Gemini – Chapter 11: Redemption
#12 of Gemini - Book 1
The eleventh chapter of Clovers adventure.
I don't own MLP.
"How long was I out for?" A groggy Clover asked the balaclava wearing mare.
"Nearly a day and don't worry, nobody knows about your `little problem'." She reassured him. "But I am going to need an answer."
"I'm sorry it's a lot to think about, but your right I did cause those deaths so I will do what it takes to make things right." He said sombrely.
"Good. Then we start tonight." Mare Do Well said quickly with confidence.
Clover was shocked by this announcement, as he should rightly be, for he had nothing to hide his identity and when he thought about it, it was the ooze that had given him the means to fight crime. "Umm, I'm sorry but what will I wear. I mean you've got that costume to hide who you are; I know many don't know who I am but I still feel that I should have something you know, at least something to just cover my cutie mark."
"Hmm, I didn't think of that." She paused for a few seconds to ponder on the predicament. "Oh I know what you can use!" Off she ran leaving him behind, only to come back with a rather raggedy black full body suit. "You can wear this, I know it looks a bit... thread bare but it should do for now" Clover looked at both her and the suit strangely. "What? Fine, it's from one of my past break downs; you know the one with the Cerberus."
Not wanting to push the mare any further than he already had, he decided to get into the onesie, which he found to be quite tight. "O.K. so now what?" he asked as adrenalin started to flow through his veins as he began to guess at what it could be.
"Now we leave, but first I have some rules; number 1, we don't kill other ponies however, that's not to say you can't fight but only to stun or knock out. And number 2, stay with me at all times, I don't want you passing out on me again." She paused to let him take it all in. "Come on then, let's go."
They left the library to see that it was now night once more, before he knew it she was already gone and he was trailing behind her. The masked mare suddenly stopped by a wall to which he followed her actions and hid behind her. "O.K. a small gang of them usually hang out around here." She whispered. "I can sneak up on them from the roof top; I've seen what you can do so you should be fine." She flew up and out of sight
"She's right, I can do this." Clover ran out and tried to remember what the voice in his head sounded like and tried to copy it. He walked close to them with confidence in his stride, whilst inside he was a nervous wreck.
"Who the fuck are you?" Shouted one of the gang members, that's when he really became scared. Usually he had the strange ooze and the voice in his head to rely on, but now he was on his own down there. That's when he felt it, it was like the strange presence that had inhabited him before, but it had no sentience. It resonated from where the magical blast had knocked him from his parasite, he felt it coat his body but it didn't change nearly as much and for once he could think clearly. "What the fuck is this freak!" the same one shouted. Clover headed straight for him and unleashed a mighty head-butt.
Once again Clover felt another familiar feeling, one he thought that had come from the beast all the other times. But no, this sick feeling of pleasure derived from others pain had really come from him. He needed more. As he turned he got hoofed in the face by one of his victim's affiliates and stumbled to the ground. He hissed and growled as he struggled to break free of the group that had pinned him down. A big flash blinded all of them including clover and when he could see once more he saw Mare Do Well above him, as he got up he saw the mass of unconscious ponies around them.
"Look I like your enthusiasm, but your way of fighting is just lacking. If you are going to help me I guess I could train you." She said disappointedly.
"I'm sorry it's just that the ooze used to help me out with this." He said as they walked off back to the library.
"Well now that you brought that up, isn't it strange that you were still able to change. I even saw you leave it."
"I don't truly know myself. I felt it in me but, it didn't seem to have any control over me but more me over it." He said still not really knowing how to completely describe to Twilight how it felt.
O.K. if I'm going to train you, you have to tell me exactly what's going on tomorrow." She said still rather frustrated.