Gemini – Chapter 10: Rebirth

Story by tsjca on SoFurry

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#11 of Gemini - Book 1

The tenth part of clover's adventure.

I don't own MLP

Celestia's sun began to fall as darkness covered the sky, Spike was fast asleep and nearly back to his original size, all the Apples had settled down for the night. All seemed perfect on the surface; unfortunately it was not so peaceful for Clover who could the darkness from within grip at his mind once more as it altered his body. He had become the monster that criminals would fear again.

He ran out from the barn and headed straight for the town, which was until he was stopped by a strange force that threw him into a tree. That's when he saw two discernable features of the silhouette that had caused him to fly into a tree, a hat and a cape. He knew Mare Do Well had done this to him, but why? He needed to find out. The strange beast crawled on all fours towards her and stopped a short distance away. He could sense her fear, it was so strong and thick in the air he could almost taste it.

"What are you doing here?" She asked the slimy creature, who did not know how to respond to that question. "More to the point, what are you?"

"Come on, you idiot." Shouted the voice from within his head, "she does not know who or what you are, so make something up. Don't just stand there like an invalid."

"I do not truly know what I am anymore. But I will tell you this," Clover spoke as the second voice echoed everything he said. "I am just like you. I only want what's best for the innocent."

"Is that why you murdered two ponies?!" Mare Do Well shouted at the strange creature in front of her. "Is that also why you're here, to kill the dragon within that barn?"

The beast's eyes widen in shock. "NO! Anyway those ponies were not innocent, they do not fall within my protection, they could have changed at any time but they chose not to. You try so hard to save everypony but you can't, so why not only save the ones that are deserving of it." At this point the creature had risen to its full height to get its point across.

"You may have done what you thought was right, but the means don't justify the ends. You have no idea what could have happened to a pony to make them lead that sort of life."

"What, and a stuck up mare from Canterlot would anything about us?" the monster loudly interrupted. "Oh Celestia, why did I have to say that." Clover thought to himself.

Mare Do Well was silent, she knew nothing about this _thing_ in front of her, yet it knew where she came from and if it knew that then it probably who she was. This creature was obviously a threat to her identity and a threat to her; she blasted the beast with a large beam of magic that blew a hole in the middle of the beast which caused its host to fly back into the destroyed pile of lumber that was a tree.

"I must thank you, it seems like I no longer need that fool anymore." Clover could hear the voice that was once within his head but now it sounded distant and filled with malice. The sound of running water was the last thing he heard before weightlessness over took him.

Clover awoke to find himself back in his usual form and his head felt clearer than usual, unfortunately that was not the only change that had happened as he did not wake up in his bed or even in his house, but in a darkly lit room and strapped to a table. "W... What's going on?" His thought felt dry and sore.

"So, your awake then." Said the masked face of a mare that had just peered into his view. "First things first. I want to know if you know who I really am." She asked calmly.

"Well your Mare D..." she glared at him harshly, "Your Twilight Sparkle." He said hoarsely.

"Secondly, what was that... thing?" she said whilst trying to find the right words to describe what that monstrosity was.

"I don't know. It all started about a week ago with that meteor, ever since then it's been living in my head and changing the way I think." Clover recapped the events.

Twilight was now interested, "You talked about a meteor, what exactly do you mean?"

"It came out of the one that crashed by my house, and used the rage I harboured against the criminals you saved me from to turn me into that Creature." He said voice filled with sorrow. "Wait, what happened to it?"

"It escaped, but the way I see things is that you owe me. You may not have done it intentionally but you killed two ponies and your right, I can't save everypony but you can help me. So do you want to be my partner in fighting crime?" she asked.