Xavier's new hope part 8
#8 of Xavier's new hope
Chapter 8: A Dying rose
Xavier growled as he held his right arm, it was in extreme pain, his hind paws dug into the ground. Dust and gravol kicked up, Bianca and Johana both watched in worry as their beloved male was in pain. Blood pooled to his right side as he snarled and bit into a thick root, his teeth baring as metal seemed to grow alonge his canines. The root snapping in half and he roared out as he held both his arms up.
Bianca and Johana gasped at the new things to their males body. he panted and put his paws down as he heard a clinking noise. He looked to his right arm and his eyes shot wide open. It had become metal, more or less a type of mechanical arm. He held it up as it glistened from the blood dripping off it, he had a certian look to it. The claws were razor sharp and the paw was just abit bigger then his left, He marveled at it as he held it up.
He clenched his fist and a four and half foot long blade short out from above his wrist (Think FMA). He smirked as he marveled at his new weapon. He sheathed the blade back and he looked over his shoudler to his mate and his daughter. They were shocked with worry and his new limb, they walke dover slowly and knelt down as they hugged him. Bianca held on longer and tighter as she had tears down her cheeks.
Johana blinked as she ran her paw across the new arm. Her eyes glistened from the new chorme like metal. She looked up and her ear twitched.
"What is it?" She asked in marvel of it.
"I don;t know, but I intend to use it." Xavier said, with a slight smirk of evil.
The old dragon was walking through the large crowd of furs in the airport, he blinked as he spotted a police officer holding a sign. He walked over.
"Yes I am Mr. Kumiyachi." The old dragon said.
The officer nodded and waved him to follow him. They came to a police curiser and the dragon hoped into the passanger side. The husky got into the driver side and started up the car and drove off tot he station.
Zak and Siera looked at the many weapons on the walls. Siera marvaeled at the blades as Zak marveled at the guns. Siera picked up a few knives to test them out, picking up a butterfly knife she did all sort of tricks with it. She giggled to herself as she started to grab what ever she liked.
Zak smiled and murred as he grabed all he could manage, pistols, rifles automatics. He just grined as he stocked up on ammo and put it into the duffle bag. They both grined at each other as they took off out the back grabbing the keys on the desk and took the car parked outside the ally.
Xavier snarled as he tested out his new weapon the blade unsheathed and he sliced through trees like butter. he took a stance as he sheathed the blade and grabed a dummy he had set up and broke the arm just from gripping his new paw. He grined as he tore and slashed through everything like it was nothing.
Johana watched as her father did all this. She tilted her head as she looked ot her mother. She was showing her age much faster than Xavier was. She had winkles slowly showing up, her paws were not as stronge as they once were. Her tail had become shaggy and her fur slightly greyish. She had a smile on her face as she still had a twinkle in her eye. When she first fell inlove with her brother.
Bianca knew she was getting older and she smiled all she can, but she new her daughter and her mate aged slower than she did. besides she had more wolf in her than dragon. She watched her brother as she sighed abit as she felt a sorrow in her heart from the thought of her passing away and hre brother being alone. She looked to johana, her tail waged at her fathers new strength and new look, she looke dot Xavier as he looked exactly like he did all those years ago. Her ears lower as she held her self and a single tear droped to the flowers at her feet.
"Johana?" Bianca called out gently to see if her daughter was awake.
"Yes mama? What is it?" Johana answered out from her empty room.
Bianca smiled as she walked in, holding her quilted blanket over her shoudlers and walked ot her daughter who was sitting on her window ledge gazing at the stars. Her form never the less of a dragon, slender, beautiful and exotic. She looked ot her mother with her crystal green eyes that shined like the moon.
"Johana my dear. I have seen how you look at your father." Bianca said calmly.
Johana lowere dher ears as she felt abit of guilt. Her tail had completly stoped moving as her heart skipped a beat.
"Sorry mama.." johana had her ears pined as an apology.
Bianca shook her head and clicked her tounge as she walke dot her daughter and hugged her to her chest as she smiled warmly. She held her daughter as she ran her paw through her long head fur. Like she always did when she was a pup.
"tsk johana, its nothing to be ashamed of." She said calmly and smoothly.
"How is that Mama?" Johana said looking up to her aging mother.
"Because you are part dragon, as if your father. I have nothing to worry about as of incest, Dragons have a stronge blood line. And it is said that dragons mated sibbling to keep the blood line going. So incest is not of my greatest concern. Besides your father...is my brother." She said as she looke dot her shocked daughter.
Johana looke dot her mother as she had feelings for her father who was her uncle at the same time, she looked ot the door to make sure her father wasn;t there and she looked back to her mother.
"Mama! Are you seriouse?" She asked in a forced whisper.
Bianca nodded as she smiled softly.
"yes, I am. And i am more wolfess then dragoness like you. My age is not slow like yours and your fathers, so i will pass and be gone for some time." Bianca said with a heavy heart, her ears lowered as she looke dot her daughter.
"What do you mean mama? You cdan;t leave me?! And daddy will be so alone if you leave!" She said in another forced whisper.
She smiled as she nodded and held out her gold ring from her finger and she smiled softly. johana gasped as she looke dot the ring and shook her head.
"no mama! i won't accept that you will leave...your daddy's girl. he would never take me as a mate." Johana said not in a whisper this time.
"Shhh! Johana, trust me on this. the offer is still there. I don;t want you father to be alone. he won;t take another mate off the street. He has only been around us the enire time." Bianca said as she hugged her daughter.
Johana lowered her ears as well seeing her mother sad, she looked ot her father as he kept his practice going. She looked to the ring on her finger as she hugged her paw to her chest and she felt tears roll down her cheeks. She got up and walked inside and went to the bathroom sobbing away.
Xavier panted as the sun was on him, his arm glistened in the sun light and he smiled as he took in a deep breath from his nostrils. He was about to start agina and he felt paws come around hima nd hug him. He smiled as the blade slowly retracted into its sheath. He turned around and looked to his mate a she was aging, he didn;t care as he kissed her deeply and lovingly.
johana held the sink as she sobbed, her tears flowing down her cheeks as she threw her self to the walla nd fell to her knees, she cried as she knew her mother was gunna die and she couldn;t do a thing about it. She held her stomach as it knotted up and she choked as she sobbed hard. Her eyes begening to hurt as she griped her sides ahrd enough for blood to drip from her fur.
Xavier looked ot his mate as he placed his paw on her cheek, Bianca held it there as she looked ot her beloved and smiled as she closed her eyes and kissed his paw. Xavier smiled as he nuzzle dhis mate, he sensed it and he held her close, he heart her heart beat clear as day. It became slower as she held her mate and tears streamed down Bianca face, she whimpered as she held her love tightly and she licked his lips.
"i love you Xavier, i always will.." Bianca said. Her eyes lost their twinkle and became lifeless, her head fell back as she was gone from the world.
Xavier griutted his teeth as tears streamed down his cheeks and he hugged his lifeless mate and he picked her up as he felt pain in his ehart of a lost love. He carried her to her flower garden a freash gave had been dug up. bianca had done it for canine tend to dig their own graves. He steped into the moist soil and he whimpered as he knelt down and hugged his mate tightly for the last time and kissed her forehead as he layed her down and closed her eyes.
"And I you love." Xavier said as he let out a loud sorrow filled howl, that echoed for miles.
JOhana screamed at the top of her lungs as she started to thrash around and pound on the wall as she then let out the same howl of sorror. the two howls went on fot a long time, as they both let it simmer down. Xavier steped out of the grave and tears still dripped form his cheeks as he fell to his knees and Johana walked out and hugged her father as her mother laid covered in her quilted blanket. They said their good byes and both had thepainful duty to burry the passed away wolfess.
the old dragon got out of the car and he turned his head quick as the howl was hear dloud and clear as any other. Furs around him stoped and their ears lowered as they took of their hats or lowered their heads as then other canines let out a loud howl.
Mr. Kumyachi lifted his head and let out a loud booming roar in respect of the passing. Others joined in the death howl. Hisses, roars, howls all heard for miles.
Zak and Siera's ears perked up as they lowered their ears. A death in the family had come over agian and they too. Lifted their heads and let out the howl of sorrow.
The mix of all the howls and roars boomed to the heavens above to lift the ears of the gods to take on another soul that had passed away. The gates opened for the soul and let her into paradise.
((That concludes this chapter))
((P.S. for the howl think of van helsing when that chick dies. and listen to Nine inche nails - hurt))