Spyro and the Shadowweaver

His heart jumped as their eyes were uncovered, elora and bianca were staring down from thick cocoons at him. "mmmph, hhhmmmrhhh!" the real elora mumbled, staring at him with concern. the elora at his side rolled her eyes dismissively.

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Spyro goes for a little sightseeing trip with his best friend elora. - spyro, do you remember what day tomorrow is? elora asked spyro. spyro made a smile, easily knowing the answer.

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Episode 2 - Reunions, New Rivals and Revelations

As soon as those words left elora's mouth, ember's temper exploded and she dived at elora intending to do the faun serious bodily harm. unfortunately, for her, spyro stepped in the way.

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Between winters, Part XV

"elora!" shouted rhania. "your scent is always welcome, dear", said elora. then the badger sniffed at rhania and sent her a concerned look; "but you have lost your smell since we last met?"

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Aurora: Prologue

I am simply researching the elora that was so i can understand the esme that is. for science. for her. for me.

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Between Winters, Part 10 - One Magic Fox

elora the apothecary quietly packed her wares into separate crates and stacked them on her trade wagon preparing herself for departure, as did the carpenter, the wainwright and the many merchants of imported goods.

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