Gemini – Book 2 – Chapter 6: Dreams
#6 of Gemini - Book 2
The sixth chapter of Glaives adventure.
I don't own MLP
After an hour or so discussing what had happened, Lance awoke from his unconscious state to an unfamiliar environment. "(Yawn) Where am I?" he drowsily muttered to himself.
"Lance, you O.K?" Glaive asked as he walked up to the Pegasus, "We are in Zecora's hut out in the Everfree."
"W...Who?" Lance mumbled.
"I am Zecora, pony. It's clear why you don't know me." The zebra spoke up as she walked to the other side of Lance, "Now there is something we want to know, what happened to you a while ago?"
"She means when that 'thing' chased after you" the unicorn clarified for his confused friend.
"Well, it chased me for some time, I don't remember how long exactly. But when I had no energy left and was about to give up, it said something about something forming and took off. I don't know what the creature was talking about, but I think that if it's important to it we should try to find whatever was 'forming' before him."
"Problem is; what was forming?" Glaive pondered for a moment, "(Sigh) we can worry about that later. Zecora, is he fine enough to leave?"
"Take him home to get some rest, it is for the best." She answered.
When they were far enough away from the hut Lance asked, "What was with all the rhyming?"
"I don't know. I didn't want to push it and it grew on me after a while" Glaive replied.
"Also, why does she live out there?"
"Apparently the town's ponies think she's evil."
After a long discussion on her quirks and lifestyle they eventually made it home and both went to bed and slept soundly. At least, for a while.
Glaive found himself in the old castle he was in before and standing in front of him was a taller, stronger and more foreboding version of himself. "Who... what are you?" he said to the copy.
A soft, calm voice rang out of its mouth, "Do not be afraid, for I am the one that saved you. I have come to you in your dreams this night to warn you of the beast of ooze for it is not from this world."
"What!" Glaive shouted, "Then where does it come from?"
"I cannot say for certain, but I do know that it is causing or world of harmony to be swayed into the throes of greed, wrath and chaos. But I can help you as when I once had a mortal form, I had faced such beasts before; I know what must be done. I can see from your armour that you guard she of the sun, I only hope you and I can work together as we did once."
What had just been thrown upon Glaive was nearly too much to handle, he was speechless even though he had so many questions to ask the blessed being. Eventually he managed a "Yes."
The ancient angel that stood before him gave a heartfelt smile and simply said "Thank you." Before returning the unicorn to his dreams of a beautiful mare.