Drunken Lullabies #17
Following bartan's bunts all the way down to the tip where the giant couldn't restrain his own wags.
Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - Play Ball
He bunted the ball causing the ball to slowly move forwards. the other teammates were caught off guard, never thinking that ivan would resort to using a bunt as a sound technique for the game.
Mistaken Identity (chpt 3)
I did, but not willingly, a few more bunts and i finally sat down. i looked over to my mother, why wasn't she helping me, or did she even know me anymore? i looked down and concentrated on the blue markings that slid up my forearm.
Inferno Match: Draco vs Crash McCloud
"if crash is going to have his fur bunt off, please do not bring him here draco!" cobalt yelled from a short distance. crash realizes he's outside the ring and tries to make a break for the audience to make his escape.
Korongo: The Beginnings - Chapter 7
They bunted heads and the king turned and left. kali and sikio said nothing. they sat down and tucked into the zebra, though less aggressively than normal.
david's college days part five
Sarah finished on the loo and went to find david, david had wounded off and was now looking at some of the old paintings of "lord griffin the 1st" and all the others, then he found the family tree not a lot was on it, it had been bunt at some time.
Presto - Chapter 5
Orange and purple lights painted the turrets, black bunting and balloons were fastened in nearly every corner of the architecture. a blood-red carpet had been rolled out like a proper howlywood event, and low fog oozed along it eerily.
I watched puige square around for a bunt and tapped the ball into play. he was expecting it to roll down the third base line being right handed, but physics decided otherwise.
Another Love Story: Chapter 2 - Another fateful encounter.
When we did batting drills, i hit two home runs, three bunts, four hits and got out once. the coach was cheering me on and was so happy to have me on his team. as i was stretching for cool down, i noticed some guys throwing a football in the distance.
Of the Wolf's Blood Chapter 2
He could smell the hint of bunt air around him but that faded into a heavy, musky scent of pine woods and leather. eric's dark eyes fixated on him for several minutes as if he was searching for something. tyler broke the gaze by looking away.
Mocha's Cutiemark - Story
She produced confetti out of nowhere much to the amusement and excitement of others, soon followed by a massive celebration outside town hall with lively music, bunting, streamers, confetti and of course lots of lovely snacks like sandwiches and cake from
bunting. we're both adults, you're a gay male, i'm an older female who's playing mother not mistress, and you're a bit too fragile at this point to measure up to my usual standards. the shy bit is right out. deal?"