Mistaken Identity (chpt 3)

Story by LightningRunFree on SoFurry

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Well thought id add a twist...

I stood up as soon as the fae walked in, so I am in my birth pack! I thought to myself in a bit of a panic. The silver fae that had escorted me in slammed into my shoulder to make me sit down. I did, but not willingly, a few more bunts and I finally sat down. I looked over to my mother, why wasn't she helping me, or did she even know me anymore? I looked down and concentrated on the blue markings that slid up my forearm. "When the alpha comes, we shall have him choose you a name an..." I snapped my head towards her, "If you don't mind I have a name." I said a matter of factly. She laughed and then looked me straight in the eye. "What is this name, and who gave it to you?" I looked down, I didn't know who gave it to me, it was as if I just knew, but I decided to answer her first question any way. Wait, having a name that of an element is said to be rare, but to have one as a once supposed outclanner.... I looked back up and shoved my ears forward. "My name is Lightning." A gasp could be heard from somewhere in the cave. Then there was a low growl as what seemed to be the alpha, Kaide walked up.

"Where did you get that name, you should very well know that naming yourself, much less after an element could mean certain death!" I grimaced as the large dark grey alpha stepped forward. "I don't know, that's what I just feel comfortable with." He chuckled and looked to the black fae that I had come to identify as my mother. "You hear that Silver Rain, its whats shes comfortable with." He let out a burst of laughter, and all the wolves joined in except my mother, and I. He stopped abruptly and looked me deep into the eye. "Now down to business. You will be put through tests, and yes you will be permitted to keep that name til after the tests. If you pass we will see if that name still fits, if you don't pass, you die." He began to walk away, and then looked back to my mother. "Rain, take her to the game cage!" She crouched a bit. "Yes alpha." Her voice was soft, and I felt comforted by it. How could she not be my mother, she seemed to be the only one with sense in this pack. She walked to me and bumped me on the flank, but not as hard as the other wolves had done.

We were soon at a dumpy looking cave, and the smell was horrible. She must have read my face because she chuckled lightly. "I know it smells bad, but you get used to it." I looked at her in question. "Im the one who must stay with the prisoners." I nodded in realization. I looked at her and was going to ask her if she had ever asked pups. My heart was pounding at the question unspoken. "Silver Rain, I...."

"Hey let go of me you scum bag!" I snapped my head towards the entrance of the cave to see a black wolf with white paws and dark blue eyes be shoved into the cave by two warriors. He went to take a snap at the closest one when Rain growled. He instantly cowered, and then looked up first at Rain, but his eyes stopped when they landed on me, half crouched in surprise from Rains growl. "Rain, this wolf was venturing around the territory." She nodded at the warrior and him and his companion left. Rain looked at me, but kept a wary eye on he new comer. "Lightning, was there something you wanted to say?" I nodded, "Ill ask you later Rain." Rain nodded. I looked back at the strange male, I had never seen a black and white wolf before. Rain smiled at seeing us staring at each other and mumbled something about being bit by the love bug which made both me and the male blush. "Well, im going to go hunt, you two stay here and try not to mess up the place while im gone.

I stumbled back and nearly tripped over my paws as I turned to see two dark blue eyes next to my muzzle. "Woah there darlin, I aint gonna bite." I stood up and scowled. "Cut the accent, I know its face." He gave a sly smile. "You caught me."