Gemini – chapter 14: When One Door Closes
#15 of Gemini - Book 1
The fourteenth part of clovers adventure.
I don't own MLP
Clover woke up in a strange position as he was propped up against a wall of a very unfriendly looking place, it was the basement where had woken up in just a few days ago. For some reason his hooves were at the same height as his head and when he tried to rub his face he noticed that they would not move. But when he turned to see what was suspending them he did not see hooves, he saw the paws that had brought him so many sleepless nights, the paws that had ruined his life in a week, the paws that had ended lives. Attached to the paws were chains that led up and into the wall, he brought his gaze lower and discovered that he was his own colour but not his true shape. Sitting in that dark room completely filled with sadness for never being able to live his life with or without spike he cried, he didn't hold any tears back he just couldn't.
Days, weeks possibly months went by, he didn't count or care anymore; he just wanted it to be over. Some days Twilight would come and bring him food and others she wouldn't, but no matter what she wouldn't speak to him, and when he did she would just ignore him. At some point Clover lost the will to live and completely gave up on eating.
Like every night Clover would cry, however this night was different. In between his sobs he heard the creaking of floor boards, the soft clunk of the door handle and the high pitched screech of the hinges. He couldn't fully make out who it was but it was much too small to be Twilight, and there was only on other sentient creature that lived there. "Spike" clover croaked.
"Who's there?" The dragon said with fear dripping from his voice
"Spike it's me, Clover" The monstrous pony said as his thought nearly tore itself apart just from saying those words.
"W...what happened to you" spike whispered as he went up to the helpless creature and held its muzzle in his claws.
"Something went wrong with the meteor awhile back, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Spike you've got to let me out of here; I can't live like this anymore." Clover began to break down into tears.
"Just let me get Twilight and..." Spike couldn't finish before Clover interrupted.
"No! She's held me captive for Celestia knows how long, she won't listen. Spike listen, if you can't break me out of here just kill me," The dragon looked stunned at what he had said. "I can't live like tis any more. Please."
Spike stood up and swung his claw backwards only to bring it towards Clover with twice as much force. Clover clenched his eyes together waiting for the pain, but it never came. Instead what happened was a metallic crash as both his chains and arms tumbled to the floor.
"Go on. Run!" whispered the dragon and clover did just that. He bolted past Spike and crashed out of the library's front door, causing the unicorn above them to scream out in fear. He ran past the bakery, past sweet apple acres and into the Everfree forest.
Authors Note: It's such a shame that I have to bring Clovers storyline to an end, for now at least. But this story will continue in Gemini - Book 2, which will be uploaded later on today.