Gemini – Book 2 – Chapter 7: Theories
"(Yawn) that had to be the best night's sleep I've had in years." Glaive yawned as he woke from his slumber. Whilst in bed he stretched his limbs as his joints popped and cracked, he slid out of and onto his four hooves and made his way to living room...
Gemini – Book 2 – Chapter 6: Dreams
After an hour or so discussing what had happened, Lance awoke from his unconscious state to an unfamiliar environment. "(Yawn) Where am I?" he drowsily muttered to himself. "Lance, you O.K?" Glaive asked as he walked up to the Pegasus, "We are in...
Gemini – book 2 – chapter 5: Rescued
"Why are you running away? You're only delaying the inevitable. Why not just give up now, it'll be easier for the both of us." The colossus of ooze taunted the weak Pegasus who was running for his life as fast as he possibly could, even though the...
Gemini – Book 2 – Chapter 4: Broken and Beaten
As the two nervously approached the castle they heard a frightful roar, followed by a dark chuckle. "Still you wish to face me, are you so incompetent that you can't realise my power greatly exceeds that of your pitiful taps that you call punches!...
Gemini – book 2 – chapter 3: Secrets
With a severe stiffness in his neck Glaive awoke to find himself on a dirty floor of some sort of cramped compartment. "Dear Celestia, what happened?" he asked himself, hoping to at least regain something from the previous bout of consciousness. "What...
Gemini – Book 2 – Chapter 2: The Investigation Begins
The carriage the guards were in jostled as they landed. "I don't see why I have to come along when you're the one who messed up." Glaive muttered to himself for the umpteenth time. "Because it was still you're assignment!" Lance shouted back once...
Gemini – Book 2 – Chapter 1: Another Door Opens
As the sun rose in the barracks as second lieutenant Glaive and lieutenant lance awoke and adorned their armour in preparation for the briefing with captain Shining Armour and the rest of the group. Glaive was in the bathroom making sure that...
Gemini – chapter 14: When One Door Closes
Clover woke up in a strange position as he was propped up against a wall of a very unfriendly looking place, it was the basement where had woken up in just a few days ago. For some reason his hooves were at the same height as his head and when he tried...
Gemini – chapter 13: Changes
A loud bang echoed through his house as he startled from his sleep, the sun was still up, which was odd as he had only been expecting one pony and that would have been at night. "(Yawn) Better go see whose there then." He groggily muttered to himself...
Gemini – Chapter 12: Life Goes On
Clover had started to grow tired, a hoof connected to his muzzle and another landed on his face. Sweating and gasping for air, Clover fell to the ground. His muscles ached and his body felt heavy, and there, lying on the floor of the library's basement...
Gemini – Chapter 11: Redemption
"How long was I out for?" A groggy Clover asked the balaclava wearing mare. "Nearly a day and don't worry, nobody knows about your `little problem'." She reassured him. "But I am going to need an answer." "I'm sorry it's a lot to think about, but...
Gemini – Chapter 10: Rebirth
Celestia's sun began to fall as darkness covered the sky, Spike was fast asleep and nearly back to his original size, all the Apples had settled down for the night. All seemed perfect on the surface; unfortunately it was not so peaceful for Clover who...