_Well it has been some time since I last uploaded something. I will let you know a head of time, this story is based around Parasyte the maximum . I enjoy the idea of a being able to have a certain ability. As you can tell from my previous stories....
Blood of a hero part three
The woman sat there with a sigh, she leaned back and took a drink of a soda. Her glasses ontop of her head, she took them down and claned them. "After you escaped what happened?" She asked. Raz only smirked as he exhaled the smoke from his nostrils,...
Xavier's new hope part 13
Chapter 13: The past always haunts you. Xavier walked through the crowd quietly, he stole a few wallets from some furs. They never noticed as he dissappeared in the crowd. Xaviewr blinked, looking over his shoulder hearing a scream. He walked towards...
Xavier's new hope part 11
Chapter 11: A new life Johana Screamed in pain as sweat built up in her fur. Now damp, She gritted her teeth as she used all her strength to push. Female furs around her to help her, She held metal bars afraid to hurt the others as she screamed and...
Xaviers new hope part 10
Chapter 10 : WAR! Xavier stood quietly as the wind blew calmly across the city streets, He smirked to him self. Zak and Siera join him, by his sides all ready for battle. The dragon stood on the roof of a skyscraper holding a modifyed .50 caliber...
Xavier's new hope part 9
Chapter 9 : The enemy of my my friend? Xavier stood quietly at the window. HIS daughter, now his new mate walked over and hugged him from the side and looked out side. They both looked to the flower garden that had taken a life of its owna...
Xavier's new hope part 8
Chapter 8: A Dying rose Xavier growled as he held his right arm, it was in extreme pain, his hind paws dug into the ground. Dust and gravol kicked up, Bianca and Johana both watched in worry as their beloved male was in pain. Blood pooled to his right...
Xavier's new hope part 7
Chapter 7: Blood rain XAvier stood on the roof, looking over the forest. He felt something was up, the night creeping up on the house. Xavier stood tall as he took a breath in and exhaled slowly. Slowly two wings open from his back, feathered white...
Xavier's new hope part 4
Chapter four: Ghost's of demon pass A male dragon grunts as he was hit with a blow to his stomach, he held his arms over his stomach and arched over. He fell to his knees and coughed up blood he had swallowed from being hit in the face. The...
Xavier's new hope part 5
Chapter 5 : Family strength Xavier growled abit as he was hit by the highschool students. They all laughed as they looked to the one mainly hitting the boy. "Come on Henry HIt him harder!!" The husky shouted to the fox. Henry smiled as he was a...
Xavier's new hope
Chapter One: My sister and Me The day went like usual, I took my shower and my sister complained that used all the hot water. I shrugged and went down stairs in my jeans as usual; we lived alone with one another. We went to school and worked for a...
Sibling bond 2
Kaze grunted as he pushed up from the ground, going back down and growles as he pushes back up agian. He was working out and Amber was watching with a smile on her face, she enjoyed watching him work out ever since they mated. Their mother was in her...