Xavier's new hope part 9
#9 of Xavier's new hope
Chapter 9 : The enemy of my enemy...is my friend?
Xavier stood quietly at the window. HIS daughter, now his new mate walked over and hugged him from the side and looked out side. They both looked to the flower garden that had taken a life of its owna nd grew to a nice size garden. A single lunar flower stood tall as it was night. A nearly full moon, the lunar flower seemed to glow white still not in bloom.
Johana sighed as she nuzzled her new mates neck and went off to bed. She climbed into her bed and sighed as she laid down staring out side seeing the large moon. A tear rolled down her cheek as she never had her new mate sleep with her. He seemed to just stand there staring at the garden.
Xavier sighed abit as he flicked his ear and ooked to the room. He was abit sceptical about it, he walked to the bedroom door and peaked inside. He seen his daughter as she laid quitly but her chest was bouncing up and down from sobbing silently. He lowered his ears and walked over as he placed his paw on her shoudler. She looked over with tearfilled eyes and she jumped up to hug him toghtly. He hugged abck as he laid down with ehr and they both cuddled.
A shadow creeps alonge in the woods as it quickly moves. Tigs never snap as the figure moves so silently, the figure appears at the front door. Xaviers ear twitches as he gets up and looks to the bedroom door. Johana opens her eyes form the sleep and licks his cheek.
`Whats wrong love ?" She asked quietly.
"Shhh! Some one is at the door.." XAvier said in a whisper.
Johana got up and quietly like her mate showed her too, she got into a small hidden room and closed the small door. Xavier stood up and walked silently to the door, the balde from his new arm unsheathed slwoly and silently. The figure stood silently as he smirked with his lips, his seprant tounge licks across his lips.
Suddenly a crack was heard and a blade went through the door. The dragon leaped from the door and dissappeared into the shadow of night. Xavier pulled the blade back and he looked through the cut in the door. He opened it slwoly and kept the blade out. He stood infront of the door to see if any would dare enter. Or try to atleast.
Xavier stood quietly as he listened to the sounds, the wind was blowing gently, leaves cracked and crumbled as they hit one another. Creatures of the night russle around in the bushes. he smiled as he blurred from sight and appeared behind the dragon ontop of the roof and he smirked.
"Nice try old man. Now why are you here?" Xavier asked with a growl.
The old dragon jumped as he turned around and held up his paws and he chuckled.
"Well the romours are true. You are fast." he said calmly as he looke dover his son.
Xavier growles as he takes a stance with his new blade and all. the odl dragon blinked as he looked to the mechanical arm and he walked over.
"So it is true, your the one." he said as he looked over the arm.
Xavier blinked as he blurred from sight and grabbed the old dragona nd flung him over and onto his back. Xavier got ontop of him and held the blade to his throat.
"Start talking old man, or your gunna bleed to death on my roof." Xavier growled as he looked to the dragon with his red eyes.
The old dragon grunts as he hits the roof and he lays there and sighs abit as he lifts his head to the light of the moona nd he smiles abit.
"Well then, I guess I better get talking. Xavier, you probally don;t remember me, but I am your father." Mr. Kumiyachi smiled as he looked ot his son.
Xavier's eyes shot wide open and he jumped away as he looked to the dragon as he got up. The blade slowly sheathed and hid away in his new arm. Xavier blinked as he stared at the dragon and he shook his head.
"No, thats inpossible! My father is dead...he was stabed in the chest." Xavier said as he took a step back.
Mr.Kumiyachi opened his coat to show the scar, he sighed abit as he looked up and smiled abit.
"yes I did die, but I wasn;t dead for long. the elders brought me back. They said a pure dragon doesn;t deserve to die in that fassion. Besides. I was the father of the one who will bring peace amongst the two fmailies." Mr. kumiyachi said.
XAvier fell to his knees as he had tears build up and he grit his teeth. HIs paws griped tightly as he growled and suddenly with out warning. Xavier punched his father in the mouth, the dragon went flying into a tree and fell to the ground with a hard thump.
Xavier growled as he stood over his father and he turned and walked into the house and he slammed the door shut. He went to his room and knocked at the door three times to let his new mate know it was him. JOhana opened the small door and hugged her mate tightly as she nuzzled his neck.
"Oh daddy! I am happy your okay." She said as she held him tightly.
Xavier held his mate gently a she smiled abit as tears streamed down his cheeks and he suddenly kissed his daughter deeply, lovingly passionatly. JOhana merfed abit as she was taken by the kiss, she moaned abit and kissed back just as lovingly. Her arms came up around his neck as his arms came aorund her waist.
They both laid down on the bed, Johana on top and she straddled her new loves waist as she kissed him deeply, their tounges danced and they both groaned. As it quickly happened some thing quickly stoped it.
"Hello dear cousin." Zak said as he grined.
Johana gasped and screamed as she scrambled to the hidden room but was stoped by Siera, Xavier growled and blurred from sight to grab a hold of Siera's paw and toss her aside. He was suddenly hit with a blast from a shotgun to his back and Johana screamed as she was at the room. XAvier kicked the door shut as it only opened for Johana and locked untill he knocked those three times.
Zak chuckled as he walked over and cocked the shotgun. He held it up as he had rage in those blue eyes. Siera grumbled as she got up and she looked up as he shouted.
"Don;t kill him!" She sai running to her brother and knocking him over.
Zak grunted and looked up as he growled" What the fuck Siera!! He slit my throat!!" He snarled.
Siera sighed as she shook her head.
"We aren;t here for revenge remember. We are here to stop the war." Siear said as she knelt down and helped Xavier up.
XAvier coughed up blood as he was hit with the balst in his back. HIs lung was punctured and he stumbled abit as he looked up, blood streamed from his mouth as he unsheathed the blade and grabbed a hold of seira and took her in a hold with the balde to her throat and he snarled.
"You asshole...you nearly killed me." Xavier said weakly.
"yeah well you DID kill me..fucker.." Zak said as he held the gun up agian to blast his ehad away this time.
Siera waved her paws as she shook her head to Zak. Zak grumbled and lowered his gun, he droped it and looke dot Xavier. Xavier p[anted as he was weak and he looked ot zak and then to Siera as she smiled abit.
"I know you need to heal, so we brought you somehing." Siera said as hse looked to Zak.
Zak tossed him a blood pack and he leaned on the wall. Xavier caught it and he tore it open and drinking the liqiud contents inside it. He panted as he felt his wounds heal, the small metal beads dropping from his fur as the wound healed. He looked to Zak and he sanrled abit.
"The next time you do that...I promise you. I will be the one to tear out your throat and heart for good this time." Xavier snarled abit.
Zak shurgged abit as he walked out and sat down outside the hosue as he sighed abit. Siera sighed and looke dot Xavier as he walked to the door and knocked on it three times. Johana blinked as she kept close to her mate. The old dragon came in and rubbed his head.
"geez Xavier...you didn;lt have to hit me so hard." He looked up and blinks. "Oh! Hey Siera, last time I saw you, you were no bigger than my leg." he said smiling.
Siera smiles and nods as she walked out side to talk with her brother. As for the three, Xavier looked ot his new mate and looks to his father. He sighed nad took his mate to the bed to let her sleep. he laid with her and the dragon left to med to his sore jaw.
(That concludes this chapter, I know their all short..I am gunna try and make the next one longer. I am usually writing these late at night.))