Krystal and Chase: Swordplay

Krystal and Chase: Swordplay Mira wiped her brow and smiled as she looked over the empty night club. As she smoothed out her miniskirt, the gray wolf poured herself a glass of water and took a drink the cool water refreshing her parched throat....

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Hetnen's story

Balance was kept by elder wolves, and a race of multi tailed foxes. the elder wolves kept the piece, and insured equal prosperity, while the multi tailed foxes were more of a spiritual leader. it is said that both had unusual abilities and powers.

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Kitten Magic, Fox Magic

Cody had a sneaking suspicion it wouldn't work like he had seen any multi-tailed kitsune cast a spell in his life. this 'fox magic' would probably be strangely whimsical and suddenly like 'kitten magic.' in fact...

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Wasteland Survivor - Discovery - ch21

The multi-tailed female laughed, "i think those two are planing some integration, and its a course i would be inclined to back them with. we gain a home by joining you, while you gain the magic that we can wield.

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Splintered Light, Chapter 1.3: Facing the Moonrise

The "captain's daughter" was one of many popular nicknames for a multi-tailed whip kept on board many ships for the purpose of administering corporal punishment.

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Magic and Mishaps

So after a quick call to a magically inclined, multi-tailed skunk he gets the growth spurt that he's looking for! the only problem? it doesn't seem to be stopping.

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Skylands: Hypoxia and Edema

A couple resembled multi-tailed foxes, walking on their hind legs. it was like a fantasy clearing-house, including invaders who were human, but wielding weapons normally reserved for a renaissance festival. worst of all were the dragons.

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FoxFire (Act1, Book2, Chapter8)

The little multi-tailed vixen lay down upon her stomach. she rested her elongated muzzle on the backside of her snow-hued forepaws. "go on, young one; tell me your dream."

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The Eleventh Hour (Act1, Book2, Chapter16)

Karla shrugged the said, "she's a shinto messenger god who takes the form of a multi-tailed fox. she and her human boyfriend are totally _adorbs_. i mean..." karla grinned. "adorable. they're adorable.

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