Gemini – Book 2 – Chapter 2: The Investigation Begins
#2 of Gemini - Book 2
The second chapter of Glaive's adventure.
I don't own MLP
The carriage the guards were in jostled as they landed. "I don't see why I have to come along when you're the one who messed up." Glaive muttered to himself for the umpteenth time.
"Because it was still you're assignment!" Lance shouted back once more. "Just shut up. We've got work to do."
Lance opened the door and both walked out to a rabble of confused and gossiping ponies, with the crowd around them they decided to cut the argument short and proceeded to the house of Princess Twilight Sparkle. The two guards got many suspicious glances from the town's ponies who continued to stare and whisper to each other as they walked by.
When they had reached her house they knocked on the broken door and an agitated voice replied, "(Sigh) It's a public library for Celestia's sakes, you can come in." They followed the commands of the familiar voice and entered to the see the princess reading at a table. "Oh, hello. I wasn't aware Celestia was visiting today." She said as she levitated her calendar over.
"She isn't, Princess." Said Glaive. "We are here under orders from Captain Shining Armour to investigate the case involving the strange creature. So could we use your assistant to send our findings to the princess? You can of course say no, but that would mean..." Glaive couldn't finish what he was saying before he was interrupted.
"No, no. of course you can use his dragon breath, but under one condition. Spike stays here, understood?" Twilight asks.
"Of course your highness." Both guards reply instantly.
"Very good, on your way then. We need to get this sorted as soon as possible to ensure nothing else happens." The alicorn muttered to herself.
"Sorry, just one more thing." Lance pleaded. "Do you know anything about the two civilians it killed? It's just that we already have the files for Cross and Cut, the two criminals but we don't know much about the other two."
Twilight made a thoughtful humming noise. "I didn't really know Purse Strings; she lived alone so I don't know who would really know about her. However I think that the best pony to ask about Clover would be Caramel, he lives at sweet apple acres. I can show you if you want?" she asked.
"No need Princess." Said lance, interrupting Glaive. "We'll be fine; anyway we need to set up our base of operations." He said as they walked off to their temporary accommodation.
At first they looked through the folders of Cross and Cut to see if they could possibly find a motive for the attack, in case this creature was indeed sentient. Unfortunately they came to a dead end when it came apparent that these two had done so many things to so many ponies that it would be impossible to pinpoint the reason of the attack. "So, who do you think we should look into first?" Glaive asked.
"Well as the princess said that it would be difficult to find anyone who knows about Purse Strings I think we should look into Clover as she already told us who to look for." Lance replied as they got their armour on and trotted off to see Caramel.
An apple orchard stood before them as they walked to the house in the middle of the field, on their way they spotted a yellow mare bucking an apple tree and decided to ask for help. "Sorry to interrupt you ma'am but could you point us in the direction of Caramel?" Asked lance.
"Umm, yea he's jus' over there." She pointed towards the red barn. "What has he done this time?" she asked in a tired and annoyed voice.
"Nothing Ma'am, we just need to ask him a few questions regarding the recent happenings." Said Glaive, not wanting to reveal too much.
"You mean about that big l' beast that ran into the Everfree forest?" she asked.
Glaive and Lance both looked at each other with dread etched on their faces. "I'll go and ask the questions you check out the forest." Lance quickly whispered.
"Hey, why do I have to...?" Glaive stopped talking as he noticed that Lance had already flown away.
He had just crossed the border into the Everfree as he levitated his spear above his head. He could see claw marks of an unidentified creature gouged out of the trunks of trees and rocks. His heart rate spiked as he saw a large wall of earth brown fur in front of him. His breath became ragged as his eyes travelled up the colossus to its large, panting face. He screamed and threw his spear at it and ran, a roar erupted behind him and the heavy paws of the beast pounded the earth as it gave chase. He did not know how long he was running for, but at some point the beast had stopped, unlike his legs which just wanted to run to the farthest corner of the earth, that is until his head collided with a wooden trailer and a blue smudge entered his blurred vision. "What are you doing here? Can't you see that the great..." Whatever that thing was saying fell upon deaf ears as his overworked body gave in.