Krystal and Chase: Swordplay
Now, the fox held no doubt that bianca was just as deadly as she was lovely. "as i'll ever be i guess, bianca."
Krystal and Chase: Stone Ghost p3
bianca said as she took it. the fox pulled her to her feet, and then realized, "bianca?" bianca looked at the fox, "chase!" chase nodded, then shook his head, "'re kunoichi?" bianca nodded, "i'll explain it all later, promise.
Xavier's new hope
"i'm pregnant mother" bianca said as calm as she could. like as if she was cured she grabbed bianca and hugged her tightly, i looked to bianca and shrugged as if saying to her" it made her happy". bianca hugged back just as tight as she whispered.
The Beginning With No End (CHAPTER FIVE)
bianca's eyes nearly shot from her eye sockets. "oh... h... hi bianca, i didn't know you were coming over today?" kyle stuttered, shocked to find bianca sitting on the couch. "hi...
The Evils of Truth and Love: Making Decisions
bianca had left to get something from her room for dawn, so the young coordinator was understandably confused when latias entered. "i thought bianca was upstairs?" "dawn, this isn't bianca," ash told her. "this is latias.
Spyro and the Shadowweaver
She said to bianca and elora indicating which cocoon was which.
The Beginning With No End (CHAPTER FOUR)
I looked at bianca, then narei. narei hadn't known about kyle letting himself in and this made narei slightly frustrated. i replied to bianca "in all fairness... it was a pretty urgent moment though." bianca nodded as she agreed.
Krystal and Chase: Stone Ghost p4
bianca moved quickly and silently down the tunnel, the soldier at her heels. then, bianca turned and threw herself at something, a muffled 'oof!' heard as she landed. "light." bianca called to him.
Xavier's new hope part 4
He looked over bianca and murred as he had been eyeing up bianca for soem time now. he made his mind up in prision that he was gunna make bianca his after killing xavier.
The Evils of Truth and Love: Returning to Altomare
bianca asked. "you remember brock?" "yeah, the kiss." "kiss?" lorenzo asked, mystified. "yeah, just before we left, bianca gave me a picture of myself and pikachu, except is wasn't bianca, it was latias in bianca's form. then she kissed me."
Xavier's new hope part 8
It became slower as she held her mate and tears streamed down bianca face, she whimpered as she held her love tightly and she licked his lips. "i love you xavier, i always will.." bianca said.
Krystal and Chase: Evacuation P1
"bianca? can i ask a favor of you?" chase asked. "of course." bianca replied. "if something does happen and we're forced to evacuate the base, could you watch over krystal for me?"