.

"You... Remember?" She asked.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I said as I shook my head no. "I just like you and stuff..."

"Kid, how the hell did you get your hands on those two?" One of the kids said as he stood up. "If that's really Electra then that explains the sudden absence of food..."

"No shit!" Someone said as they got up. "I never thought I'd see these two in my LIFE!" He said. "I don't care if she took my burger, she's ELECTRA! This is AMAZING!"

"Okay, you humans are starting to scare me." Electra said as she waved her paw at him. "Just... Tell me where you got that food."

"She wants to know where you got the burger." the kid next to me said as he took out the ear piece and handed it back to Cameron. "By the way, my name is Cody." He said as he shook Cameron's hand. "Nice to meet you. You're cool with me man. You've got the rarest Pokemon in the world." He laughed.

"WHERE DID YOU GET IT?" Electra yelled as she walked to the edge of the table and waved her paws in the air.

"WHAT?" The kid yelled back as he stared down at her. "Geez why the hell are you yelling?"

"She wants food." Cameron said as he smirked.

"Well I don't have any." He said as he pushed against Electra. "Go away. You stole my burger. I'm mad at you now. Because now I'M hungry." He said as he pushed harder, frowning. "And lose some weight!"

"Cut it out!" Electra snapped as she slapped his hands away. "You being hungry is less important than me being hungry." She snapped.

"Guys come on, let's bring her to the classroom so we can understand her." One of the kids said as he got up.

"Well mister new guy here can understand her with that ear piece."

"I don't care, I can't hear her unless I have it and I'm now putting it on."

"Well I'm not done eating. I don't want to leave."

"Now you are." Electra said as she grabbed his plate. "I'll just take this off your hands... Thanks." She said as she walked over to me with it, smiling. "Want some?"

"Um... No... Thanks..." I said as I shook my head no, smiling.

"Eh, okay." She said as she dumped the plate into her mouth, placing it down as she swallowed, sighing.

"What the FUCK just happened to my food..." The kid said as he stared at Electra.

"Yep, that new kid's really got Dallas and Electra." Another guy said as he got up from the table. "I'm like, leaving before I become a victim of the food snatcher." He laughed. "Are you kidding me? That's AWESOME!" Cody said as he tried to pick Electra up.

"Um... Stop?" Electra said as she took a step back. "That's so annoying..."

"Ooh, sorry..." Cody said as he stood up. "I forgot you weigh like four thousand pounds..."

"Actually it's four hundred something." Electra said as she turned around and looked at Cameron. "Since you're the only one that understands me, tell them I want food for Dallas." She said.

"Nono, I'm fine, really..." I said as I hugged her from behind. "I don't want any."

"Chuuuu..." Electra sighed. "You're getting some." She said.

"Um, Electra wants food-"

"No SHIT." someone yelled.

"Um... For Dallas..." Cameron said. "Not for herself..."

"Oh... Well as long as Dallas ins't a ravenous beast he can have a piece of my hotdog." Someone said as he tore a piece off of his hotdog and held it out to me.

"Err... Thanks." I said as I took it from him, sighing as I nibbled on it.

"He actually chews." Cody laughed.

"My name is Cameron..." Cameron said as he scratched his right arm. "In case you wanted to know..."

"Nice to meet you Cameron." Cody said as he shook his hand.

"Dude why are you so far up his ass? Give him some space!" Someone said. "Geez. I doubt his Pikachu want you constantly touching them."

"I don't care, as long as I'm not constantly picked up..." I sighed.

"Can't pick me up so neither do I." Electra said.

"Well I'm off to get some food I guess..." Cameron said as he put on his bag. "Be right back."

"Ugh... Take me with you, this is so boring..." Said a Jolteon from underneath the table.

"Um, you're not mine, I can't." Cameron said as he picked me up. "Sorry..."

"Hey dude, you want this Twinkie?" Cody said as he gave it to the kid next to him.

"Ah yes!" He said as he snatched it. "Thanks!"

"Oh come ON!" Electra yelled as she hopped back up onto the table. "I'm over HERE!"

"Err..." He said as he stared at her, frowning. "I kind of wanted to eat it..."

"Well kind of so did I." She said as she snatched it away from him, sighing as she hopped off of the table. "Geez. You wait until I leave to offer food? What's WRONG with you!" She shouted as she unwrapped it.

"Um... Well what else is there?" Cameron asked as I hopped up onto the counter.

"Well there's ham and cheese sandwiches..." the lady behind the counter said.

"I'll take two." Cameron said as he looked at me.

"Is that two for you or two for you and your Pikachu there?" She asked as Electra hopped up onto the counter. "Or... Three?" She asked.

"Three is fine." Cameron laughed as he patted Electra's head. "Electra here wouldn't ever miss a meal. I knew she'd be up here in no time." Cameron laughed.

"Electra as in... The one that eats everything?" The lady asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, that Electra." Cameron said.

"Jeez... Who DOESN'T know me..." Electra sighed.

"Me." I said as I raised my paw, laughing.

"Get in here." The lady said as she looked around, before opening a little door in the counter and motioning for us to come in. "Quickly."

I frowned as I followed Cameron and Electra in, then followed them to a back room.

"Okay, so first off..." She said as she looked down at Electra. "Oh Arceus I never thought I'd ever ever EVER meet Dallas and Electra!" She squealed. "I'm not going to pick you up or anything because I probably can't... And I'm handling food." She said as she pointed to Electra. "But I need YOU." She smiled.

"Me?" Electra asked as she pointed to herself. "Why?"

"Yes you." She said. "We have a bit of a problem..."

"And... What am I supposed to do about it?" Electra asked.

"Well here's the problem... Every Tuesday, which is today, the school serves..."

"That nasty stuff I didn't want?" Cameron asked. "That looks so gross."

"Yes that." She said. "And no one eats it so it's always thrown out... I don't remember the name of i-"

"Shut up and show me." Electra said as she folded her arms. "Humans always think the best things are nasty."

"She said shut up and show her." Cameron laughed.

"Well I think you'll be able to find it if you sniff around." She said. "I can't show you where it is because if I'm seen letting you eat it I'll get in serious trouble. I have to act as if I don't know you're there." She said. "So I'm going to leave this room and go back to serving lunches. Your job is to literally eat everything. You'd be doing the school a favor." She said, smiling.

"You're doing ME a favor." She said. "Now go away."

"Err... Can I have my sandwiches now?" Cameron asked as he left the room with the female human. I wanted to stay with Electra, but at the same time I wanted a sandwich too all of a sudden, so I decided to go with Cameron.

"Okay, anything else?" She asked as she handed him three sandwiches in little baggies.

"A juice I guess." Cameron said, smiling as she handed him an apple juice. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." She said, smiling as I followed him back to the table.

"Hey where's Electra?" Cody asked as Cameron sat down.

"Yeah where?" Someone else asked as I hopped up onto the table and took one of the sandwiches, unwrapping it and taking a bite out of one of the halves.

"Don't tell anyone... But you know that slop?" Cameron said, grinning.

"You mean that shit they serve every Tuesday?" One of the kids asked.

"Yeah that shit is disgusting. They always say "Oh, it's sooo healthy for you eat it." Well I bring my own lunches for that reason."

"Yeah, and I think they save it because they always seem to have it."

"It's like... Death... On a tray..."

"Wait, don't tell me she's..."

Cameron laughed and nodded. "She's getting rid of it."

"And she LIKES it?" Cody asked.

"Well I guess so... But eh, it'll all me gone in a matter of minutes."

"There's enough to feed the entire school seven times..."

"Yeah there's tons of that crap."

"Guys... This is ELECTRA you're talking about. The one who just swallowed your hamburger whole right in front of you and then yelled at you for trying to eat a twinkie." Cody laughed.

"Well I'll forgive her for all that shit if she really eats all that nasty slop." He laughed.

"I heard she ate like six people whole." One of the guys said. "She's like... The capacity of a Wailord in a Pikachu's body..." He laughed.

"Something like that." Cameron said. "I mean, just a couple minutes ago Dallas killed this snotty kid's Charmander and she walked over and ate his Zigzagoon... Released it from the Pokeball right into her mouth and just gulped the thing down, no problem... Then tossed the Pokeball in and finished it off!" Cameron laughed.

"Yeah... She's so awesome..." I said as I wagged my tail.

"Well judging by all the things I hear about Electra, she'd probably be able to eat the school. The whole thing and everyone inside it."

"I wanna feed her and see!"

"You're all weird." I said as I took another bite of my half of the sandwich.

"Well as long as there's no more of that stuff I'll love her forever. I NEVER have to be served their meaty shit again!" Someone shouted.

"Yeah, but I wonder what they'll serve next..." Cody said, frowning.

"Pizza and burgers I hope. Something that won't kill us..."

"That'll be the day."

"Well there's a chance they could actually spend a little something and get us something good..."

"Not anytime soon..."

"Shut up!"

By now I had already finished the half of the sandwich.

"There she is." Cameron said as Electra ran over and hopped up onto the table.

"Well that was fast..." Cody frowned.

"That was DISGUSTING!" Electra yelled as she stuck her tongue out. "Probably the nastiest thing I've ever tasted in my LIFE!"

"So you didn't eat it?" Cameron asked.

"No... It's fucking gross." Electra said as she shook her head no.

"Damn... It's so nasty that even Electra won't touch it..." Cody laughed. "That's... Pretty gross..."

"We should have a Pokemon battle with like, whoever runs this dump... Make them change the menu...

"Dude they're like, the people that run the place... Their Pokemon aren't weak at all.

"Yeah well neither is Dallas over there."

"You want Dallas to fight for food?"

"Not just for food, for the whole school's food."

"That shit is disgusting." Electra said as she picked up one of the sandwiches. "This isn't. Thanks Cameron!"

"Dallas." One of the guys said as they leaned down and smiled. "Don't you want those sandwiches you're eating every day?"

"Well I like them..." I said as I nodded.

"Well then are you willing to fight so that the whole school doesn't eat that junk over there?" He asked. "Your mate here wouldn't even touch it, that's how nasty it is."

"I find it weird that someone just came up to me and asked me to eat something. I mean, it's not like i'm going to turn down that offer, but that's creepy as heck." Electra laughed as she placed the sandwich bag down.

"Do you every chew? Damn!" Cody laughed.

"Do you ever shut up?" Electra asked. "I don't need you spectating on every fucking thing I do! To be honest, I don't want ANYONE but Dallas doing that. It's ANNOYING!" She yelled.

"Great, what'd you do now?" One of them said as he stared at Cameron.

"I asked her if she chewed ever..." Cameron said.

"Well maybe she doesn't like you ten feet up her ass all the time." Someone else said.

"EXACTLY!!" Electra yelled as she tossed her paws into the air. "You ALL do it! I'm getting sick of it!"

"Calm downnnn!" I laughed as I hugged her from behind, giggling as I picked her up and spun around. "Mr. Chu here doesn't like seeing you upset!"

"Well Ms. Chu is happy now. Put me down." She laughed.

"Holy... Hell!" Cameron said as he stared at me. "How'd you just do that!?"

"Do what?" I asked as I tilted my head.

"You picked her up!" He said.

"Yeah, so?" I asked.

"She weighs like hundreds of pounds!" Cameron said.

"Ugh..." Electra groaned as she sat down on the table. "Just what we need, more attention..."

"Well maybe I'm just stronger than you." I said.

"Yep. Dallas would kick the board of education's asses." Cody laughed.

"Hey, Dallas is not here to solve all your disgusting school lunch problems. He's here because he's with me, and we're here to become Pokemon masters!" Cameron said.

"How much more mastery do you think you can get?" One of the kids at the end of the table asked. "If you ask me, catching Dallas automatically makes you a master. He just fucking lifted a five hundred, or whatever pound Pikachu like it was nothing." He said.

"Can you all just shut the fuck up?" Electra said as she walked across the table to the one who was just talking. "I'm not even kidding anymore." She growled.

"I think all the attention is making her angry..." Cameron said. "She just told you to... Shut the... You know... Up..." He said.

"You'd better listen to her man, she'll fuck you up! And then eat you!" Cody laughed.

"YOU TOO!" Electra yelled as she whipped around. "ALL of you! Except Cameron because he's the only one that's not constantly up my ass! And that one." She said as she pointed to the guy next to Cody. "Because he's the one that TELLS you to back off, and you DON'T LISTEN!" She yelled. "I swear if this is how humans are going to act around me I'm going to start making them disappear!" She said as she pulled on her ears.

"Um..." Cameron said as he looked around the table. "She said that if you all keep bugging her she's going to eat you all..."

"I don't doubt it." One of them said. "I barely do anything so I'm fine."

"That's what you think." Electra growled. "I never said I'd ONLY eat the ones that bothered me... I said that IF I keep getting BUGGED, then I'm going to start making some humans disappear. And I never said by eating them either. Cameron made that up."

"You would though." I laughed.

"Shhhh..." She said as she placed her paw over my mouth. "They don't know that."

"Noooo I think they do." I laughed as I hugged her again. "You're so awesome."

"So are you Mr. Chu." She laughed as she hugged me back.

"Come on Cameron, let's go actually DO something." Electra said as she stood up.

"But I'm not done eating..." He said, frowning.

Electra sighed as she snatched the half of the sandwich off of the table and tossed it into her mouth.

"Now you are." She said as she swallowed it. "Now let's go..."

"Aw come on..." He said as he stood up, picking up the last sandwich and finishing the bite he had in his hand. "Okay let's go... Look for stuff." He said.

"Good." She said as she hopped down off of the table. "I'm done with these weirdos."

--END Chapter Twenty.--